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Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Sep 29, 2013
Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.
Yep.. can’t have two sets of raging untethered liberals going at each other. Like two scorned woman, fight to the death nobody will take the high road, not a chance in hell
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Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.
Now Trump is guilty of giving people promotions?

Biden is taking direct payments from Moscow, Beijing and Ukraine and you’re all hot and bothered about some raises and promotions?

Upon being indicted he gave one of his lawyers and an advisor a 20% bump. Yea I’m sure
1) He knew anything about these raises and promotions (except for Scavino)
2) This would be enough to risk perjury and jail (we know Dems can lie on the stand, but never anyone associated with Trump)

And Scavino and Wiesselburg are LONG time employees - the latter worked for DJT’s dad and was headed to jail…his career was over based on his age. Of course Trump is going to give that guy a golden parachute.

And ProPublica? The outfit that lost its mind when Clarence Thomas took a vacation?

Yea you don’t get to attack sources anymore. No one is more biased than those whack jobs.

Stop acting like such a commie clown.
Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.
The lack of umbrage you take with Biden and his massive corruption and pedophilia is disconcerting at least and mind blowing at most.

It's almost like you are pushing a very specific very singular agenda. Wonder why that is?
The lack of umbrage you take with Biden and his massive corruption and pedophilia is disconcerting at least and mind blowing at most.

It's almost like you are pushing a very specific very singular agenda. Wonder why that is?
It means he is OK with what is highlighted above. But he IS a it makes PERFECT sense
Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.

This is witness tampering Mt.KOMMIE GATOR

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Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.
They will defend it. NOTHING MATTERS with Trump.
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Leftists are Godless & evil.

They are addicted to the grid & power - it’s that easy!
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once again the left is consumed with Trump and will continue to pull out all stops in hopes of defeating him (makes no difference if it is false, like the Russia Russia Russia BS- they just want to somehow get him off the ballot
The lack of umbrage you take with Biden and his massive corruption and pedophilia is disconcerting at least and mind blowing at most.

It's almost like you are pushing a very specific very singular agenda. Wonder why that is?
As a moderator I would expect you would be posting facts. Please post facts about Biden being a pedophile. You can't because there are no facts. And yes, post real facts about Biden's massive corruption, facts that would be accepted in a court of law as evidence of a crime. I don't think I'll be holding my breath.
WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC AGENDA? Promoting lies long enough that people will accept it as truth? Shame on you! Post the facts and only facts. If you can only post innuendos and lies, you should resign as a moderator.
OK MAGGOTS, settle down. I self reported my post to the moderators for criticizing a moderator. I accept full responsibility for posting the truth and asking relevant questions. Because Fresno is a moderator, he should be neutral like a referee or umpire. He is not....
As a moderator I would expect you would be posting facts. Please post facts about Biden being a pedophile. You can't because there are no facts. And yes, post real facts about Biden's massive corruption, facts that would be accepted in a court of law as evidence of a crime. I don't think I'll be holding my breath.
WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC AGENDA? Promoting lies long enough that people will accept it as truth? Shame on you! Post the facts and only facts. If you can only post innuendos and lies, you should resign as a moderator.
Ashley Biden says Joe took inappropriate showers with her. That a fact
OK MAGGOTS, settle down. I self reported my post to the moderators for criticizing a moderator. I accept full responsibility for posting the truth and asking relevant questions. Because Fresno is a moderator, he should be neutral like a referee or umpire. He is not....
you are an ID 10 T
being a moderator does not require you to be neutral
go back to New Yawk and take your liberal bs with you
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OK MAGGOTS, settle down. I self reported my post to the moderators for criticizing a moderator. I accept full responsibility for posting the truth and asking relevant questions. Because Fresno is a moderator, he should be neutral like a referee or umpire. He is not....
You start off with name-calling and expect anyone else to take you seriously?

You say you post the truth, but that is the truth, according to leftist journalistic outlets, like yahoo and the one that yahoo referenced in the OP in this thread.

I post my opinion on occasion, that does not stop anyone else from posting their opinion or any facts that they might have.

Hilarious that you self-reported for criticizing a moderator, If that's not the pinnacle of virtue signaling, I don't know what is. You are welcome to criticize if someone is being treated unfairly by me or any other moderator.. is that what is happening here?

You can consider this your warning for name-calling ...
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As a moderator I would expect you would be posting facts. Please post facts about Biden being a pedophile. You can't because there are no facts. And yes, post real facts about Biden's massive corruption, facts that would be accepted in a court of law as evidence of a crime. I don't think I'll be holding my breath.
WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC AGENDA? Promoting lies long enough that people will accept it as truth? Shame on you! Post the facts and only facts. If you can only post innuendos and lies, you should resign as a moderator.
He mentioned “massive corruption and pedophilia” and only mention the latter. Telling.

You did know that Ashley Biden admitted under oath in a court of law that the diary was hers, right? You also know she blames her drug and sex addiction at least partially on showers with her dad, correct?

What other “facts” do you need?
Whether that is the case or not, I must ask that you refrain from name calling on this board. There are surely other ways for you to make the same point. Thanks ...
got it thanks - however, the truth cannot be construed as name calling- I will however refrain from calling him an ID 10 T any more
As a moderator I would expect you would be posting facts. Please post facts about Biden being a pedophile. You can't because there are no facts. And yes, post real facts about Biden's massive corruption, facts that would be accepted in a court of law as evidence of a crime. I don't think I'll be holding my breath.
WHAT IS YOUR SPECIFIC AGENDA? Promoting lies long enough that people will accept it as truth? Shame on you! Post the facts and only facts. If you can only post innuendos and lies, you should resign as a moderator.
WRONG...typical lib that is blind to the truth. FJB showered with his teenage daughter...even your lib snopes confirmed it! Are you REALLY this oblivious? I cannot believe you are so uninformed
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Donald Trump’s campaign and the Trump Organization paid off nine witnesses called to testify in criminal cases against Trump, an explosive new report from ProPublica reveals. Witnesses who testified in defense of Trump for his numerous criminal cases received massive raises, new jobs, cushy severance packages, and more, all conveniently coinciding with being called to testify or after providing testimony favorable to Trump—and the excuses from Team Trump couldn’t be weaker.
Witness payoffs is nothing new for team Trump, which has a history of campaign staff getting convicted for federal witness tampering: Roger Stone, Trump’s 2016 campaign adviser, directed a witness to lie to a Senate committee. Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was convicted for colluding with Russia after previously being convicted for witness tampering. Trump pardoned both, as well as Jared Kushner’s father, in his final days in office.
Your amount of cuckage is only surpassed by MDFer. I can't wait until Bragg, Willis, et all face military tribunals next year.

You need to get in this because I'm close to making a comment to Mdfgator that will make you kick me off this website. His crap is getting stale. I know he didn't start this one but he lives for controversy.
It’s called sh!tposting and it’s all you get from him.

Say what you will about any of the rest of us, we at least debate in good faith.
The lack of umbrage you take with Biden and his massive corruption and pedophilia is disconcerting at least and mind blowing at most.

It's almost like you are pushing a very specific very singular agenda. Wonder why that is?
Well, lets see who is pushing an agenda here my friend. I will issue you a challenge. You list all the inappropriate behavior by Joe Biden for which there is credible evidence and I will do the same for Trump (although mine will take a long time to compile) and lets compare the two and see who is avoiding the truth here.

Bare in mind something here as well.......Biden's daughters diary indicates the showering thing happened some 30 years ago (and certainly you can include that, as a father of two daughters I will absolutely give this some weight). So if we are going back that far in time you need to consider that Trump has been involved in roughly 4,000 lawsuits over that time period and been accused of abusing some 20+ different women before he ever became president. There is an awful lot on him including things like going into the dressing rooms of the miss universe contest (accusations by contestants) and I haven't really done anything other than very simple google searches at this point. Anybody who thinks Trump's troubles started with the democrats doesn't know much about his history. Some of this happened while he was a democrat.

Biden has been in the public eye for most of his adult life, so if he did wrong it should be out there to find as well.

Just for fun, here is an old Trump tidbit that isn't related to wrongdoing but is interesting:

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.

So, you willing to play?

P.S. - if you don't want to do this I won't put it on you that your conceding anything.....this will take some time and I think your a stand up guy so I won't think its because your admitting defeat. It may be just too time consuming and if you feel that way its all good.
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Theoretically speaking, @FresnoGator and @JasonHigdon shouldn’t need to comment on anything unless they choose. We are all grown adults on here. I get politics and religion rile people up, but most of us on here are grown men with families. @JasonHigdon especially has more important things to do than to moderate the parking lot.
Well, lets see who is pushing an agenda here my friend. I will issue you a challenge. You list all the inappropriate behavior by Joe Biden for which there is credible evidence and I will do the same for Trump (although mine will take a long time to compile) and lets compare the two and see who is avoiding the truth here.

Bare in mind something here as well.......Biden's daughters diary indicates the showering thing happened some 30 years ago (and certainly you can include that, as a father of two daughters I will absolutely give this some weight). So if we are going back that far in time you need to consider that Trump has been involved in roughly 4,000 lawsuits over that time period and been accused of abusing some 20+ different women before he ever became president. There is an awful lot on him including things like going into the dressing rooms of the miss universe contest (accusations by contestants) and I haven't really done anything other than very simple google searches at this point. Anybody who thinks Trump's troubles started with the democrats doesn't know much about his history. Some of this happened while he was a democrat.

Biden has been in the public eye for most of his adult life, so if he did wrong it should be out there to find as well.

Just for fun, here is an old Trump tidbit that isn't related to wrongdoing but is interesting:

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.

So, you willing to play?

P.S. - if you don't want to do this I won't put it on you that your conceding anything.....this will take some time and I think your a stand up guy so I won't think its because your admitting defeat. It may be just too time consuming and if you feel that way its all good.
Good post. Anxious to read a that responds with facts. But your challenge will probably not be accepted because the MAGA machine does not respond with facts, only deflection.
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Well lets start with his bank accounts where his family got money from China, Russia, Ukraine and MANY othjers. PLEASE...someone let me know what his product/ services were?

Then lets talk about showering with his teenage daughter that SHE SAYS made her feel very uncomfortable and said it was wrong.

Lets talk about Hunters paintings(kindergarten level) that sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars...that they refuse to allow the peoples names going public that bought them. What are THEY buying?

Lets talk about how a Senator got top secret documents...someone please let me know the statute that allows a senator to remove top secret info from a secure never return it...AND have a son that sells info to our enemies having access to it for decades.

Lets talk about going directly against the SC ruling NOT to pay off college loans with others tax payer money.

Lets talk about REAL rape claims ignored.

But to is not the amount of laws you break...speeding is against the law. SELLING OUT YOUR COUNTRY to enrich your family is TREASON. And he has been treasonous his whole career. I yeild to the guys to add more, as they are all smarter than I am. But to me....treason against Ameerica HAS BEEN PROVEN. Yoiur turn, son.
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The lack of umbrage you take with Biden and his massive corruption and pedophilia is disconcerting at least and mind blowing at most.

It's almost like you are pushing a very specific very singular agenda. Wonder why that is?
LOL, POT meet Kettle.... i want to see you critical of trump and his policies, BDS is turning you into a lunatic....
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Well, lets see who is pushing an agenda here my friend. I will issue you a challenge. You list all the inappropriate behavior by Joe Biden for which there is credible evidence and I will do the same for Trump (although mine will take a long time to compile) and lets compare the two and see who is avoiding the truth here.

Bare in mind something here as well.......Biden's daughters diary indicates the showering thing happened some 30 years ago (and certainly you can include that, as a father of two daughters I will absolutely give this some weight). So if we are going back that far in time you need to consider that Trump has been involved in roughly 4,000 lawsuits over that time period and been accused of abusing some 20+ different women before he ever became president. There is an awful lot on him including things like going into the dressing rooms of the miss universe contest (accusations by contestants) and I haven't really done anything other than very simple google searches at this point. Anybody who thinks Trump's troubles started with the democrats doesn't know much about his history. Some of this happened while he was a democrat.

Biden has been in the public eye for most of his adult life, so if he did wrong it should be out there to find as well.

Just for fun, here is an old Trump tidbit that isn't related to wrongdoing but is interesting:

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.

So, you willing to play?

P.S. - if you don't want to do this I won't put it on you that your conceding anything.....this will take some time and I think your a stand up guy so I won't think its because your admitting defeat. It may be just too time consuming and if you feel that way its all good.
he isnt a democrat he is a raging unhinged liberal, the bad type of LIB not the type that wants to help people. the type that isnt tethered to any type of morality. Thats why we have the shit show we have now in politics.. i am not absolving the left, they are not great, but trump is on another level..
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Well, lets see who is pushing an agenda here my friend. I will issue you a challenge. You list all the inappropriate behavior by Joe Biden for which there is credible evidence and I will do the same for Trump (although mine will take a long time to compile) and lets compare the two and see who is avoiding the truth here.

Bare in mind something here as well.......Biden's daughters diary indicates the showering thing happened some 30 years ago (and certainly you can include that, as a father of two daughters I will absolutely give this some weight). So if we are going back that far in time you need to consider that Trump has been involved in roughly 4,000 lawsuits over that time period and been accused of abusing some 20+ different women before he ever became president. There is an awful lot on him including things like going into the dressing rooms of the miss universe contest (accusations by contestants) and I haven't really done anything other than very simple google searches at this point. Anybody who thinks Trump's troubles started with the democrats doesn't know much about his history. Some of this happened while he was a democrat.

Biden has been in the public eye for most of his adult life, so if he did wrong it should be out there to find as well.

Just for fun, here is an old Trump tidbit that isn't related to wrongdoing but is interesting:

In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat", explaining: "It just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans. Now, it shouldn't be that way. But if you go back, I mean it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats...But certainly we had some very good economies under Democrats, as well as Republicans. But we've had some pretty bad disaster under the Republicans.

So, you willing to play?

P.S. - if you don't want to do this I won't put it on you that your conceding anything.....this will take some time and I think your a stand up guy so I won't think its because your admitting defeat. It may be just too time consuming and if you feel that way its all good.

Can we start with the following….

Ashley accusing her own father of inappropriate showers. (Confirmed now by snopes)

The big guy and his shell companies

Quid pro quo caught on video for Ukraine

Multiple first amendment violations he was found guilty of in Missouri v Biden

Illegal student loan bailouts

Raping Tara Reade

Crimes against humanity for not securing the boarder that lead to increased human trafficking, and fentanyl deaths numbering in the 100’s of thousands.

taking millions as the Big Guy and treasonously selling out his office to foreign countries, actually falsifying records to show the cash as a "loan repayment," filing fraudulent tax returns, and let's not forget, orchestrating the DOJ to indict and conspiring with the states to indict his number one political opponent, de facto election interference, on preposterous charges, in the worst abuse of power in the history of the Republic.

Keeping Classified docs, you know, too old and senile to prosecute, but he did break the law.
Can we start with the following….

Ashley accusing her own father of inappropriate showers. (Confirmed now by snopes)

The big guy and his shell companies

Quid pro quo caught on video for Ukraine

Multiple first amendment violations he was found guilty of in Missouri v Biden

Illegal student loan bailouts

Raping Tara Reade

Crimes against humanity for not securing the boarder that lead to increased human trafficking, and fentanyl deaths numbering in the 100’s of thousands.

taking millions as the Big Guy and treasonously selling out his office to foreign countries, actually falsifying records to show the cash as a "loan repayment," filing fraudulent tax returns, and let's not forget, orchestrating the DOJ to indict and conspiring with the states to indict his number one political opponent, de facto election interference, on preposterous charges, in the worst abuse of power in the history of the Republic.

Keeping Classified docs, you know, too old and senile to prosecute, but he did break the law.
focus on trump, he is the one youre supporting. always improve your game, dont attack the other side, its rule number one in business...
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Well lets start with his bank accounts where his family got money from China, Russia, Ukraine and MANY othjers. PLEASE...someone let me know what his product/ services were?

Then lets talk about showering with his teenage daughter that SHE SAYS made her feel very uncomfortable and said it was wrong.

Lets talk about Hunters paintings(kindergarten level) that sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars...that they refuse to allow the peoples names going public that bought them. What are THEY buying?

Lets talk about how a Senator got top secret documents...someone please let me know the statute that allows a senator to remove top secret info from a secure never return it...AND have a son that sells info to our enemies having access to it for decades.

Lets talk about going directly against the SC ruling NOT to pay off college loans with others tax payer money.

Lets talk about REAL rape claims ignored.

But to is not the amount of laws you break...speeding is against the law. SELLING OUT YOUR COUNTRY to enrich your family is TREASON. And he has been treasonous his whole career. I yeild to the guys to add more, as they are all smarter than I am. But to me....treason against Ameerica HAS BEEN PROVEN. Yoiur turn, son.
No facts here that would be admissible in court.
Where do you get off calling people son? Is that supposed to be mean we are subordinate to you?
Bless your heart.
Can we start with the following….

Ashley accusing her own father of inappropriate showers. (Confirmed now by snopes)

The big guy and his shell companies

Quid pro quo caught on video for Ukraine

Multiple first amendment violations he was found guilty of in Missouri v Biden

Illegal student loan bailouts

Raping Tara Reade

Crimes against humanity for not securing the boarder that lead to increased human trafficking, and fentanyl deaths numbering in the 100’s of thousands.

taking millions as the Big Guy and treasonously selling out his office to foreign countries, actually falsifying records to show the cash as a "loan repayment," filing fraudulent tax returns, and let's not forget, orchestrating the DOJ to indict and conspiring with the states to indict his number one political opponent, de facto election interference, on preposterous charges, in the worst abuse of power in the history of the Republic.

Keeping Classified docs, you know, too old and senile to prosecute, but he did break the law.
No facts here that are admissible in court. Another whiff.
If not securing the border is a crime against humanity, Trump told his suck ups to kill the bipartisan bill to address the immigration issues. Trump wants it to continue being an issue so he can bitch about it. So who is committing the crimes against humanity since the bipartisan bill was killed?
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No facts here that would be admissible in court.
Where do you get off calling people son? Is that supposed to be mean we are subordinate to you?
Bless your heart.
Poor Dora's Ant Hill. Bless yer woke wittle heart! Admissible? Let's see how admissible that evidence will be if charges are brought up in say, Polk County Florida with Sherriff Grady Judd as bailiff. 😂 :rolleyes: Kangaroo courts work both ways.

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