Transgender athlete takes spotlight in girls’ track meet

more black people play in the super bowl? Because all those guys in the Super Bowl as grown pro athletes must need to get to what classes the next day?
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Just as the leading cause of death for black folks is other black folks, nobody hates black people more than other black people.

I always laugh when people act like this is any type of valid talking point. It's basic sociology, inter-group violence is the most common type of violence there is. People of similar race, ethnicity, status, etc tend to cohabitate. So things like violence against each other are usually carried out by people of the same race, ethnicity, social class, etc. So this is literally true for every race on earth. But hurrr durrr black people kill other black people. Cool.
I always laugh when people act like this is any type of valid talking point. It's basic sociology, inter-group violence is the most common type of violence there is. People of similar race, ethnicity, status, etc tend to cohabitate. So things like violence against each other are usually carried out by people of the same race, ethnicity, social class, etc. So this is literally true for every race on earth. But hurrr durrr black people kill other black people. Cool.

Tell that to the Israelis.
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Tell that to the Israelis.

No I understand what you're saying and trust me I get tired of black people deaths being politicized, I'm just saying the larger point of black people killing black people isn't meaningful from a sociological context.
I always laugh when people act like this is any type of valid talking point. It's basic sociology, inter-group violence is the most common type of violence there is. People of similar race, ethnicity, status, etc tend to cohabitate. So things like violence against each other are usually carried out by people of the same race, ethnicity, social class, etc. So this is literally true for every race on earth. But hurrr durrr black people kill other black people. Cool.
yet black activist like a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Black Lives Matter would have you believe the biggest danger to blacks is white police officers or just white people in general
I always laugh when people act like this is any type of valid talking point. It's basic sociology, inter-group violence is the most common type of violence there is. People of similar race, ethnicity, status, etc tend to cohabitate. So things like violence against each other are usually carried out by people of the same race, ethnicity, social class, etc. So this is literally true for every race on earth. But hurrr durrr black people kill other black people. Cool.

The reason its significant is becuz the media portrays it like only white people kill black people
Blacks only make up 12 or 13 percent of the total United States population.

I don't know the racial breakdown of the persons who kill white people, but I bet the number of blacks responsible for those deaths is higher than 12 or 13 percent they represent in the total population.

If you look at their total percentage of population and the percentage of crimes, blacks commit a higher percentage of almost all crimes against almost all races
yet black activist like a Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Black Lives Matter would have you believe the biggest danger to blacks is white police officers or just white people in general

This is the biggest problem and they only do it for one reason. MONEY
Blacks only make up 12 or 13 percent of the total United States population.

I don't know the racial breakdown of the persons who kill white people, but I bet the number of blacks responsible for those deaths is higher than 12 or 13 percent they represent in the total population.

If you look at their total percentage of population and the percentage of crimes, blacks commit a higher percentage of almost all crimes against almost all races

So whats the answer? To me its education. We need educated people not people easily manipulated by the media.
So what's the conclusion? Blacks are just inherently more violent than other races? Is it in the DNA? Think deeper.
Blacks only make up 12 or 13 percent of the total United States population.

I don't know the racial breakdown of the persons who kill white people, but I bet the number of blacks responsible for those deaths is higher than 12 or 13 percent they represent in the total population.

If you look at their total percentage of population and the percentage of crimes, blacks commit a higher percentage of almost all crimes against almost all races

Crime statistics show that most violence is intra-racial. As for the apparently disparity between black-on-white vs white-on-black violence, let's try a silly analogy.

If I have a bowl of 10 black M&Ms and 90 white M&Ms, each black M&M will have a greater number of adjacent white M&Ms than the other way around. Many white M&Ms will have no contact with any black M&Ms, at all.

If you assume that 1 in 10 M&Ms, of any color, commits a serious act of violence against one other M&M, you will find that 1) M&M violence is more likely to be directed at M&Ms of the same color and 2) the rate of black-on-white M&M violence is greater than the rate of white-on-black M&M violence. Is this because black M&Ms are more violent towards white M&Ms. No. This is a function of black M&Ms being the minority that is surrounded by white M&Ms, while white M&Ms are more likely to be surrounded by other white M&Ms.

Now, just replace those M&Ms with people.
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Crime statistics show that most violence is intra-racial. As for the apparently disparity between black-on-white vs white-on-black violence, let's try a silly analogy.

If I have a bowl of 10 black M&Ms and 90 white M&Ms, each black M&M will have a greater number of adjacent white M&Ms than the other way around. Many white M&Ms will have no contact with any black M&Ms, at all.

If you assume that 1 in 10 M&Ms, of any color, commits a serious act of violence against one other M&M, you will find that 1) M&M violence is more likely to be directed at M&Ms of the same color and 2) the rate of black-on-white M&M violence is greater than the rate of white-on-black M&M violence. Is this because black M&Ms are more violent towards white M&Ms. No. This is a function of black M&Ms being the minority that is surrounded by white M&Ms, while white M&Ms are more likely to be surrounded by other white M&Ms.

Now, just replace those M&Ms with people.

One of the few decent posts in this shithole of a thread.

I've lost a lot of respect for a lot of people reading this tripe.
No I understand what you're saying and trust me I get tired of black people deaths being politicized, I'm just saying the larger point of black people killing black people isn't meaningful from a sociological context.

Anywhere but the US you will actually find anywhere homogenous societies abut each other is where the majority of the violence is. This is due in large part with the adherents of Islam's complete and total inability to get along with their neighbors. Theres also some getback resulting from the colonization for various places by the Dutch/French/British/Portuguese. For instance if you're white and looking to get murdered, South Africa is the place to be.

Back to the original point, there is an idea, especially among academic circles that since white people are atop the ladder of privilege that they can't be the victim of racism or prejudice. Which we both know is complete and utter bullshit. But given what black folk have endured during their stay here, I wouldn't blame any of them in the slightest for exploiting this oddity of thought.
I always laugh when people act like this is any type of valid talking point. It's basic sociology, inter-group violence is the most common type of violence there is. People of similar race, ethnicity, status, etc tend to cohabitate. So things like violence against each other are usually carried out by people of the same race, ethnicity, social class, etc. So this is literally true for every race on earth. But hurrr durrr black people kill other black people. Cool.

Maybe, when it comes to each other, black lives really don't matter all that much afterall...:eek: --- o_O --- :cool:

When the black people were freed, and if the black people are superior, or at least equal to white people, then why didn't all of the black people return to their fine fellows in Africa?
Read up on the history of Liberia.
(a thousands bs reasons are forthcoming, to avoid the actual truth)

Black people will have proven that they are equal in all ways, when they no longer need the support and special considerations (such as, but not limited to, quotas) granted to them by white people.

Black men can't wait to sleep with or marry a 'pretty white woman' (Ali--OJ--etc).
White men rarely want to marry a black woman.
Why it that, and which group are really the racist in their choices?

BTW, I attempted to date a black woman back in the 70's when we were both in our 20's, and while she liked me and we sat and talked for hours on end, she would not date me. I eventually asked her why? She responded that her family would never accept me, (honest answer from her). I told her that mine would likely not accept her either, but that I didn't care if they didn't, their choice. She said that she did care and did not wish to give up her close family ties. We remained friends, but slowly drifted apart after that.... To bad (for me). :(

There are many question and circumstances that I don't know about, therefore the questions I have??? I am always open to good 'honest' information about areas where I lack knowledge...
So what's the conclusion? Blacks are just inherently more violent than other races? Is it in the DNA? Think deeper.

I really don't know, (many questions remain) but I do know that the majority of blacks in America had it better than most blacks did where they came from, and where they were sold into slavery to begin with... Thus most of them did not want to return to Africa once the North finally got around to passing the Emancipation Act years later.

In America, when the white Europeans arrived, those that had previously migrated here (mis-called Indians) were eventually militarily overcome and the survivors were placed on reservations.

In Africa, when one tribe militarily overcame others, they either slaughtered them, or they enslaved them if they wanted to live. Eventually, when white traders stopped by, they sold off their excess slaves for the white manufactured goods.

Which of those two outcomes seems the more violent and/or inhumane to you?

How about a double whammy?

Boco Haram and Islam combined...
So what's the conclusion? Blacks are just inherently more violent than other races? Is it in the DNA? Think deeper.
i am well aware of the reasons blacks commit more crimes. A cycle of hopelesness due to growing up in less stable family environments, living in lower income and higher crime areas, and attending worse schools.

But they still commit more crimes which was my only point. This includes being involved in more than 12 or 13 percent of the murders of white people that their total population represents
Crime statistics show that most violence is intra-racial. As for the apparently disparity between black-on-white vs white-on-black violence, let's try a silly analogy.

If I have a bowl of 10 black M&Ms and 90 white M&Ms, each black M&M will have a greater number of adjacent white M&Ms than the other way around. Many white M&Ms will have no contact with any black M&Ms, at all.

If you assume that 1 in 10 M&Ms, of any color, commits a serious act of violence against one other M&M, you will find that 1) M&M violence is more likely to be directed at M&Ms of the same color and 2) the rate of black-on-white M&M violence is greater than the rate of white-on-black M&M violence. Is this because black M&Ms are more violent towards white M&Ms. No. This is a function of black M&Ms being the minority that is surrounded by white M&Ms, while white M&Ms are more likely to be surrounded by other white M&Ms.

Now, just replace those M&Ms with people.

But there is white people so white people should be committing more crimes but their not. It boils down to education. Their are some fine dmeducated black men/women out there but on avg the education lvl is lower. Not putting it all on them, we as a society dont value education the way we should
And 3 generations after the Civil War ended, they had no one to blame but themselves for where they were, or for their present getto conditions decades (a century+) later, imo.

The many other ethnic groups and races that came here have made successful lives for themselves. If they spent as much money on private schools, or on home schooling, as they spend yearly on ribs cosmetics, consumer electronics, and jewelry, they could be anywhere that they wanted to be by now. It seems to me that very few of them have boots with straps on them.... o_O
(but blacks are not alone in this, some members of the other races make similar poor choices all the time)

To me, it's not skin color that makes the difference, it's the
CULTURE. If you don't want to do it like the founding fathers set it up to be, then freakin' go back to where your loser culture is from. IF you imigrate here, then leave your loser culture behind and take up a proven winners culture. Pretty simple really.... :cool:

The proof for that is the one's that HAVE made successful lives for themselves, by their own hard work and choices. They prove that it can be done by anyone that is willing to apply themselves.
Anywhere but the US you will actually find anywhere homogenous societies abut each other is where the majority of the violence is. This is due in large part with the adherents of Islam's complete and total inability to get along with their neighbors. Theres also some getback resulting from the colonization for various places by the Dutch/French/British/Portuguese. For instance if you're white and looking to get murdered, South Africa is the place to be.

Back to the original point, there is an idea, especially among academic circles that since white people are atop the ladder of privilege that they can't be the victim of racism or prejudice. Which we both know is complete and utter bullshit. But given what black folk have endured during their stay here, I wouldn't blame any of them in the slightest for exploiting this oddity of thought.

Yep, if i was black i would be playing the race card constantly
And 3 generations after the Civil War ended, they had no one to blame but themselves for where they were, or for their present getto conditions decades (a century+) later, imo.

The many other ethnic groups and races that came here have made successful lives for themselves. If they spent as much money on private schools, or on home schooling, as they spend yearly on ribs cosmetics, consumer electronics, and jewelry, they could be anywhere that they wanted to be by now. It seems to me that very few of them have boots with straps on them.... o_O
(but blacks are not alone in this, some members of the other races make similar poor choices all the time)

To me, it's not skin color that makes the difference, it's the
CULTURE. If you don't want to do it like the founding fathers set it up to be, then freakin' go back to where your loser culture is from. IF you imigrate here, then leave your loser culture behind and take up a proven winners culture. Pretty simple really.... :cool:

The proof for that is the one's that HAVE made successful lives for themselves, by their own hard work and choices. They prove that it can be done by anyone that is willing to apply themselves.

So u dont think we shoukd have sharia law?
So u dont think we shoukd have sharia law?

Is it in the Constitution? I, among many others, have sworn a lifetime sacred oath to support and defend the Constitution, so if it was in there, then I'd be all for it.... :rolleyes:

Quick Answer --- NFW!!! :cool:
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The one thing I'll say about this thread, the enthusiasm for Trump makes a lot more sense to me.

I don't know if it's that more than just calling out soft hypocrites and the other side of hilary being awful and actually worse in this deal as well..

I know as a military guy our boys are getting paid more immediately from Trump being in office and our very own from the Marines running the show...
Yep, if i was black i would be playing the race card constantly

And if I was white, I'd make it my business to give every minority I see the finger every chance I got. If I was the race that was least developed to deal with wide ranges of climate and I'd conquered the whole world anyhow, I'd be damned if I felt bad about it.
Truth hurts sometimes. Even if its not politically correct. These convos need to happen. Go find a safe space

Lol. Yeah, you guys are really getting to the bottom of it. Are you capable of expressing a thought that hasn't appeared previously as a bullet point on Fox News?
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Lol. Yeah, you guys are really getting to the bottom of it. Are you capable of expressing a thought that hasn't appeared previously as a bullet point on Fox News?

I dont really watch fox news considering i work all day and night, i cant remember the last time i saw it. Sorry, unlike u collecting a welfare check, i actually work hard and earn my money
And if I was white, I'd make it my business to give every minority I see the finger every chance I got. If I was the race that was least developed to deal with wide ranges of climate and I'd conquered the whole world anyhow, I'd be damned if I felt bad about it.

U black? Hispanic?
I don't have a clue about Bradley personally, but I know that if you EVER disagree with a liberal you are in for it lol... The problem with lib crybabies is they have no idea how they are in every way the type of people that they hate the most, the irony is epic reaching levels... And have no idea how hypocritical they are being about every topic, for a group of people that preach equality and sensitivity so much and so often, they are the exact opposite and argumentative and condemning labeling babies of all
And if I was white, I'd make it my business to give every minority I see the finger every chance I got. If I was the race that was least developed to deal with wide ranges of climate and I'd conquered the whole world anyhow, I'd be damned if I felt bad about it.

I'd recommend you read some books that actually explain how Europeans came to take over the world.

Spoiler alert - it has absolutely nothing to f*cking do with some kind of racial superiority.,_Germs,_and_Steel
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But there is white people so white people should be committing more crimes but their not. It boils down to education. Their are some fine dmeducated black men/women out there but on avg the education lvl is lower. Not putting it all on them, we as a society dont value education the way we should

I admire the chutzpah of a guy who has the nerve to critique the education of others, while using the language of a third grader.
If you want to go that route, that's fine.

It is interesting though that other civilizations never technologically evolved.

because no other country summoned the wormhole of time travel and infinite space and have superior technological space crafts crash in their air space and land like the US in roswell..
I'd recommend you read some books that actually explain how Europeans came to take over the world.

Spoiler alert - it has absolutely nothing to f*cking do with some kind of racial superiority.,_Germs,_and_Steel

I never suggested that it had anything to do with racial superiority. It was a combination of luck and theft. Besides, it doesn't matter how they did it, it's THAT they did it. And a lot of times they didn't do the heavy lifting themselves. The British were famous for divide and conquer. And in certain embarrassing instances, they just let business take over a country, i.e. the East India Tea company taking over India with Nepalese mercenaries and Gurkha.
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