Nah, that's just good old fashioned climate change.Hit -104F windchill tonight in mt Washington tonight. Coldest windchill ever recorded in the USA. Maybe matches is right and we are headed into a global cooling cycle!
Nah, that's just good old fashioned climate change.Hit -104F windchill tonight in mt Washington tonight. Coldest windchill ever recorded in the USA. Maybe matches is right and we are headed into a global cooling cycle!
The presupposition that we don’t is the main problem.No, I just don’t really want to debate on this forum. I appreciate matches difference of opinions from me but he is pretty good at this. And I graduated college with a 2.7 so I’m not saying I’m an Einstein or anything over here. I just care about sustainability and the environment.
Other than just preventing unnecessary pollution by using reasonable methods, humankind is not going to change our climate. It's arrogant as hell to assume we have that ability. Climate's going to climate, always has, always will. We are powerless and pretending to live like cavemen is a fool's errand.The presupposition that we don’t is the main problem.
I’d love a warmist to refute that video. I’ve heard him make this point before and much like liberal elites buying multi-million dollar oceanfront properties it makes no sense to me.
I loved the way he took command of the room, spanked them, and sent them to bed without supper. 😂I’d love a warmist to refute that video. I’ve heard him make this point before and much like liberal elites buying multi-million dollar oceanfront properties it makes no sense to me.
Now they are running articles telling people that Frost quakes are a result of global warming.
We absolutely do. Unfortunately, the warmists have proven time and time again that they couldn't care less about the environment.The presupposition that we don’t is the main problem.
And remember friends, man made climate change is based on unassailable science.
Right ReRe? That's why the predictions of doom and gloom thus far have been stellar?
Perhaps that is why we have 96 pages of "it's cold today" satire???
Odd that you can recognize the ridiculousness of one narrative while the other continues to own you.
Trust the experts.Serious, peer-reviewed, research
Didn't I see some mention of you being in your 20s? Up until 1987 or so, the media spin was that we were headed for an Ice Age. @DCandtheUTBand posted a video from a TV Special that Jimmy Carter did while he was President where he told the American people that Americans needed to set their thermostats to 55 degrees in the winter, and just accept that we were going to be cold AF every winter from now on.If matches is right about a cooling climate change pattern starting up here, I will vote down ballot Republican every two years for the rest of my life.
If matches is right about a cooling climate change pattern starting up here, I will vote down ballot Republican every two years for the rest of my life.
Im 37. God willing you can have 60 years of consistent Republican votes every two years.Didn't I see some mention of you being in your 20s? Up until 1987 or so, the media spin was that we were headed for an Ice Age. @DCandtheUTBand posted a video from a TV Special that Jimmy Carter did while he was President where he told the American people that Americans needed to set their thermostats to 55 degrees in the winter, and just accept that we were going to be cold AF every winter from now on.
The planet is an icecube. Sounds like the planet is on fire, right?
The Coming Ice Age. Harper's Magazine, 1959.
History repeats itself. It's not a matter of if the warmists wil become coolists again, but when.
@Uniformed_ReRe will be first in line to be hoodwinked.
37. At that age I was entering the prime of my life. Enjoy the next 20 years of your life. They will be your best ones. They were for me, and oh how were they. I was king of the hill.Im 37. God willing you can have 60 years of consistent Republican votes every two years.
Serious, peer-reviewed, research doesn’t include “predictions of doom and gloom.”
Serious, peer reviewed, research also doesn't unequivocally assign blame of climate change on mankind.
So pick a stance imo. You either side with the serious, peer reviewed, scientists or with the alarmists you mentioned.
I've never doubted that climate changes or that it is changing. I've doubted man's impact on that change. How about you?
Overpopulation might be a cause of that. Are you saying as responsible planet keepers we need a purge? 😂Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but I thought I declared my stance that I side with the serious, peer-reviewed, scientists over the alarmists.
I guess I “doubt” that the surface of the Earth will be swept up into a Venusian hellscape by the time I qualify for AARP membership, but I think man is a factor in gradually increasing the mean global temperature.
Then your vehemently against govt overreach in changing out economy to be “green”?Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but I thought I declared my stance that I side with the serious, peer-reviewed, scientists over the alarmists.
I guess I “doubt” that the surface of the Earth will be swept up into a Venusian hellscape by the time I qualify for AARP membership, but I think man is a factor in gradually increasing the mean global temperature.
Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but I thought I declared my stance that I side with the serious, peer-reviewed, scientists over the alarmists.
I guess I “doubt” that the surface of the Earth will be swept up into a Venusian hellscape by the time I qualify for AARP membership, but I think man is a factor in gradually increasing the mean global temperature.
If ReRe was consistent, he'd agree the 2020 election was stolen. 😂But let's stop creating policy based on gut feelings and opinions imho.
You ever use Windfinder or Windy to watch storms? I look at it often not only to see marine conditions (for fishing purposes) but also hurricanes. If not, take a peek at it. You can parse with it just like Google Earth. But my point...............the north Atlantic is a no fun zone most of the year. There are gale force storm winds going on for most of the year. I don't know how anyone lives in that region, it must really suck.A couple days ago I checked on Goose Bay, Labrador. -16F. About what I lived with when I was stationed there long ago. Greenland is still to cold for the Vikings to herd cattle as they did in the 10s and 1100s.
This is a typical day in Greenland and Iceland (which supposedly has milder climate than Greenland) Constant wind of 45-50 mph. And it's like this during the summers too.A couple days ago I checked on Goose Bay, Labrador. -16F. About what I lived with when I was stationed there long ago. Greenland is still to cold for the Vikings to herd cattle as they did in the 10s and 1100s.
So help me here....I just googled it, Greenland covers 836,000 square miles.This is a typical day in Greenland and Iceland (which supposedly has milder climate than Greenland) Constant wind of 45-50 mph. And it's like this during the summers too.
Windfinder - wind, wave & weather reports, forecasts & statistics worldwide
Wind and weather reports & forecasts for kitesurfers, windsurfers, surfers, sailors and paragliders for over 160,000 locations
So help me here....I just googled it, Greenland covers 836,000 square miles.
If the earth is on fire, how is a country almost a million miles in area seeing such a cold climate? Shouldn't things be heating up there?
Or does 'global warming' somehow skip Greenland? I thought GLOBAL means the ENTIRE GLOBE?
I wouldn't be surprised. Just like I wouldn''t be surprised if the planet wasn't cooling slightly in the 50s-80s when the media and left told us here comes the Ice Age.Therein lies the lie. It gets colder in some places and warmer in others. Overall I do think it's probably warming slightly.
Libs are SUPER quiet in those threads...records broke but the earth is hotter ?
The coldest temperature ever recorded in the United States, -80 degrees, was documented in Alaska in 1971, as the Weather Channel reported. For the mainland U.S., the all-time low was -70 degrees in 1954 at Rogers Pass, Montana.
It's kind of tough of tough to parrot the Warmist Religion, knowing the planet has seen drastic changes since it's birth. Not to mention recently getting spanked hard about the vaccine jab. That was an ass whuppin.Libs are SUPER quiet in those threads...
Serious, peer-reviewed, research doesn’t include “predictions of doom and gloom.” They just make projections about the value of some data, like mean global temperature, over time.
The “doom and gloom” comes from media pundits and politicians. I don’t endorse them and I have always been opposed to unnecessary alarmism.
Is it just me or does anyone think @instaGATOR hasn't figured out how to see notifications yet? He's missing out.
He's been busy getting triggered by the Fevered Brains at the basketball thread.Is it just me or does anyone think @instaGATOR hasn't figured out how to see notifications yet? He's missing out.
Insta being beamed up?What will the warmest say about this?
Arctic blast so cold it creates a steam devil ?
Arctic blast led to rare weather phenomenon over a Vermont lake
Onlookers near Vermont's Lake Champlain might have caught sight of a funnel over the water, but this was no waterspout.