Sham posting! Someone claims to be something


Gator Great
Sep 5, 2001
Lets just say supporting legal weed and gay marriage are NOT conservative values. Libertarian maybe.

I am a Reaganite and a constitutional conservative in the mold of the founders/framers.

Exhibit 1 from the man that Defined modern conservatism:

"...And Reagan galvanized the American electorate with a very simple political formula later called the “three-legged stool,” which formed the basis for American conservatism for four decades.

It was a good formula. It encapsulated the times extremely well. It included staunch anti-communism, social conservatism, and supply-side economics..."

Next the poster claims he looks at policy not personality and declares Trump a hippy liberal and socialist. Maybe he is but his policies bore fruit benefiting America and conservatives. He claimed his tax policy was bad and had no healthcare plan. Well his tax policy is the best since Reagan and gubment has no business running Healthcare ( a real conservative would know this) but even so he made many policy changes that benefited people in regards of healthcare.

"Enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade if reelected. Set and broke record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ, resulting in the U.S. economy growing a record 33.1% in the last quarter even in the pandemic."

"Improved U.S. health care: Eliminated health insurance tax, medical devices tax, Cadillac tax, largest decrease of prescription drug costs in a half century, signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone."

See Below...Included are articles containing more than 280+ accomplishments:

Lets just say supporting legal weed and gay marriage are NOT conservative values. Libertarian maybe.

I am a Reaganite and a constitutional conservative in the mold of the founders/framers.

Exhibit 1 from the man that Defined modern conservatism:

"...And Reagan galvanized the American electorate with a very simple political formula later called the “three-legged stool,” which formed the basis for American conservatism for four decades.

It was a good formula. It encapsulated the times extremely well. It included staunch anti-communism, social conservatism, and supply-side economics..."

Next the poster claims he looks at policy not personality and declares Trump a hippy liberal and socialist. Maybe he is but his policies bore fruit benefiting America and conservatives. He claimed his tax policy was bad and had no healthcare plan. Well his tax policy is the best since Reagan and gubment has no business running Healthcare ( a real conservative would know this) but even so he made many policy changes that benefited people in regards of healthcare.

"Enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade if reelected. Set and broke record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ, resulting in the U.S. economy growing a record 33.1% in the last quarter even in the pandemic."

"Improved U.S. health care: Eliminated health insurance tax, medical devices tax, Cadillac tax, largest decrease of prescription drug costs in a half century, signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone."

See Below...Included are articles containing more than 280+ accomplishments:

MAGA wasn’t a movement conservative like the Gipper but his policies where Very Very conservative. His foreign policy was just like Reagan peace through strength and building up the US military while using American ecomic power on our enemies.
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Lets just say supporting legal weed and gay marriage are NOT conservative values. Libertarian maybe.

I am a Reaganite and a constitutional conservative in the mold of the founders/framers.

Exhibit 1 from the man that Defined modern conservatism:

"...And Reagan galvanized the American electorate with a very simple political formula later called the “three-legged stool,” which formed the basis for American conservatism for four decades.

It was a good formula. It encapsulated the times extremely well. It included staunch anti-communism, social conservatism, and supply-side economics..."

Next the poster claims he looks at policy not personality and declares Trump a hippy liberal and socialist. Maybe he is but his policies bore fruit benefiting America and conservatives. He claimed his tax policy was bad and had no healthcare plan. Well his tax policy is the best since Reagan and gubment has no business running Healthcare ( a real conservative would know this) but even so he made many policy changes that benefited people in regards of healthcare.

"Enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade if reelected. Set and broke record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ, resulting in the U.S. economy growing a record 33.1% in the last quarter even in the pandemic."

"Improved U.S. health care: Eliminated health insurance tax, medical devices tax, Cadillac tax, largest decrease of prescription drug costs in a half century, signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone."

See Below...Included are articles containing more than 280+ accomplishments:

Don't be afraid to mention me. And no I do not view you as a conservative, you're a tax, spend snd print lib, but you're hateful and bitter so you've got that going for you.
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Newsflash Trumpers. Trade wars and tariffs aren’t conservative. They are populist hogwash. So are huge budget deficits.

Long live the free market.
Newsflash Trumpers. Trade wars and tariffs aren’t conservative. They are populist hogwash. So are huge budget deficits.

Long live the free market.
^ Moron. Trade wars and tariffs were engaged to counter attack China's intellectual property theft, hacking of trade secrets, forced technology transfer, trade barriers, and currency manipulation.

Lets just say supporting legal weed and gay marriage are NOT conservative values. Libertarian maybe.

I am a Reaganite and a constitutional conservative in the mold of the founders/framers.

Exhibit 1 from the man that Defined modern conservatism:

"...And Reagan galvanized the American electorate with a very simple political formula later called the “three-legged stool,” which formed the basis for American conservatism for four decades.

It was a good formula. It encapsulated the times extremely well. It included staunch anti-communism, social conservatism, and supply-side economics..."

Next the poster claims he looks at policy not personality and declares Trump a hippy liberal and socialist. Maybe he is but his policies bore fruit benefiting America and conservatives. He claimed his tax policy was bad and had no healthcare plan. Well his tax policy is the best since Reagan and gubment has no business running Healthcare ( a real conservative would know this) but even so he made many policy changes that benefited people in regards of healthcare.

"Enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade if reelected. Set and broke record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ, resulting in the U.S. economy growing a record 33.1% in the last quarter even in the pandemic."

"Improved U.S. health care: Eliminated health insurance tax, medical devices tax, Cadillac tax, largest decrease of prescription drug costs in a half century, signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone."

See Below...Included are articles containing more than 280+ accomplishments:

The difference between Reagan and Trump, and all the politicians in Washington that actually claim to be conservatives is......Reagan and Trump actually got shit done. You can criticize them for not being conservative enough, but you cannot deny that they got a ton of good work done for the country that has its roots in conservatism.

The problem with the modern conservative or politicians that market themselves as such, is that they talk conservatism, but don't do shit. Newt held Slick Willy's feet to the fire and kept the Promise to America to balance the budget. Newt actually got shit done. Today we have clowns like Ben Sasse claiming they are classical conservatives, while they don't do shit but run their mouths.

Trump is the face of the conservative movement because he got shit done. Clowns like Sasse think they can talk their way to that role. Get off your ass and get to work enacting conservative policies, then we'll call you conservative.

Till then, you are just another RINO. Simple as that.
^ Moron. Trade wars and tariffs were engaged to counter attack China's intellectual property theft, hacking of trade secrets, forced technology transfer, trade barriers, and currency manipulation.

When Trump took office, we were losing 800B a year in trade to the Chinese.

Trump said that's bullshit, and immediately worked to fix the imbalance.

Patriotic Americans applauded. Dems screamed in anger.
As a libertarian that usually votes republican my stance on gay marriage and weed are as follows. And it’s really why I don’t call myself a Republican.

Gay Marriage: If the Government had stayed out of marriage all together and left it as a church thing. It wouldn’t even be an issue to discuss. But, there are tax implications you say....not if Government got out of the way and we had a simple flat sales tax. Done, and done

Pot: Again, government get out of the way. If we want to talk harsh drugs being illegal, I am on board. Marijuana however, is a waste of time. Who cares. This is why I say I am wayyyyyy to the right. Just stop having overlords.
As a libertarian that usually votes republican my stance on gay marriage and weed are as follows. And it’s really why I don’t call myself a Republican.

Gay Marriage: If the Government had stayed out of marriage all together and left it as a church thing. It wouldn’t even be an issue to discuss. But, there are tax implications you say....not if Government got out of the way and we had a simple flat sales tax. Done, and done

Pot: Again, government get out of the way. If we want to talk harsh drugs being illegal, I am on board. Marijuana however, is a waste of time. Who cares. This is why I say I am wayyyyyy to the right. Just stop having overlords.
Point one taken and dont necessarily disagree. I am not a person who hates gays. I believe in tolerance not acceptance. Teach that it is wrong and do not have government promoting it in any way.

I would make pot use a minor offense with a small fine. But if you are home who would know?
^ Moron. Trade wars and tariffs were engaged to counter attack China's intellectual property theft, hacking of trade secrets, forced technology transfer, trade barriers, and currency manipulation.

Yeah, and how'd that work out.

You Trumpers fell for a bunch of hogwash. They still steal trade secrets, they still manipulate their currency, we still have a huge trade deficit. And our farmers, businesses and consumers were screwed in the process. You clearly don't understand trade, bean counter.
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Point one taken and dont necessarily disagree. I am not a person who hates gays. I believe in tolerance not acceptance. Teach that it is wrong and do not have government promoting it in any way.

I would make pot use a minor offense with a small fine. But if you are home who would know?
Why would you make pot use a minor offense? If you drink any sort of alcohol and don’t think weed should be legal I need to understand why.
Still waiting for someone to tell me what is wrong with pot and why you believe alcohol is ok.

come on “critical thinkers” I’m waiting
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Yeah, and how'd that work out.

You Trumpers fell for a bunch of hogwash. They still steal trade secrets, they still manipulate their currency, we still have a huge trade deficit. And our farmers, businesses and consumers were screwed in the process. You clearly don't understand trade, bean counter.
It was working dumbass. A link for the slovenly slow titty groper. But what does an industry trade periodical know?

Tariffs Are a Necessary Response to China's Intransigence: Op-Ed​

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Yeah, and how'd that work out.

You Trumpers fell for a bunch of hogwash. They still steal trade secrets, they still manipulate their currency, we still have a huge trade deficit. And our farmers, businesses and consumers were screwed in the process. You clearly don't understand trade, bean counter.
Go to Costco and look at the price of everything, TVs are virtually free. Another massive con by trump, I am sure these clowns have read through the trade agreements. You can't cheerlead our leaders, you need to hold an iron to their nuts or where it hurts for a woman. No jock sniffing.
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Socks love them some pot.
I love how much you are afraid to quote me and engage. I don’t blame you though you may lose some credibility with your fellow fudge packers. It’s easy to look smart when you engage with retards like @BSC911 and @Mdfgator. I’m glad you know your limits which means you may be slightly smarter than I give you credit for
Go to Costco and look at the price of everything, TVs are virtually free. Another massive con by trump, I am sure these clowns have read through the trade agreements. You can't cheerlead our leaders, you need to hold an iron to their nuts or where it hurts for a woman. No jock sniffing.
TVs are massed produced commodities dumbass, just like every almost every appliance. You don't fix them anymore, just throw them away. Cheap slave labor, to which we should all aspire to.......right? 😂 😂
BTW just look at this thread. We have 3 socks, all pointing out how it pisses them off that people won't reply to them directly.

Trolls are the only posters that do this. It seriously flies all over them when people will talk ABOUT them, but won't talk directly TO them.

No mystery. Trolls aren't worth the attention. Which defeats their entire reason for being here, which is why they get so pissed when it happens.

Oh well.
Look at this thread, we have a “critical thinker” who repeats the same tired BS about socks while he says not to give them attention all the while continually talking about them. But in typical dim fashion he’s too afraid to engage because he knows he will look dumb and get taken to school.

welcome to 2021 where “critical thinkers” are too afraid to engage directly and act like little bitches. Sad reality we are faced with but this is where we are as a country.

oh well.
Where do you live? Are you embarrassed? Don't be.
See, I told you.

This is the guy that absolutely guaranteed a Trump victory. And even after he lost, tried to convince people that it was merely a head fake and was still going to hold office. It was hilarious but sad because he was able to convince a few others that he wasn’t just trolling. Many believe he’s just a paid Trump shill.
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And it’s really why I don’t call myself a Republican.
And thank you for that or for not claiming to be conservative. Reagan, the metric for conservatism, absolutely courted the social conservatives and it is what got him elected.

The thing that set me off was the poster invoking Reagan and claiming to be a conservative while demeaning social conservatism and/or its tenets.

This is like saying you are a Christian but do not believe in Jesus.

Seeing some pubs embrace LGBTQ+ is quite disturbing to me and many others:

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It was working dumbass. A link for the slovenly slow titty groper. But what does an industry trade periodical know?

Tariffs Are a Necessary Response to China's Intransigence: Op-Ed​

Sorry, pretty much everyone knows they didn’t work, except for a few Trumper bots. I know I’m wasting my time with the economic illiterate, but here goes.

Trump says trade wars are easy yo win, so he places tariffs on Ssome Chinese goods (not all for some reason). When asked who would pay these tariffs, ie taxes, he responded that China would. That was wrong, of course, but the Trumpers bought it. US businesses and consumers paid those taxes.

Naturally, in reaction they placed rtariffs on our goods. So lose/lose. So they stopped buying soy bean, thus hurting farmers. Well, of course they started bitching, and he couldn’t afford to lose their vote, so he started paying them huge subsidies to make up for their losses. Yeah free market. Well, where did those subsidies come from? The US tax payers, of course.

So you tax payers ended up subsidizing the losses us farmers experienced. And you were glad to do it because your king said so. So thank you very much. Unfortunately, we still have a huge trade deficit with China, their economy still grew faster than ours, and our businesses and consumers are paying a higher price to make up for the additional taxes.

TRADE WARS DONT WORK. They sound good to the economically illiterate, who thinks we were really sticking it to them Chinamen, when in reality we were just sticking it to ourselves.

Lesson over. Carry on with your lame flames. That’s all you have.
And thank you for that or for not claiming to be conservative. Reagan, the metric for conservatism, absolutely courted the social conservatives and it is what got him elected.

The thing that set me off was the poster invoking Reagan and claiming to be a conservative while demeaning social conservatism and/or its tenets.

This is like saying you are a Christian but do not believe in Jesus.

Seeing some pubs embrace LGBTQ+ is quite disturbing to me and many others:

Yep. If you don’t hate the gays, you can’t be a Pub. Got it. That’s why you guys are losing.
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I love how much you are afraid to quote me and engage. I don’t blame you though you may lose some credibility with your fellow fudge packers. It’s easy to look smart when you engage with retards like @BSC911 and @Mdfgator. I’m glad you know your limits which means you may be slightly smarter than I give you credit for
He thinks it’s some high level internet strategy, when in reality we know that it just makes him a wimp.

But then again, I guess I’m just talking to myself. I just ignore him now, since that‘s what pisses him off.
Poor BSC. China stopped buying his shitty beans. Here's a thought. Grow something else that's got a real market value, not something propped up by subsidies. 😂 Remember, free markets?
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Lets just say supporting legal weed and gay marriage are NOT conservative values. Libertarian maybe.

I am a Reaganite and a constitutional conservative in the mold of the founders/framers.

Exhibit 1 from the man that Defined modern conservatism:

"...And Reagan galvanized the American electorate with a very simple political formula later called the “three-legged stool,” which formed the basis for American conservatism for four decades.

It was a good formula. It encapsulated the times extremely well. It included staunch anti-communism, social conservatism, and supply-side economics..."

Next the poster claims he looks at policy not personality and declares Trump a hippy liberal and socialist. Maybe he is but his policies bore fruit benefiting America and conservatives. He claimed his tax policy was bad and had no healthcare plan. Well his tax policy is the best since Reagan and gubment has no business running Healthcare ( a real conservative would know this) but even so he made many policy changes that benefited people in regards of healthcare.

"Enacted the largest tax cuts and reforms in American history by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law, cutting $1.1 trillion in taxes over the next decade if reelected. Set and broke record highs of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, S&P 500 and NASDAQ, resulting in the U.S. economy growing a record 33.1% in the last quarter even in the pandemic."

"Improved U.S. health care: Eliminated health insurance tax, medical devices tax, Cadillac tax, largest decrease of prescription drug costs in a half century, signed the most comprehensive childhood cancer legislation ever into law, which will advance childhood cancer research and improve treatments. Enacted changes to the Medicare 340B program, saving seniors an estimated $320 million on drugs in 2018 alone."

See Below...Included are articles containing more than 280+ accomplishments:

And LOL at that 33% GDP increase. That really tells me you don’t have a clue.
Poor BSC. China stopped buying his shitty beans. Here's a thought. Grow something else that's got a real market value, not something propped up by subsidies. 😂 Remember, free markets?
My beans are the best. And yes, I don’t need, nor want any subsidies.

Free market, you commies.
And thank you for that or for not claiming to be conservative. Reagan, the metric for conservatism, absolutely courted the social conservatives and it is what got him elected.

The thing that set me off was the poster invoking Reagan and claiming to be a conservative while demeaning social conservatism and/or its tenets.

This is like saying you are a Christian but do not believe in Jesus.

Seeing some pubs embrace LGBTQ+ is quite disturbing to me and many others:

Don't get me wrong...I am a believer. I just wish politicians would leave some of those tenets that are tenets of believers, up to the church (ie marriage), but because government got involved....we now have issues like gay marriage that the government is dictating. Whereas if it had been left up to the church.....just sayin.
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TVs are massed produced commodities dumbass, just like every almost every appliance. You don't fix them anymore, just throw them away. Cheap slave labor, to which we should all aspire to.......right? 😂 😂
What does this have to do with anything? And it's mass produced, not massed produced.