Things end badly for Antifa thug

They fought the North over states' rights. Again, the North only decided to push to end slavery when they discovered that it was a potential economic boon to the South that the North couldn't leverage as well. There was no moral outrage, it was all about the North wanting to keep the power in the country and they saw that the South was an emerging economic powerhouse.
Something we agree on.

Many Northern states had slavery legal until the 1850s or so.

They didn't care. When they were building the Erie Canal, they started using Irish, and switched to black slaves because it was too dangerous and they were paying too much death benefits to Irish widows.

It was purely economics.

The Union did the typical Anglo thing, and cloaked their naked ambition with some moral pretext.
I'm a tri-racial isolate of the Melungeon group. I'm Congolese-Cherokee-Caucasian. My DNA analysis was done at Genelex Labs in Seattle in 2008 and 23andme in Dec., 2018.

I am of Neanderthal descent.
You should have some neanderthal from your Caucasian part.

You should have Dinisovian from your Cherokee part.

And the genetic diversity among Africans is huge, even the Congolese. I know there are tribes in Nigeria who have up to 8-10% range of archaic hominid genome.

I hope you never need a transplant.

What can you tell me about the Melungins?

Hope you have a great new year.
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You should have some neanderthal from your Caucasian part.

You should have Dinisovian from your Cherokee part.

And the genetic diversity among Africans is huge, even the Congolese. I know there are tribes in Nigeria who have up to 8-10% range of archaic hominid genome.

I hope you never need a transplant.

What can you tell me about the Melungins?

Hope you have a great new year.

Ha. I see you caused quite a stir on the Main Board. Too funny. Those guys don’t know what to do with you.
You should have some neanderthal from your Caucasian part.

You should have Dinisovian from your Cherokee part.

And the genetic diversity among Africans is huge, even the Congolese. I know there are tribes in Nigeria who have up to 8-10% range of archaic hominid genome.

I hope you never need a transplant.

What can you tell me about the Melungins?

Hope you have a great new year.

The Melungeons were discovered around 1640 in Tennessee. My g-g-great grandfather was born in Tennessee.

The Melungeons are heavy in Asia Minor DNA. Asia Minor is Turkey, Iraq, Syria, first migration out of Africa. Dark skin European. Wife's father was dark skin. Wife is 6 percent Asia Minor, the rest European Caucasian. I have the central Asia cranial ridge and double jointed thumbs. All but one grand children have the Anatolian bump at the back of the skull. Turkey used to be called Anatolia. A son and a grand son have double jointed thumbs. I have Asian shovel teeth.

All these features are common in the Melungeons. Asian shovel teeth are common in American Indians. I am 9 percent East Asian. All American Indians have East Asian DNA.

Famous Melungeons include Abraham Lincoln, Ava Gardner, Elvis Presley, George C. Scott, Tom Hanks and Heather Locklear.
The Melungeons are heavy in Asia Minor DNA. Asia Minor is Turkey, Iraq, Syria, first migration out of Africa. Dark skin European. Wife's father was dark skin. Wife is 6 percent Asia Minor, the rest European Caucasian. I have the central Asia cranial ridge and double jointed thumbs. All but one grand children have the Anatolian bump at the back of the skull. Turkey used to be called Anatolia. A son and a grand son have double jointed thumbs. I have Asian shovel teeth.

@BSC911 read that and muttered under his breath "hes not that smart..." and stuck his bottom lip out.
The Melungeons were discovered around 1640 in Tennessee. My g-g-great grandfather was born in Tennessee.

The Melungeons are heavy in Asia Minor DNA. Asia Minor is Turkey, Iraq, Syria, first migration out of Africa. Dark skin European. Wife's father was dark skin. Wife is 6 percent Asia Minor, the rest European Caucasian. I have the central Asia cranial ridge and double jointed thumbs. All but one grand children have the Anatolian bump at the back of the skull. Turkey used to be called Anatolia. A son and a grand son have double jointed thumbs. I have Asian shovel teeth.

All these features are common in the Melungeons. Asian shovel teeth are common in American Indians. I am 9 percent East Asian. All American Indians have East Asian DNA.

Famous Melungeons include Abraham Lincoln, Ava Gardner, Elvis Presley, George C. Scott, Tom Hanks and Heather Locklear.
I've always heard stories about Melungins. However it's spelled.

But I had basically assumed it was a myth, or misunderstanding. Figured could have been people running away from the Spanish or something.

I grew up near that area. There isn't (that I know about) any community of Melungins.

My dad always told me they were real, I guess he was correct.
Ha. I see you caused quite a stir on the Main Board. Too funny. Those guys don’t know what to do with you.
There is a guy on my home board who is convinced I'm a Nazi. He is mostly trying to virtue signal because he impregnated a Jewish woman, so his kids are Jewish.

I told him I didn't think the difference in Hitler having Europe, compared to Stalin having it, was not worth 400k American lives.

For that, I'm a Nazi.

So I decided to give him a present. The last few days have been the best of his life.
I've always heard stories about Melungins. However it's spelled.

But I had basically assumed it was a myth, or misunderstanding. Figured could have been people running away from the Spanish or something.

I grew up near that area. There isn't (that I know about) any community of Melungins.

My dad always told me they were real, I guess he was correct.

Your father was correct. There is no community of Melungeons that I am aware of.
There is a guy on my home board who is convinced I'm a Nazi. He is mostly trying to virtue signal because he impregnated a Jewish woman, so his kids are Jewish.

I told him I didn't think the difference in Hitler having Europe, compared to Stalin having it, was not worth 400k American lives.

For that, I'm a Nazi.

So I decided to give him a present. The last few days have been the best of his life.
History tends to teach things in terms of good vs. evil when it’s usually just different shades.
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History tends to teach things in terms of good vs. evil when it’s usually just different shades.
Pretending to be a Nazi did teach me one thing.

We're taught to look down on the Nazis, and consider what they did the most evil thing ever. Ok.

Well, the Germans did not do anything to the Jews that we Americans did not do to Indians or Africans. The only difference is a matter of degree, not kind.

But the Jews have gotten so much sympathy, so much financial compensation. Blacks in America haven't gotten anything. Indians have casinos and reservations.

The only reason we view the Holocaust as a worse tragedy is white supreamcy.
Or the Irish, or the Chinese.

OR the west coast Japanese...
Yeah, and as tragic as 6 million dead Jews is, its no more tragic than the millions of people the Japanese killed. Or the millions of Indians the British let starve to death so they could keep the red army fed.

An interesting compilation of news paper headlines from the early 20th century.

I think we're all being scammed.
Yeah, and as tragic as 6 million dead Jews is, its no more tragic than the millions of people the Japanese killed. Or the millions of Indians the British let starve to death so they could keep the red army fed.

An interesting compilation of news paper headlines from the early 20th century.

I think we're all being scammed.
I learned to hate the British and Muslims at my fathers knee. He managed to survive their parting gift, letting them rampage unchecked on their way North to Pakistan.
I learned to hate the British and Muslims at my fathers knee. He managed to survive their parting gift, letting them rampage unchecked on their way North to Pakistan.
Are you sub Continental Indian? With a Confederate battle flag avatar?

I'm a firm believer that the British have done more to harm the world than anyone else.

They decided to bring slaves to North America. We have to live with that fallout.

They were a big part in sparking two world wars, that have fatally wounded Western Civilization.

They promised the Arabs a super state to help defeat the Central Powers in WW I. The Arabs did their part, with Mr. Lawrence, but instead gave them a bunch of weak states, and betrayed them further with the Balfour Declaration.

There is no repairing that.

Iran is our enemy entirely because the Brits meddling there, for oil.

I could go on, but you get the point.

The Spanish model was more medieval, it was more brutal, but they didn't leave enough people behind to hold a grudge, though.
Yeah. Look closer though, you might get the joke.
I see the image, and looking closer I don't recognize it.

Doesn't bother me, unless someone is mocking or in some way misusing the flag.

What does that symbol you've put over it mean?

It looks like of like a Ferengi ship designs used in star trek.
I see the image, and looking closer I don't recognize it.

Doesn't bother me, unless someone is mocking or in some way misusing the flag.

What does that symbol you've put over it mean?

It looks like of like a Ferengi ship designs used in star trek.
It does, don't it.

It's the symbol of the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars, making it a true "Rebel flag."
May the Force be with y'all.
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