It isn't tha I don't like your answer, but I obviously disagree. I definitely don't thing God is a conservative, not in the sense that you equate that with the political spectrum. By that I mean yesterday's liberal is today's conservative.
This is the issue I have with what you stated, I mean which version of God should we follow? The old testament or new testament version? The versionnof God used to justify Spanish inquisition? Is it the version that justfied the killing and torture of Native Americans in the expansion of the US? Is it the one that was used to justify the slave trade and slavery in America for 400 years? Or the one that was used to justify lynchings, jim crow, micegenaton laws? Or the God used to justfy the degredation of Jewish folks in this country and abroad? Or is it the one that used to justify marital rape, women can't work, women shouldn't vote or hold political office? Or the God used to justify prohibition? Or the death penalty?
God doesn't find any of that abhorrent? I mean at some point those all were considered "conservative" values.
Should I be Catholic or Protestant? Am I wrong if I attend a "black church" vs a "white church". What uf my Pastor is a women? What if I believe the teachings of MLk over Dr John Buchanan out of Birmingham?
That's just a minor issue I have with that line of thinking.
i do think your understanding of what "woke" is might be misguided. You can be anti-abortion and not believe in it, same with traditional marriage, but issues like that are your choice, based on your specific beliefs, where ever they come from. As for your opinions on the 1st and 2d Amend. I ve never the First Amendment language such as the Freedom of speech, the right to assembly, the right to petition the govt, the right to practice any religion, or the Govt cannot favor one religion over the other. This amendment is the antithesis of the Bible, and what God commands, according to many "conservatives". Likewise, I have never seen the 2d Amendment language in Bible. But if your premise is correct are Countries like England, France that hat have strict gun control laws not Christians?
As far as the other faiths are concerned, I love my Jewish brethren, but Christianity and Islam have a little more in common than Christianity and Judaism... yet IMO knowing what I know even as a Christian, I not condemning either of the other 2 faiths because of some bad actors.