I never said I was an independent thinker. I said I will call people out whenever I want and my thoughts are my own. How hard is that to understand?You’re a fraud that because you pretend to be some independent thinker, yet follow along with the rest of the dorks on here. No original thoughts at all, and afraid to step out from your posse. Take a chance, admit the Country is headed in the right direction under Biden’s leadership.
I predict that in 20 years you’ll be bragging about some test you took 40 years ago, and still denying climate change is really happening.
PS. Why do you assume that any person responding to you is “mad.” That’s just silly.
Define right direction? You feel because the stock market is doing great, we’re heading in the right direction. That is literally your only point you ever bring up. I’ve asked you twice now what happens when the government stops injecting money into the market, you have yet to respond. Why?
Would you like to debate other issues where we clearly are not heading in the right direction? Didn’t think so because it’s a losing argument for you and you know this which is why you bring up an economy. You hate to lose debates because you feel what you say is always correct and when no one agrees with you, you lash out. Same thing happens with children.
I assumed your upset, not mad. As in something I said to you hurt your feelings and you feel the need to lash out. I offered to walk you through it, offer still stands.