SCOTUS rules Trump IMMUNE from prosecution. Too bad Jack.

Listen, are you so thick headed you just did not read the decision, trolling, or just not sharp between the ears? Please try to inform yourself before running off at the mouth. Just like we told you your boy has dementia and you refused to listen. The ruling has NOTHING to do as you say here. If you actually paid for an education, I suggest going for a SERIOUS refund. You got screwed
I have found many people as well as those that go to college CANNOT think for themselves. They are robots who regurgitate whatever their teachers and/or professors tell them. They just have Pavlovian responses to information put before them. He is Exhibit #1.
No they didn’t.

They ruled the President has immunity from acts taken in official capacity. So Obama is clear for drone striking US citizens without a trial.

Biden’s influence peddling all happened prior to his time in the WH.

And Thomas made it clear that Jack Smith had to confirmed by Congress. He’s basically a private citizen that’s been deputized by the Biden DOJ to prosecute anyone, let alone the former PUSA/prime political opponent. It’s about balance of powers and it is meant to stop exactly what’s happening here - prosecution of political opponents by a sitting PUSA.

Jack Smith is done. His appointment was unconstitutional.

Thomas footnote or whatever it was has no legal authority. I think if that issue was ever truly resolved (Cannon could force it possibly) it would come down to whether the Supreme Court buys the argument the special counsel is really an inferior officer controlled by the AG. Not sure if enough see it the way Thomas does. I could be wrong but when they changed the law on that I think it spelled out the AG was over the special counsel unlike before. Now is that enough to make it a lesser officer? No imo but so far they have said it is in crooked DC courts I think.
Thomas footnote or whatever it was has no legal authority. I think if that issue was ever truly resolved (Cannon could force it possibly) it would come down to whether the Supreme Court buys the argument the special counsel is really an inferior officer controlled by the AG. Not sure if enough see it the way Thomas does. I could be wrong but when they changed the law on that I think it spelled out the AG was over the special counsel unlike before. Now is that enough to make it a lesser officer? No imo but so far they have said it is in crooked DC courts I think.
It’s a written opinion from a sitting Justice.

It absolutely sets the precedent that the court likely agrees with Congress that a SC can’t be appointed without their approval.

It’s not a law or a ruling but it’s a pretty clear signal that there’s a massive problem here, and the court is very likely to find his appointment unconstitutional.
It’s a written opinion from a sitting Justice.

It absolutely sets the precedent that the court likely agrees with Congress that a SC can’t be appointed without their approval.

It’s not a law or a ruling but it’s a pretty clear signal that there’s a massive problem here, and the court is very likely to find his appointment unconstitutional.

Concurring opinions with statements like that are not binding though like you say. I would like to see Cannon force the issue outside the DC courts though which have said it is legal so far. My guess is Roberts and possibly another on the right might say it's legal also. Not really sure how conservative the 11th Circuit is now who would likely take it up first if she does that.
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Concurring opinions with statements like that are not binding though like you say. I would like to see Cannon force the issue outside the DC courts though which have said it is legal so far. My guess is Roberts and possibly another on the right might say it's legal also. Not really sure how conservative the 11th Circuit is now who would likely take it up first if she does that.
I just think the matter is so plainly obvious it's going to be another 6-3 decision easily.

The merit of the checks and balances argument is pretty solid.

Eventually the issue would get to an originalist...if an appointed bureaucrat can appoint anyone he wants to prosecute anyone he chooses this country could be in trouble.
I have found many people as well as those that go to college CANNOT think for themselves. They are robots who regurgitate whatever their teachers and/or professors tell them. They just have Pavlovian responses to information put before them. He is Exhibit #1.
I think you are spot on in this case. I am a HS grad, and cannot fathom some of the stuff that spews from some of our "educated". Can you believe ANYONE on the planet thought FJB was not mentally challenged? THEY HID HIM IN THE BASEMENT for the 2020 election! WTF do they think they did that for? They believed the Russia hoax.
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No they didn’t.

They ruled the President has immunity from acts taken in official capacity. So Obama is clear for drone striking US citizens without a trial.

Biden’s influence peddling all happened prior to his time in the WH.

And Thomas made it clear that Jack Smith had to confirmed by Congress. He’s basically a private citizen that’s been deputized by the Biden DOJ to prosecute anyone, let alone the former PUSA/prime political opponent. It’s about balance of powers and it is meant to stop exactly what’s happening here - prosecution of political opponents by a sitting PUSA.

Jack Smith is done. His appointment was unconstitutional.
That second tweet is something I didn't even consider.

Ho Lee Fook...

I don't see any way they don't rescind the jury's decision and start all over.

What will liberals do when they can't say "34 felonies" over and over?
I posted something this morning that had some relevance to all of this, but the forum had a glitch and I wasn't going to rewrite all of that. Russia Russia Russia gate was very similar, because Sessions was such a pussy and recused himself. Rosenstein really had no authority to appoint Mueller for the witchhunt, which we ALL know was a joke and should have been pinned on Hillary Clinton and not Trump. These special counsels are nothing but rubber stamps for the whims of the Deep State, which includes the justice department and their thug henchmen, the FBI. And before anyone says Biden gets immunity for his classified documents bullshit, he wasn't President. He was just a VP, without any of those powers.

I posted something this morning that had some relevance to all of this, but the forum had a glitch and I wasn't going to rewrite all of that. Russia Russia Russia gate was very similar, because Sessions was such a pussy and recused himself. Rosenstein really had no authority to appoint Mueller for the witchhunt, which we ALL know was a joke and should have been pinned on Hillary Clinton and not Trump. These special counsels are nothing but rubber stamps for the whims of the Deep State, which includes the justice department and their thug henchmen, the FBI. And before anyone says Biden gets immunity for his classified documents bullshit, he wasn't President. He was just a VP, without any of those powers.

He may get immunity for the border, but not the classified docs. And if Sotomayor is so "terrified" of a POTUS going on a crime spree, why is she only worried about Biden? He's got a longer criminal track record than Trump.

But now even liberals know why Hur said he was too feeble to convince a jury he knows what he's doing.

He may get immunity for the border, but not the classified docs. And if Sotomayor is so "terrified" of a POTUS going on a crime spree, why is she only worried about Biden? He's got a longer criminal track record than Trump.
But now even liberals know why Hur said he was too feeble to convince a jury he knows what he's doing.
Oh they knew, and now they can't pretend anymore. Orange Man Bad! is their only go to.


He may get immunity for the border, but not the classified docs. And if Sotomayor is so "terrified" of a POTUS going on a crime spree, why is she only worried about Biden? He's got a longer criminal track record than Trump.

But now even liberals know why Hur said he was too feeble to convince a jury he knows what he's doing.
The SocialistcRats are losing their minds this week. It's been an amazing few days. :cool: Karma is a cruel mistress.


SO I guess that mean you will stop calling Biden a criminal or whine about his corrupt justice system? The SCOTUS ruled that is an official act to tell your justice department to do something. So if you believe that Biden put Jack Smith on Trump, that's legal.
A white trash liberal being racist towards a black man, shocking.