Those who have nothing to hide

It's amazing how ignorant the sheep are of basic facts.

The Dominion machines have been subpoenaed for audit and the dems are refusing to turn them over.

This story has been going on for literally weeks. How in the blue hell have you not of this? Marc Elias isn't mentioning, I take it?
I would have already thrown them in jail
because there was. Demand a forensic audit, not a hand recount. The election was stolen. Period. The media buried stories, social media prevented them from being posted. 10 percent of Beijing biden voters said if they knew about the hunter biden stuff prior to election they wouldn’t have voted for him. 10 PERCENT. This is America not China. We don’t need a press or social media suppressing information. That should scare the hell out of anyone.
FL and TX count mail-ins first. Was it 6 states where Trump lead on election day? 6 states shut down counting then restarted and miraculously found an all time record number of Biden mail-ins. 72 million plus Americans will never see Beijing Biden as legitimate.
Yeah there is no rational way to spin It. If you are hiding something, you don’t want it looked into. That tells the anybody with half a brain they are not comfortable with them auditing, because they know there is fraud.

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