Game vs Georgia Southern, Noon. Hopefully this works.
Lineup game 4 of 5. Our record in Tournament 3 0 overall this season 4:0
Falby cf
Shumakerr rf
Otis Lf
Erickson 1B
Walsh dp
Cahalan 3B
Williams 2B
Brown P
Holtorf ss
Comia C
Ava Brown P record 1-0
Lead off batter 1B 7, next HBP runner to 4, next P4, next DP 4-3. ) runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Falby to lead offin bottom of 1stfor Gators, she 3-1,3-2, then W, Shuma0ker with a stick, she Safe on FC, Falby out at 4, Otis at bat, she (Shumaker steals 4), Otis 1B 9 RBI, Erickson, she F8, Walsh, she (Otis steals 4), F7 for final out of 1st. 1 run, 1 hit 0 errors.
score after 1 Florida 1 - 1 - 0 Ga. Sou. 0 - 1 - 0
Top of 2nd and Ga. S. batter steps in against Brown, she G5, Next L5, next G1.. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Cahalan, leads off for Gators bottom of 2nd, she full 3-2, KL, Williams, she 1B 6, Brown, l ooking for her 1shit this season, she still looking P6, Holtorf, she F7. 0 runs, 1 h0i 0 errors.
Score after 2 remains 1 -0 Florida
Top of 3rd and leadoff batter steps in, she G 2, next, FF 4, next KL.. ) runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 3rd and Falby leads off, she 1B 5 infield hit, Shumaker with some lumber, she (Falby steals 4). Shu L7, Otis with a stick, she. KL. Erickson with 1 on 02 out she FF2. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Score remains 1 -0 Florida after 3
Top of 4th a0nd lead off batter for Ga. So. steps in, she G 6, next KL, next 1B 1, next P8. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Walsh to lead off to try and get something started in our half of she 4th, she G4 brings up Cahalan, she L4, Willi0ams P4. Not a good tnning. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score remains the same after 4 Florida 1 - 3 - 0 Ga So. 0 - 2 - 0
Well friends everything worked, I had the whole game and was getting ready to work on stats and I opened the alerts and lost the last 3 innings, can't find them any where. My computer and I are both older than dirt. I will do stats for all the games later this evening. Going to try USF game I won't open any alerts and see if that works...jim
Lineup for lsast game vs USF at the end of this thread...jim
Lineup game 4 of 5. Our record in Tournament 3 0 overall this season 4:0
Falby cf
Shumakerr rf
Otis Lf
Erickson 1B
Walsh dp
Cahalan 3B
Williams 2B
Brown P
Holtorf ss
Comia C
Ava Brown P record 1-0
Lead off batter 1B 7, next HBP runner to 4, next P4, next DP 4-3. ) runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Falby to lead offin bottom of 1stfor Gators, she 3-1,3-2, then W, Shuma0ker with a stick, she Safe on FC, Falby out at 4, Otis at bat, she (Shumaker steals 4), Otis 1B 9 RBI, Erickson, she F8, Walsh, she (Otis steals 4), F7 for final out of 1st. 1 run, 1 hit 0 errors.
score after 1 Florida 1 - 1 - 0 Ga. Sou. 0 - 1 - 0
Top of 2nd and Ga. S. batter steps in against Brown, she G5, Next L5, next G1.. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Cahalan, leads off for Gators bottom of 2nd, she full 3-2, KL, Williams, she 1B 6, Brown, l ooking for her 1shit this season, she still looking P6, Holtorf, she F7. 0 runs, 1 h0i 0 errors.
Score after 2 remains 1 -0 Florida
Top of 3rd and leadoff batter steps in, she G 2, next, FF 4, next KL.. ) runs, hits or errors
Bottom of 3rd and Falby leads off, she 1B 5 infield hit, Shumaker with some lumber, she (Falby steals 4). Shu L7, Otis with a stick, she. KL. Erickson with 1 on 02 out she FF2. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Score remains 1 -0 Florida after 3
Top of 4th a0nd lead off batter for Ga. So. steps in, she G 6, next KL, next 1B 1, next P8. 0 runs, 1 hit 0 errors.
Walsh to lead off to try and get something started in our half of she 4th, she G4 brings up Cahalan, she L4, Willi0ams P4. Not a good tnning. 0 runs, hits or errors.
Score remains the same after 4 Florida 1 - 3 - 0 Ga So. 0 - 2 - 0
Well friends everything worked, I had the whole game and was getting ready to work on stats and I opened the alerts and lost the last 3 innings, can't find them any where. My computer and I are both older than dirt. I will do stats for all the games later this evening. Going to try USF game I won't open any alerts and see if that works...jim
Lineup for lsast game vs USF at the end of this thread...jim
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