There are too many coincidences that all go one direction for it not be widespread. And I'm careful to make sure I see the data, hear the first hand account, etc.
- All of the "irregularities" with Dominion vote counting machines favor Biden - there are thousands of votes that were switched from Trump to Biden in several battlegound states...and I bet they find more
- All of the overnight "ballot dumps" were statistically impossible in favor of Biden
- The impossible turnout in WI - 1/3rd of the precincts were over 94% turnout 90%+ for Biden. Only Putin gets that type of turnout, it doesn't happen in a free election.
- All of the dead people that voted in MI - I saw with my own eyes, checking a random sample, proof that 110+ YO's voted in person. It's not even hard to find, it's public record.
- The video of 2 AM deliveries of what appear to be boxes of ballots with no chain of custody or other observers right before the late night miracle spikes. See below for example.
- The willful violation of the court order requiring the separation of ballots by type.
- The fact that the dem observers outnumber the GOP observers 3 to 1.
- The counters cheering as GOP observers are removed.
- Biden outperforming Obama among these few urban vote dumps, even though Trump picked up points in every demographic group in the rest of the country.
- The ratios of these vote dumps favoring Biden more in these few battlegrounds than the ratio for the rest of the country (even the bluest of the blue).
- The ballot dumps appear to have caused a statistical anomaly and as such, violate
Benford's Law (a tool used by forensic data investigators to find vote and tax fraud)
The first hand testimony of a ballot count observer who noted that during her entire 8 hour shift 7k votes were counted, in the hour immediately after 100k were counted and all were for Biden - seriously the video is a little tough to watch but it's pretty convincing, she's not a normal "Trump Train" supporter, seems extremely genuine
- The funeral home worker in TX who registered all of their patients and voted (we now know there are 65k nursing home patients who ALL registered on the same day in PA)
- Hundreds of sworn affidavits of people who witnessed fraud (which might be why Barr is finally stepping in)
- In 3 different battleground states you have hidden cam video of Postal Service employees talking about being asked to back date postmarks, give away blank ballots, etc. I can share but they're Veritas, so you probably wouldn't watch...but Veritas doesn't generate content, you hear the real people saying these things as they happen. It's hard to refute.
- The fact that Trump's lawyers have identified 450k votes with no one selected downballot...and we have a ton of history to tell us this is an extreme (perhaps impossible) anomaly
Impossible turnout numbers in WI - data from the state (easier to work with if you paste into Excel)
I could keep going, there's tons more, but the bottom line is any of these taken by themselves I could accept as a coincidence. But when every one points the same just doesn't pass the sniff test. Just show me the one data point, anecdote, etc. that shows it benefitted Trump. I'm seriously asking, because I don't want to believe it's this bad.
But if your news source says "no evidence" - it says alot about their integrity. Even the most biased journalist has to take a step back and be open to the possibility our elections system is broke AF.