Still VACCINATING RSV babies since the 90’s with that “vaccine” that wasn’t actually a vaccine? Or did you go back in time to treat them with a vax that went into clinical
trials 2 weeks prior to you posting it?
Who is 'they'? Give us the names. This always seems to be an issue for you. Hey where do you go to school?
This is an important topic. One the nation is reeling with. Trust of our medical professionals after Covid.
Since I couldn’t respond in the other thread, but someone opened the window here. I had family in the medical industry at the time read his nonsense about what he said he was doing. VACCINATING infants for RSV. They just shook their head and said, “someone isn’t telling the truth about something”.
What happened is he got caught. Said he had been vaccinating infants for RSV since the 90’s. See first link. In the context here, he did so as a means of trying to manipulate ones belief that covid vaccines were safe. Then when he got called out, he tried to double down, but did it in a very disingenuous manner. He changed it to a monoclonal treatment (which actually would work against his argument), but then posted a link to a RSV vaccine that had been in clinical phase 1 trials for 2 weeks. (See 2nd link)
Now you see why I condensed my post in the other thread. (Unapproved treatment) Sorry, but this is an important topic. There is massive distrust in our medical communities right now, and IMO it’s because of behaviors like the above. Instead of swallowing pride, dr’s doubled down. And the Above is the perfect example for the distrust. You don’t win that trust back by continuing these behaviors.
Why is that important? Because there are certain occupations (police, military, medical, firefighters etc) where a certain standard of behavior SHOULD be observed and maintained. I realize there are bad apples in each, but that’s the point here.
Let’s use
@BamaFan1137 as an example (my apologies sir) A police officer. IMO, a good apple. He and I have had many heated debates on here, but he has never done the following that I am aware…
- Mislead intentionally
- Doubled down on that behavior when he found it he was wrong or misstated something.
- Attempted to manipulate an opinion, using false information about his work.
- Used said false information in direct conflict of interest with the oath he took to manipulate behavior for his own benefit. (To try and prove a message board point). So he could be….right.
Whether you are a dr, military, police officer etc…We all take different Oaths of service. One that while we serve are very important. And when one doesn’t act in a manner consistent with that oath, it breaks public trust. No different than a police officer or service member that abuses their power. It’s wrong and does damage. Dr’s are not exempt from blowback when they do something wrong. For me, a police officer or service member that abuses power aren’t officers or military. They are just gangsters with a badge. No different than a dr who does that. They aren’t doctors when they put their own personal pride above the treatment of their patients.
Hippocratic oath, ethical code attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession throughout the ages and still used in the graduation ceremonies of many medical schools. Learn more about the Hippocratic oath in this article.