Steyn called America the indispensable nation


Gator Great
Sep 5, 2001
So when we go down the world suffers. I recently saw something of a religious nature that intrigued me and I of course went down the rabbit hole.

For those who are believers I will share. Ignore the ads. Its is how he raises money for his ministry. Focus on the messages

1.) Biden in Hebrew can be translated to Alas Judgement.

2.) If the election was stolen then God can NOT bless America.

3.)So why are we seeing such chaos, bad laws and Biden's follies? Its the two tiered justice system and other corrupt activities. Unjust/false balances.

@13:15 mark God allows you to be turned over to the will of your enemies! Afghanistan China anyone?
Please watch WHOLE video as he gets to things we are seeing today.
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