Remember when Insta told us there were aliens?!?!?!?!?!?


Bull Gator
Jan 9, 2002
Copper Monkey 30 minutes prior to kickoff

😛 😜 😝

The ignorant/idiot dweebs have just got to hate it that the U.S. Navy and the Pentagon have both confirmed that I was correct, and have been for the past 50+ years, about UFO/UAP's.... 😂
(that's a last laugh, just in case you missed it)
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Ok everybody stand back and watch this…

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“We knew the site was tied to the earliest of Seminole ancestry when we found the ancient remnants of a rubber ball nose in the tomb of the high chief,” said FSU archeology student Thad Stupidsky. “There is most-certainly an historical link between that early age and our current society.”
Thad Stupidsky....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Due to this thread, 'Talking Season' is rapidly turning into sleeping season... 😴
Perhaps that has now been confirmed…

“A lot of people say I’m a different breed. I always tell people I’m not from Earth,” Richardson told ESPN. “I’m gifted, I’m talented. I feel like God made me different, and I just try to use that in my daily life.”
Mathematically, I'd say it's impossible to not have aliens. Billions of stars in each galaxy and there is trillions of galaxies.....whew
The U.S. Navy and the Pentagon said that some people are just to stupid to WTF-Up to reality, and the iG agrees with them....

"Sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena have surged by more than 140 since the last report was released by the Pentagon’s UAP research office in January, a defense official said in a hearing."

"An amendment passed in the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act replaced the Office of Naval Intelligence’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force with the AARO. The goal of the restructuring, amendment sponsor Sen. KirsteIn June, a new task force championed by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., must submit an unclassified report on unidentified aerial phenomena to Congress. It comes as several erstwhile officials, including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and two former CIA directors, have called for a more rigorous look at these sightings.n Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said, was to increase intelligence sharing between the Pentagon and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence."

While the 'willfully ignorant' will still cower in their basements....
So deal with reality,,, or don't. Up to each to decide for themselves...
Just keep in mind that your own chosen beliefs don't affect demonstrated factual reality.

Okay, the iG did a little to help this dying board, but you're now back on your own with your usual clueless drivel. If you wanna talk any more on this subject, go here:

otherwise you can just drivel on here on this wasted beggars thread....
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I am patiently waiting for an intelligent signal from a distant ( or nearby) star system or a discovery of microbial life within our own solar system.
If we find microbial life in our solar system there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999999997% chance it originated on Earth (I think it would actually be a lot more 9's). The question is when does life that originated on Earth get classified as extraterrestrial? Or maybe it never does? For example, they find a bug on Venus they trace back to an ancient version of the flu. Is that virus an Earth bug or a Venus bug?
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If we find microbial life in our solar system there is a 99.9999999999999999999999999999997% chance it originated on Earth (I think it would actually be a lot more 9's). The question is when does life that originated on Earth get classified as extraterrestrial? Or maybe it never does? For example, they find a bug on Venus they trace back to an ancient version of the flu. Is that virus an Earth bug or a Venus bug?

Venus because it mutated there
Endless trolls drivel, or reality, take your pick and then live with it...

Pentagon Confirms 3 F-22 Jets Were Scrambled To Intercept UFO's over Hawaii.

In a jaw-dropping testimony, a ranking Pentagon official explained to Congress just how strange the military's UFO videos can be.“frame-by-frame”-before-congress/ar-AA1aq9tM

The Defense Department has confirmed that leaked photos and video of “unidentified aerial phenomena” (pyramids) taken in 2019 are indeed legitimate images of unexplained objects.
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If there were aliens, it wouldn’t be any crazier than anything else we see going on in this world currently. Obviously there are drones of previously unknown capability operating pretty widespread.

If there were aliens, interacting with earth at the rate in Insta’s posts, which basically list more or less constant UFO interactions since 2015, how would global governments keep it quiet?

Not saying there aren’t aliens. It makes sense that there would be in an infinite environment. I just doubt that they are more or less constantly traveling about earth and being covered up.