RCP has changed...

300 lawsuits only requires one very busy lawyer. I mean, Trump has more than 1, but 1 is all that's required. Several suits have already been thrown out of court for lack of evidence, but it takes time. I would say that these "some election worker saw" tweets have been debunked, one after another, so I would go back on some of this and look again.

I did see that Barr has broken with longstanding DOJ policy and allowed prosecutors to start inquiries right away, the response of which was the head of election crimes quit. I'll be interested to see if any investigations are done in states that voted Republican, or if it's only going to be in states that Trump lost closely. Because if it's only in states that swing the election, then it isn't about rooting out and punishing fraud, it's about changing the election outcome. Finding and punishing fraud, that's a DOJ responsibility. Changing the outcomes of elections is not.

you mean like this one in Texas?

Right on cue, they’ve switched from there’s no evidence of voter fraud to there is evidence of voter fraud but it wasn’t enough to affect the election. Do they like email out the talking point playbook before the election?
gator1776 can clearly define all seven components of critical thinking. His component cannot.
I've asked numerous times for evidence of fraud in red states that benefit Trump, it would strangely make me feel better.

How again am I a hypocrite?
Look at Arizona with all of those late votes coming in for Trump. It must be fraud.

And those counties that came in overwhelmingly for Trump. Must be fraud.

And that place where they put pizza boxes to hide the counting. Must be fraud.

And that box they found with 100,000 votes all for Trump.

Naw, we don’t do conspiracy theories as well as you guys. But if you want to see some actual fraud.

Or here’s a total list. Looks like a lot of Pub states in there.

like this one

Must be an old story of she has already been charged.

Voter registration is a bit different than voting. Wrong is still wrong, but she might have a requirement to have a certain percentage of her cases registered to vote, and so crossed a boundary. Being overzealous in registering people isn't voting fraud.

But let's see if the DOJ goes to Texas and looks for anything else.
Right on cue, they’ve switched from there’s no evidence of voter fraud to there is evidence of voter fraud but it wasn’t enough to affect the election. Do they like email out the talking point playbook before the election?
DNC talking points are mailed out daily to members and the media. That is why the verbiage is the same between dem pols and TV personalities
How do you know there aren't sworn affidavits from those states? All the tweets and suchlike you have been getting your info from are part of a narrative being pushed nationally by Republicans. You think they are going to put up tweets about alleged voter fraud in a red state? Think about this: Dominion voting systems are used in 33 states. The contention is that they are susceptible to fraud, but you are only seeing complaints from the battleground states Trump lost. Why is that?
These people must think there are no checks and all pollsters are either idiots or corrupt. It’s mind boggling what these guys are willing to believe.
You're asking me to prove the absence of bout this, why don't you prove they exist? Seems like a more logical approach.

I'm honestly getting tired of asking for examples of red fraud in this election. And don't tell me it's because the media is biased in favor of the right. I'm pretty sure we'd all know if this evidence existed.

And you didn't answer my question.
We won. Why would we be trying to prove fraud. That’s what desperate.losers do.

Your question is meaningless. Just more inference.
I don't gamble on anything. I don't even put $1 in the slots when I'm in Vegas for work. And honestly even if I did I'd pick Biden to be the next president...I just think there are too many chips stacked against Trump. I think the cheating was pervasive and widespread, and likely insurmountable. Right now he'd have to take WI, MI, GA away and hold NC. That's going to take some doing, I don't know if I see it.

But you seem advice is to calm down, pop some corn and settle in. It's going to be a wild ride these next few weeks.

Regardless, RCP was pointed to for months as the source for polling that showed Biden was going to landslide this thing. For them to admit the ground is shaky is certainly a development. And it's a tad bit hypocritical to spike the football on projections, then ignore them when they point the other way.
Ok, well, let's address Benford's law. I'd love to know how these ballots are able to violate Benford's law. You have to have NUMBERS to violate Benford's law, and you have to take all those numbers and run a Benford's law test on them. A ballot, as it is bubbled in ovals, has no numbers to test. They don't even have return addresses on them.

Look dude, I am a CPA, been one nearly 25 years, and I have done fraud investigations and Benford's law tests. You have no idea what you are talking about here. But I'm sure you are just parroting what somebody else wrote, hoping for the ignorance of the readers.

Marketing. LOL, GTFO.
You are kidding me, right? I'm serious.
Enron Board of Directors. 😂 🤣
  • Haha
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Must be an old story of she has already been charged.

Voter registration is a bit different than voting. Wrong is still wrong, but she might have a requirement to have a certain percentage of her cases registered to vote, and so crossed a boundary. Being overzealous in registering people isn't voting fraud.

But let's see if the DOJ goes to Texas and looks for anything else.

it was voter registration fraud in THIS election in a state that always goes repub. so, as you can see. They weren’t snd aren’t just looking at rat states
We won. Why would we be trying to prove fraud. That’s what desperate.losers do.

Your question is meaningless. Just more inference.

caught lying again “We won”. Thought you said you were a conservative. Weeeeeeeee.. Them lies are hard to keep up with. Maybe you should pay your 9.99 like “the rest of us”
it was voter registration fraud in THIS election in a state that always goes repub. so, as you can see. They weren’t snd aren’t just looking at rat states

"The Texas Attorney General’s Office’s Election Fraud Unit assisted the Limestone County Sheriff and District Attorney in charging Kelly Reagan Brunner. "

Obviously not the Department of Justice. As the point of this was whether the DOJ would go to any other than battleground states that went blue, your argument is invalid.
"The Texas Attorney General’s Office’s Election Fraud Unit assisted the Limestone County Sheriff and District Attorney in charging Kelly Reagan Brunner. "

Obviously not the Department of Justice. As the point of this was whether the DOJ would go to any other than battleground states that went blue, your argument is invalid.

fair point. your initial post on it wasn’t as clear as the second one.
Ok, well, let's address Benford's law. I'd love to know how these ballots are able to violate Benford's law. You have to have NUMBERS to violate Benford's law, and you have to take all those numbers and run a Benford's law test on them. A ballot, as it is bubbled in ovals, has no numbers to test. They don't even have return addresses on them.

Look dude, I am a CPA, been one nearly 25 years, and I have done fraud investigations and Benford's law tests. You have no idea what you are talking about here. But I'm sure you are just parroting what somebody else wrote, hoping for the ignorance of the readers.

Marketing. LOL, GTFO.
You're right, I don't know much about Benford's law. However, it's commonly used aa a tool - just one tool - to determine whether to audit election results. I have said about 10 times, it's the preponderance of evidence, not one thing, that's really concerning to me.

And it uses the second digit in vote counts, so it is applicable. And yes, there are plenty of papers out there debating its usefulness. I'm pretty impressed my tiny little Marketing brain could spend 45 seconds and research that. But even my diminished academic capacity can somehow understand it's an interesting data point. And the scale at which Biden's vote totals violate it is impressive.

Maybe you should read up on it buddy:
One example <---Academic paper that's a rebuttal of one that says Benford's law is not applicable to election fraud detection.