Tigers @ Gators...

System -- Excellent

Coaching - Excellent

Consistency - Excellent

Team Discipline - Excellent

Recruiting - Outstanding

Fan Support - Outstanding

So don't change a thing, because everything is going great....
This is what it gets you in the real world, not some Socialist's claimed utopia. Over 7 Million men ages 25>50 have now left the work force and become lay-about's, living off girl friends, family, and the Rat's Govt. Here are the results of that, so see for yourself. They now spend over 2,000 wasted hours/year looking into one video screen or another.

If not for Ron DeSantis and Florida's Patriots, that would be coming to Florida by now, and Rat controlled Gainesville would be at the top of the list to look like that imo....

On election day, everyone can choose which way they want to live, and under which conditions....
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