Since 2020....

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You know, I read the board on occasion. Your original point has nothing to do with calling people out not sure why you have to do so in such a fashion …
I know, it’s difficult the get these people to engage in any meaningful way. They do nothing but call names and deflect when reality is shoved in their faces. I am called mega dumb **** sock puppet dumb any number of names, I don’t care at all. I find find it amusing and particularly unaware being singled out for doing similar things. It is what it is, I don’t whine and complain like these people do. Sad really, I am one person. If you would prefer I not post I won’t, it’s not a big deal.
I know, it’s difficult the get these people to engage in any meaningful way. They do nothing but call names and deflect when reality is shoved in their faces. I am called mega dumb **** sock puppet dumb any number of names, I don’t care at all. I find find it amusing and particularly unaware being singled out for doing similar things. It is what it is, I don’t whine and complain like these people do. Sad really, I am one person. If you would prefer I not post I won’t, it’s not a big deal.
If it were up to me, I would prefer that you post, but just not call people morons. Is that a possibility or is that too much to ask?
@Capt Ron 1 can you understand why this is bad? I know you’re a moron, but try….
Come on...enough of this. You are fully aware we are not calling people names that only derails the thread and ends badly for everyone. Do not do it again please. Thanks for understanding. If someone else is doing the same please direct me to a link and I will take care of it.
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