They are usually white and have some kind of guilt complex.The left believes that certain groups are inferior and can't succeed on their own.

They are usually white and have some kind of guilt complex.The left believes that certain groups are inferior and can't succeed on their own.
The left believes that certain groups are inferior and can't succeed on their own.
look up what merit means and get back to me, Cannon cocker.
The problem with that being poor stuff is the system looks at race instead of that mostly. An advantaged kid in upbringing will get admitted solely due to race many times. They have shown in college admissions Asians get discriminated against. I think that is a big issue in the US because most Asians in the US come from a higher IQ background than most from that country (this especially applies to Indians in the US but to far east Asians also). We all know Asians work much harder on studies than your typical westerner also. I have heard people claim the typical Indian background person in Canada is much lower IQ than the ones in America because of how Canada does their immigration. If you wanted a better system it would just look at the family situation and not race to try to assist some people. The lefties would never go for well to do African American kids not being able to use that to their advantage though.
I think too many folks talk past one another when it comes to these issues. What needs to be done for those kids born into poverty, in underperforming schools. So that when the graduate HS they can get into a great college based on what many consider "merit" alone.
How do we as a society, ensure these kids that then do make it are hired for a job they qualify for and are not passed over based on their race, gender, ethnicity, culture?
There is definitely no right answer, but what is yours?
Lefties know when it's OK to treat people by race.
Yep the lefties know exactly when someone should be admitted over someone with better qualifications.
The left believes that certain groups are inferior and can't succeed on their own.
Well, when an organization announces a plan to hire/accept more minorities and females and then they do so, most people can put 2 and 2 together.Yet folks like you think every minority or female was hired only because they were a minority or female...
It works both ways doesn't it.
Yet folks like you think every minority or female was hired only because they were a minority or female...
It works both ways doesn't it.
Well done, spot on. You do not debate with madness.Why would anyone debate the left? The left is to be mocked, ridiculed and driven from public life. These are people who think that men can have babies and breast feed. What is to be gained by debating people so depraved that they can’t bring themselves to stand against drag queens reading to children in a public library or late term baby slaughter?
What a snowflakian view. Demented.Yet folks like you think every minority or female was hired only because they were a minority or female...
It works both ways doesn't it.
Typical apologist for all things broken. I wonder how he feels about Hunter Biden? Poor boy saddled with privilege and "stellar upbringing" ? 😂What a snowflakian view. Demented.
No kidding. SMFH.What a snowflakian view. Demented.
No but it's clear when hires were certain types of hires. You have incompetent leadership with all kinds of people.
The right doesn't cry about the left, we just clown on people like you, the left.Huh? You broflakes say the same shit everytime. Funny how I was responding to folks crying about "lefties".
But I m the "snowflake" 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Well, when an organization announces a plan to hire/accept more minorities and females and then they do so, most people can put 2 and 2 together.
What you want is to give minorities and women special treatment but you don't want anyone to mention it. You want to play like they're not getting special treatment.
Your side is the only side where “men” cry, son. All of you are pu*****!Huh? You broflakes say the same shit everytime. Funny how I was responding to folks crying about "lefties".
But I m the "snowflake" 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Everyone in the parking lot knows how I came up. Most of them know my first name and phone number and and half of them have had a beer with me.You fail to recognize what the issue is when it comes to being actually poor and why. Not the "poor" LOS claimed his family was. Ir the disadvantage kids have at birth.
Then LOS tried to imply he fit n that category. He didn't. He had advantages.
He can't. Like I said before, he is an arrogant, judgmental blowhard. No body is worthy unless he deems it so.Everyone in the parking lot knows how I came up. Most of them know my first name and phone number and and half of them have had a beer with me.
So how bout you keep what you think you know bout me and my name out your mouth.
I assure you, you don't know shit.
Of course it makes them less qualified. Otherwise, they would be getting jobs on their own.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. That automatically makes them unqualified or less qualified? What kind of logic is that?
Your side is the only side where “men” cry, son. All of you are pu*****!
Everyone in the parking lot knows how I came up. Most of them know my first name and phone number and and half of them have had a beer with me.
So how bout you keep what you think you know bout me and my name out your mouth.
I assure you, you don't know shit.
He can't. Like I said before, he is an arrogant, judgmental blowhard. No body is worthy unless he deems it so.
He is an insufferable know it all.
Of course it makes them less qualified. Otherwise, they would be getting jobs on their own.
Here's a perfect example:
Huh? You broflakes say the same shit everytime. Funny how I was responding to folks crying about "lefties".
But I m the "snowflake" 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
We don't make someone more qualified for a job just because they are men that like to use the restroom little girls use like the left does.
I think too many folks talk past one another when it comes to these issues. What needs to be done for those kids born into poverty, in underperforming schools. So that when the graduate HS they can get into a great college based on what many consider "merit" alone.
How do we as a society, ensure these kids that then do make it are hired for a job they qualify for and are not passed over based on their race, gender, ethnicity, culture?
There is definitely no right answer, but what is yours?
The article is about lowering standards to meet diversity goals.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,. Foh. Your logic is ass. That article has nothing to do with what was discussed. Try to keep up. Even "red" states are doing what is said in the article.
This yoou? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You still trying to validate you membership in the parking lot. Look man, these dudes aren't going to fuk you. The continued attemp at trying to insult "lefties" by you Broflakes is hilarious.
When really the discussion was initially was this.....
Yet, you mouth-breathers turned into some trans issue. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
But fuk them kids, right?
The article is about lowering standards to meet diversity goals.
You saw what my view on that was. It's crazy how many well to do people benefited from AA despite their family's situation. It would have to be done something like Pell grants to be used in a better way.
Wait..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what happened to the Faux News article you attached. Now you're relying on "X" tweets with no link to an actual article.
You want to meet up and talk about it?Ohhhhh nooooo, the fake poor guy speaks. Yeah, you had advantages that helped you get a step up in life. You weren't raised in abject poverty like you tried to imply. Good for you there is nothing wrong with that.
Yet, you sure have no issue with kids that do telling them to pull themselves up by their boot straps, right? You remember, "Sucks for them."
Keep your name out my mouth, you know this is a message board internet tough-guy. How abput you put me on ignore.
I mean, you are the one who said slavery had it's advantages, odd coming from a guy whose parents were freely able to leave a country where they faced violence because of who they are.
But fuk them kids, right.
Yeah, you need the last word. Go ahead respond with some faux threatening response.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can have it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lefties are disgusting, POS human beings. We do not whine...we identify our enemy. Personally...people like you that do not understand or follow our Constitution are garbage people. YOU are one of those. are the TYPICAL lefty who THINKS you are smarter than everyone else..when the EXACT opposite is actually true. You stood up for 3 1/2 years and SCREAMED RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA...because you are so stupid your MSNBC made you believe it was true...and now you know it was not. YOU stood up for FOUR years telling us FJB was the smartest, hardest working person..when WE KNEW his brain had left the station. YOU told us inflation was transitory. YOU told us your side followed "Trumps plan" in leaving Afghanistan, which is a bald faced lie. YOU told us the border was was not. So go outside in your backyard RIGHT NOWE, son...and practice falling down. You are WAY over your abilities back here. These people MOSTLY know what is going on in the world back here. You come back here stick out like a dick on a cow.Yet here in this thread are are bunch or you broflakes, doing what?, whining about "lefties"....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Wait..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what happened to the Faux News article you attached. Now you're relying on "X" tweets with no link to an actual article.
Wait. The Faux News article said nothing about DEI so you zapoed it.
Your logic is ass, like I said. NJ eliminated a requirement that only 40 other states have, not all 50. They said it was redundant and expensive. The still require a BA/BS and have to pass a test for specialized teaching areas.
Yet, your fuking logic is because it eliminates a reading and arithmatic requirement, minorites and women have difficulty, even after college reading and doing math at a 6th grade level. That is your automatic assumption.
Show me an article that says this was driven by a DEI initiative and not a teacher shortage issue. O an opinion, an actual statement by someone supporting the bill.
I m still shaking my head that you automatically assumed a decision like this, that eliminates a redundant mechanism, applies to minorities and women only.
You want to meet up and talk about it?
Near as I can figure you've called me a liar and a coward.
So I'm your Huckleberry.
Say when.
So that's a no?50+ years old challenging someon toba fight over the internet.....
You sad sad man......
Hold up let me cat h my breath....
Lefties are disgusting, POS human beings. We do not whine...we identify our enemy. Personally...people like you that do not understand or follow our Constitution are garbage people. YOU are one of those. are the TYPICAL lefty who THINKS you are smarter than everyone else..when the EXACT opposite is actually true. You stood up for 3 1/2 years and SCREAMED RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA...because you are so stupid your MSNBC made you believe it was true...and now you know it was not. YOU stood up for FOUR years telling us FJB was the smartest, hardest working person..when WE KNEW his brain had left the station. YOU told us inflation was transitory. YOU told us your side followed "Trumps plan" in leaving Afghanistan, which is a bald faced lie. YOU told us the border was was not. So go outside in your backyard RIGHT NOWE, son...and practice falling down. You are WAY over your abilities back here. These people MOSTLY know what is going on in the world back here. You come back here stick out like a dick on a cow.
So that's a no?
Throw down or shut up.