Sounds like Billy is Out

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Hammer Time (long post),,, Cain't Touch This.....

Kerwin Bell's Offensive Philosophy adjusts to the available personal.
(taken from a 2019 Article)

When Bell was hired at Valdosta State from Jacksonville University (where he spent 2 years setting up their brand new football program), his offense was described as a professional passing game he learned from Lindy Infante with the Colts, combined with the spread offense that Steve Spurrier ran at the University of Florida.
“I believe in scoring and if we get ahead by 21, we’re trying to get 28. We’re not settling on 21. It’s going to be fun”. K.Bell

Kerwin Bell offense that produced one of the most electric teams in Division II football at Valdosta State. In case you have been living under a rock, the Valdosta State Blazers completed a perfect season at 14-0, and scored 52.0 points per game. To put that into perspective, Clemson just capped off a 15-0 season at Division I and averaged 44.0 points per game. Oklahoma had the nations top scoring offense with 48.4.

The offense was a nearly perfectly balanced attack, with the team rushing for 3,676 yards and passing for 3,658. This resulted with 7.2 yards per rush and 8.73 yards per pass, or 15.18 yards per catch. With 50 passing touchdowns and 40 rushing touchdowns, almost every player on Valdosta State’s roster who contributed found the end zone at some point during the season.

The 52.0 points per game was hardly needed, as Valdosta’s defense kept teams at bay until the fourth quarter when backups were playing.

For anyone interested, here's the 2018 D-2 Championship Game:
Watching his QB play, it seems to me that DJ would flourish in Bell's offense.
Valdosta State vs Ferris State Game Highlights - V.St is in Black uniforms.


Here's an article from Oct. 2023:

Bell, who had been drafted by the Miami Dolphins in 1988 after throwing for nearly 8,000 career yards at Florida, injured himself off the field prior to the 1990 season and decided to try coaching while he healed. He did go back to pro football after 1990, but mostly in the Canadian Football League, where he threw for nearly 20,000 yards and 101 touchdowns. Bell credited being on Spurrier's staff at Florida for fueling his interest in coaching and for a high-octane offense, which he and his staff employ in their pro spread attack.

"KB (Kerwin) is a player's coach," his son Kade Bell told FanBuzz. "He almost treats his team like an NFL team. If we win, we're off on Sundays. He has that Spurrier mentality, that we're going to work hard and put our time in, but when we're done, we're going to go home to our families. And it makes everyone come to work ready to work. All of that stuff matters, and that culture isn't just with the coaches. "We're going to compete and try to dominate people ... but we want these kids to have fun playing football, too."

Gator's WR Coach Billy Gonzales' son is Bell's QB at WCa.
The younger Gonzales has thrown for 1,532 yards and 14 TD's, 2 Ints in 6 games. Bell's son Kade is his OC.

Here's more depth on Kerwin for anyone that wants to understand why the iG ain't just whistling Dixie and wants Kerwin Bell as the next Gator's HC....
For those drooling over Kerwin Bell.

I seriously doubt Sun Belt Sling Blade can win at Indiana.
Cignetti said: “To me, you never arrive. You’re either getting better or you're getting worse. You never stay the same. And if you’re not striving towards something getting better, then somebody’s catching you. So, in theory, you’re getting worse. So, it’s a process all the time.”

2022 - 6-7 - Blown out in chump bowl by OreSt.
2023 - 5-7 - Not even a chump bowl loss.
2024 - 3-3, 1-2 SEC

Looks like the Gator fans are just getting screwed some more....
I wouldn't mind if it were Bernie Machen coming back as the interim president. At least he would have fired Stricklin and Karl.

Sports at this level is a business, first and last. It's up to you to make the connections from this article....

Building More Ethical Organizations Begins At The Top

The 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer, a quantitative measure of public trust, finds global trust levels in business are at 58%, relatively flat year over year. But it means in aggregate, 40% of the citizens in the 28 countries that comprise this index distrust business.

When finance walks back from these responsibilities, doors that lead to fraud or financial malfeasance open. That is why finance owns risk management and internal controls. Every business and operating decision benefits from the holistic lens finance brings to the picture, and effective internal controls are good for business.

Though there are many elements to these frameworks, “tone at the top” is one that stands out to me. This is the tone set by the board of directors and top management, who are ultimately responsible for risk management. A board with a majority of independent directors should regularly seek executive management’s responses to these questions:
“What are the company’s top risks?”;
“What is their time horizon?;” and
"What is being done to manage them?”

Inclusive of “tone at the top” are well-defined and established codes of conduct and ethics training for all employees. CFOs and the board have an opportunity to create a culture of ethics and trust through detection, prevention and continuous monitoring of fraud.

Unfortunately, there are too many stories of unethical behavior by top ranking executives, and these events shake everyone’s sense of trust.

Boards and finance leaders must take an active, ongoing interest in ensuring their organizations incentivize ethical behavior. Punishing individual transgressions, without looking at the larger role organizational culture plays in ethical lapses, is counterproductive and short-sighted. CFOs in particular have a number of ways to create a culture of ethics. (and imo, Socialist-U ain't the answer)
You are going to be very disappointed in December
Look, if it happens, it happens…sadgator thinks Baby Kiff is a quality coach. A lot of the antics and garbage he pulled at Tennessee still doesn’t sit well with sadgator, and if you notice, a lot of the time he pulls the “trolling” stuff it winds up biting him in the ass, but sadgator recognizes that he has matured (somewhat) and that he has a pretty good offensive mind. It would make sadgator curious to see him hired, but sadgator would have a hard time ever viewing him as “our guy.”

That said, sadgator genuinely believes that Florida would never hire him…and that he would have no real interest in leaving Oxford. Would he position himself for a good pay raise by playing along? Sure. But at the end of the day, he won’t be the next head coach at Florida.

Assuming the job even comes open…