Slavery Reparation

navigator as usual resorts to lying to cope.... 🤣

And kj is like Lou Costello to navi's Bud Abbot...the loyal sideman setting up the opportunity for navi to lie

kj can just choose to actually read what I said if he's so interested...but he's really too afraid

Lulz........ in a court of law, you have to prove actual damages to win any lawsuit for such. 😂

Yeah but reparations have been awarded by legislation (and admission) not by winning a legal case...

Learn some American history BEFORE you post 🤣

The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." By 1992, the U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $3.67 billion in 2021) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been incarcerated.

Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia​

Any Reparations have to begin with Repatriation to Africa of all decedents of slavery in America. They were all stolen away from their huts in the night, by those wicked white people that captured and enslaved them, so they need to be returned to their homelands first.

The lines begin a the nearest East Coast port.
As a taxpayer, I'm willing to help pay for the shipping costs, only fair after all.

But I'm pretty sure that my black friends and relatives are NOT in the market for any reparations, so they can all stay and continue to enjoy the Freedom's that White Christians of America have provided for all of us.
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Any Reparations have to begin with Repatriation to Africa of all decedents of slavery in America. They were all stolen away from their huts in the night, by those wicked white people that captured and enslaved them, so they need to be returned to their homelands first.

They have to? Acoording to who? You? 🤣

The lines begin a the nearest East Coast port.
As a taxpayer, I'm willing to help pay for the shipping costs, only fair after all.

You're already conceding on paying reparations huh? ;)

But I'm pretty sure that my black friends and relatives are NOT in the market for any reparations, so they can all stay and continue to enjoy the Freedom's that White Christians of America have provided for all of us. 😎

Your ignorance of black Americans fighting in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War only goes to show your ignorance of American history

Perfect example of how white supremacy & white privilege easily conflate into the uneducated citizens we have in this country today 😎
Actually, slavery was the practice of the Untied States of America...not just the desire of the Confederacy

But reparations are due to every victim who was denied their civil liberties based on race in violation of the US constitution through 1965 at a minimum

After 1965 victims at least had legal recourse....prior to that they did not
NEWSFLASH GAY-RAY...........the 1965 Civil Rights Act DOES NOT entail reparations for us black Americans. And for some ass-clown-white-boy like you to come on here pretending to be black is also an insult to us as well. Just Sit Down and STFU! You know NOTHING about our experiences and can't relate! Go back to Christmas shopping at the Vanity Fair lingerie sites!
NEWSFLASH GAY-RAY...........the 1965 Civil Rights Act DOES NOT entail reparations for us black Americans. And for some ass-clown-white-boy like you to come on here pretending to be black is also an insult to us as well. Just Sit Down and STFU! You know NOTHING about our experiences and can't relate! Go back to Christmas shopping at the Vanity Fair lingerie sites!

You believe navigator? 🤣

And no one should read any of bayougator's post without recognizing the fact that personal attacks are "OK" by some posters... :rolleyes:

Falsely calls people homosexual...
Falsely calls people "ass clown white boys"...
Falsely claims people are "pretending" to be black

I wonder what would happen if Fresno was accused of pretending to be Jewish or Jason pretending to be white?
Yeah but reparations have been awarded by legislation (and admission) not by winning a legal case...

Learn some American history BEFORE you post 🤣

The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." By 1992, the U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $3.67 billion in 2021) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been incarcerated.

Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia

Those people were actually still alive. 😂
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So his family deserves compensation or every person with a similar skin tone deserves compensation?

Maybe we should just start with convicting all of those who were involved in his murder?

"Law enforcement" is still protecting the white assailants to this day.
In September 1955, an all-white jury found Bryant and Milam not guilty of Till's murder. Protected against double jeopardy, the two men publicly admitted in a 1956 interview with Look magazine that they had tortured and murdered the boy, selling the story of how they did it for $4,000.[6] Till's murder was seen as a catalyst for the next phase of the civil rights movement.

The woman who made the false accusation that led to his murder is alive & well today
Protected by the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement
Emmett Till accuser received protection from police, she says in memoir
Recently emerged book sheds new light on lynching after grand jury declined to charge Carolyn Bryant Donham


By her own telling, Carolyn Bryant Donham received preferential treatment rather than prosecution by Mississippi authorities after her encounter with Emmett Till led to the lynching of the Black teenager in the summer of 1955.

Instead of arresting Donham on a warrant that accused her of kidnapping days after Till’s abduction, an officer passed along word that relatives would take her and her two young sons away from home amid a rising furor over the case, Donham said in a 2008 memoir made public last month. The sheriff would later claim Donham, 21 at the time, could not be located for arrest.

Once her husband and his half-brother were jailed on murder charges in Till’s death, she said in the unpublished manuscript, two men with the sheriff’s office drove her and her sister-in-law to the lockup for a relaxed visit outside their cell and even ferried the women back home. Later, before their murder trial, the men somehow were allowed to attend a family dinner without guards, she said.

Nearly 70 years later, Donham’s retelling of the days surrounding Till’s abduction and lynching stokes fresh frustration among relatives of Till and activists pushing for Donham’s prosecution, particularly now that a Mississippi grand jury has decided against charging her with kidnapping in his abduction or manslaughter in his death.

For them, the revelations also raise questions about whether Donham, now 88, is still being protected despite what they see as new evidence against her.
More than 70 Asian American groups urge Biden to create Black reparations commission


A force of 76 Japanese American and Asian American organizations has demanded President Joe Biden to create a reparations commission for African Americans before 2023.

In a letter sent to the White House on Wednesday, the groups — led by the National Nikkei Reparations Coalition (NNRC) — called for an executive order to establish the commission, which would study “the legacy of enslavement and racist government policies with the intent to develop and implement practical solutions for reparations.”

The push comes as H.R. 40, which proposed the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans, is slated to expire at the end of the year.

H.R. 40 was first introduced in 1989, a year after the Civil Liberties Act was passed to create a commission that provided reparations for Japanese Americans incarcerated during World War II.



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Maybe we should just start with convicting all of those who were involved in his murder?

"Law enforcement" is still protecting the white assailants to this day.

I'm down for that. I'd rather suffer the same fate as Till than to protect the absolute monsters who were responsible for his torture and murder.

Eff them and all like them.
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The woman who made the false accusation that led to his murder is alive & well today
Protected by the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement

Not for nothing, but Drew, MS is in Sunflower County. Sunflower County is 70% African American and has a black I'm not sure it's accurate to say that this B word scumbag Carolyn Donham is being protected by "the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement."
You believe navigator? 🤣

And no one should read any of bayougator's post without recognizing the fact that personal attacks are "OK" by some posters... :rolleyes:

Falsely calls people homosexual...
Falsely calls people "ass clown white boys"...
Falsely claims people are "pretending" to be black

I wonder what would happen if Fresno was accused of pretending to be Jewish or Jason pretending to be white?

  • Haha
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Not for nothing, but Drew, MS is in Sunflower County. Sunflower County is 70% African American and has a black I'm not sure it's accurate to say that this B word scumbag Carolyn Donham is being protected by "the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement."

Not for nothing but the race of the Sheriff today really has NOTHING to do with it

Donham has been protected from the day she lied about Till

A grand just declined to indict her....not the current Sheriff
Not for nothing, but Drew, MS is in Sunflower County. Sunflower County is 70% African American and has a black I'm not sure it's accurate to say that this B word scumbag Carolyn Donham is being protected by "the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement."

That's good...but what does that say about law enforcement in Mississippi today?

You can say whatever you want about freedom & injustice complaints from tea party members or Jan 6 can display as much outrage as you want about being required to wear a mask

You can claim that race has nothing to do with injustice in America today.

But until the continuation of white supremacist views in law enforcement & the court system is admitted to & addressed on a systemic level...not treated as individual one off occurrences then equal protection under the law in the most basic way will be the most egregious violation of the Constitution this country faces.

When the "law enforcement & court system" is corrupted by racial bias and economic discrimination then the largest travesty to the civil rights of every US citizen will continue to benefit wealthy white people at the expense of non-white or poor people.

People protesting the "injustice" of wearing a mask during a pandemic have their priorities mixed up
That's good...but what does that say about law enforcement in Mississippi today?

What does what say?

That she hasn't been convicted (as she should have been initially) despite double jeopardy?

Or that Sunflower County has a black sheriff who hasn't arrested her?

I'm not being a smart ass or difficult...I honestly don't know what you're asking me.
Not for nothing but the race of the Sheriff today really has NOTHING to do with it

Donham has been protected from the day she lied about Till

A grand just declined to indict her....not the current Sheriff

And I've agreed that was an injustice. What kind of monster would disagree?

However, the article said...

"The woman who made the false accusation that led to his murder is alive & well today
Protected by the same white supremacist southern old boy network of law enforcement."

That isn't accurate. Do you disagree?
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But until the continuation of white supremacist views in law enforcement & the court system is admitted to & addressed on a systemic level...not treated as individual one off occurrences then equal protection under the law in the most basic way will be the most egregious violation of the Constitution this country faces.

When the "law enforcement & court system" is corrupted by racial bias and economic discrimination then the largest travesty to the civil rights of every US citizen will continue to benefit wealthy white people at the expense of non-white or poor people.

I agreed with you above. I could not disagree with you more here, however.

I can explain why if you like but I suspect that you don't really want to hear it.
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On second thought, this probably isn't a discussion that the BO would want on here.

I apologize for continuing this conversation on his board.
What does what say?

That she hasn't been convicted (as she should have been initially) despite double jeopardy?

Or that Sunflower County has a black sheriff who hasn't arrested her?

I'm not being a smart ass or difficult...I honestly don't know what you're asking me.

She was supposed to be arrested but the colorblind police department never seemed to pursue the warrant

And now the grand jury has cleared her of involvement in the murder, kidnapping, or manslaughter

I'm not asking you anything...

In practice, racial lynching was "OK" and would be defended by the state law enforcement & judicial institutions

And its that injustice that reparations would be paid out for...the systemic injustice, not a case-by-case basis as you claimed to start this "discussion"

A grand jury in Mississippi has declined to indict the white woman whose accusation set off the lynching of Black teenager Emmett Till nearly 70 years ago, despite revelations about an unserved arrest warrant and a newly revealed memoir by the woman, a prosecutor said on Tuesday.

A grand jury in Leflore county in the north-western part of the state considered evidence and testimony regarding Carolyn Bryant Donham’s involvement in the kidnapping and death of Till, the local district attorney, Dewayne Richardson, said in a news release.

After hearing more than seven hours of testimony from investigators and witnesses, the grand jury determined that there was not sufficient evidence to indict Donham, Richardson said. The panel also considered charges of kidnapping and manslaughter.

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