Really Dems? This is your answer to Alito in PA?

If only you could prove it. But you can’t. So we’ll all be celebrating come Nov 21, 2021.

Suck it, losers.
It’s funny! That’s what everyone has said of u! I don’t need to. It’s on countless topics on this board and not hard to go view. It’s u who refuses. Very snowflake of u! Lol
Been proven snowflake. Simply view the topics. Lol. It’s ok. We all know u like the tickle in ur ass from ur head. Haha

But you've been claiming an internet victory over Ghost for quite some time now.
Well, I did win the bet, so that’s an objective measure. And I did trigger him so bad that he complained to the mods and tried to get me banned. So that’s another objective test.

But I hardly even look at his posts any more. The best way to defeat trolls is to just ignore them.

You’re not a troll, like Ghost is. You actually believe the nonsense you get from Gateway Pundit and other crazy sites that cater to the gullible Trumpers.
Oh, so u went from just wait u were on it to it’s Not my job? Haha. Typical!
You believed I was actually working on trying to disprove your crazy fraud claims. Sorry, I didn’t realize you were that stupid. It’s not for me to disprove. It’s yours to prove. In court. So far.......

You believed I was actually working on trying to disprove your crazy fraud claims. Sorry, I didn’t realize you were that stupid. It’s not for me to disprove. It’s yours to prove. In court. So far.......

1st. No cause there isn’t anything to debunk the facts. Haha. 2. U have yet to support anything u say so historically speaking ur a fact less idiot.
I employed 5 formulas from analytical mechanics. I used 80 million as a scaler. I used 4 dozen humans, 1000, 2000, 3000 and 5000 as vectors. People attending rallies in Beijing Biden announced rallies in Biden's home state of Pennsylvania. Scranton, PA.

Discoveries found a blue wave in all formulas. Subtracting the blue wave found Biden winning a 1 in a quadrillion plausibility.

Biden did not win the 2020 election using legal votes.