Thanksgiving coldest on record in the NEast


butt-boy is a buffoon 😭😭😭😭

Buttigieg: Americans Could Save a Lot of Money Buying an EV 'If They Could Afford It'😲


Warmer cars getting really WARM 🤭😭😭😭

@Kingseve1 @Mdfgator

The Science of Why Electric Vehicle Batteries Are So Dangerous


Warmer cars getting really WARM 🤭😭😭😭

@Kingseve1 @Mdfgator

The Science of Why Electric Vehicle Batteries Are So Dangerous


I want a measure of the carbon footprint of that Tesla ASAP!
He’s basically completely shut down leasing on federal land.

He’s approved 126k acres. Next closest was Nixon at 4.4 million acres (in the same time frame).

We are screwed and BSC is a liar - he’s either not an expert or he’s an expert and lying about what he knows.
Both are true
I’m on vacation to the mother country for a couple of weeks but do you really expect me to respond to an article from the Daily Caller about oil and gas. Please provide an industry source or I will just ignore you ignorant MFs. You embarrass yourselves with your o nonsense

But yes, we ARE drilling more under Biden if you are asking. Rig count has more than doubled since he took over. I don’t know why I waste my time with you Trumpers.

Go Gators. .
You are a liar
Warmer cars getting really WARM 🤭😭😭😭

@Kingseve1 @Mdfgator

The Science of Why Electric Vehicle Batteries Are So Dangerous


So the warmists want nothing but electric vehicles by 2035 all because of the movie I; Robot was in the year 2035 with nothing but EV's all over the streets of Chicago.
Warmers are sick people

Charlie Crist: We Must Address Climate Change to Reduce Storms

People in Europe will freeze to and starve to death this winter because of the insane Warmers

Exclusive — Michael Yon: Globalist-Driven Energy Crisis Has Put Europe on Brink of Freezing, Widespread Food Shortages​


Lefties will literally die for their politics. We found this out in 2020 when many willingly injected an unapproved substance into their bodies simply because their political party told them to.
I saw this guy on the Ingram angle tonight. He’s a former warmest Professor who now calls climate change a scam

he just destroyed @BSC911 @Mdfgator @Kingseve1 @RayGravesGhost tonight

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BTW if man-made climate change is real, why isn't @Uniformed_ReRe and @BSC911 going over to Europe to change the climate and stop winter from happening? You guys ok with people dying and doing nothing to stop it?
@BSC911 is either lying about being a world traveler, lying about caring so much about the environment or lying about being rich.

Or perhaps lying about all three.
@BSC911 @Kingseve1 @Mdfgator

warmer Hoax

Scott Melbye: Even the Left Recognizes Green Energy Transition a 'Colossal Failure'

"I think you now have the left realizing what we all have seen with our very own eyes is that this transition to green energy has been a colossal failure. It’s been a failure because it’s relied more on ideology. This idea that renewables that run only 30 percent of the time can run our electricity is insane.”



like Komrade Bob who seized the white farmers land in Zimbabwe the Dutch warmer government threatening to seize Dutch farmers land because of warming.

Dutch Farmers Promise Fresh Protests After Govt Backs Plan to Forcibly Seize Farmland​

Dutch farmers’ organisations have vowed to launch more protests in the Netherlands in response to advice from the government’s mediator, who has called for the forceable relocation of farming firms and the seizure of up to 600 farms deemed to be the heaviest nitrogen emitters.

Farmers Defence Force leader Mark Van den Oever announced this week that Dutch farmers will once again take to the streets after the government expressed its intentions to adopt the plan presented by former deputy prime minister Johan Remkes to meet the nitrogen standards demanded by the European Union.

December temperatures and major snowfall in October ? Warming?

Coldest air of season so far to bring some snow to Northeast​


MEANWHILE IN MICHIGAN 🥶❄️ At least 14" of snow today in the Upper Peninsula along with 50+ mph gusts from a powerful October storm. Winter came early!

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What’s this….Warming in Florida?

@gatordad3 @NavigatorII @Gator Fever fevered - brain🧠 @instaGATOR @Capt Ron 1

FLORIDA FALL FRONT! 🍁🥶 Get ready for a chill in the air this week as temps drop to our lowest in at least 6 months. 50s expected for most of Southwest Florida by Thursday morning. Break out the socks!

Going to be in the lower 40's here Wednesday and Thursday. Our cows need to fart more!!
Going to be in the lower 40's here Wednesday and Thursday. Our cows need to fart more!!
That's about what it is here.

@Uniformed_ReRe @Mdfgator @BSC911 @RayGravesGhost and any other dems that are versed in the black arts of 'man-made climate change': It is cold here. Due to Hiden's disasterous economic policies, many people cannot afford heating and the elderly in particular will freeze to death.

What can we do to raise the temperature so that it is no longer cold and no one dies from the cold? What's the list of things man needs to do to change the climate?
That's about what it is here.

@Uniformed_ReRe @Mdfgator @BSC911 @RayGravesGhost and any other dems that are versed in the black arts of 'man-made climate change': It is cold here. Due to Hiden's disasterous economic policies, many people cannot afford heating and the elderly in particular will freeze to death.

What can we do to raise the temperature so that it is no longer cold and no one dies from the cold? What's the list of things man needs to do to change the climate?
Hiden and Merkel made their bed, so now they are going to sleep in it. Trump tried to warn us. He was 100% correct again.
December temperatures and major snowfall in October ? Warming?

Coldest air of season so far to bring some snow to Northeast​


MEANWHILE IN MICHIGAN 🥶❄️ At least 14" of snow today in the Upper Peninsula along with 50+ mph gusts from a powerful October storm. Winter came early!

Low's are in the low 30's in NoVA. It's mid October.

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