Stacey Abrams will never win a political office

Here in GA we call her Stacey The Hut!

Resemblance checks out, allowed.
Apologies in advance if so but did I read this in the PL?

Stacey Abrams was campaigning in a suburb of Atlanta and got lost. She flagged down a passerby and asked him how to get back to 285. He looked her up and down and said “maybe cut back on carbs and sugar”???
As stupid as the people in the state of Georgia has become, it wouldn't surprise me if Stacey Abrams ever becomes Governor. They got what they deserve with their SOS, Brian Kemp, Warnock and their beloved soy boy, John Ossof.
Nevertheless, it was funny to see Cucky in a necro post. What a moron! 😂