Rats and leftist media in meltdown after


Bull Gator
Jan 14, 2004
AG delivers summary of the Mueller witch hunt investigation.

thoughts boys


Mueller does not find Trump campaign knowingly conspired with Russia

BREAKING NEWS: Justice Department says Mueller report 'does not exonerate' President Trump even though special counsel didn't find he 'committed a crime' — as Democrats start new round of finger-pointing

Now start handing out the the real indictments for the co conspirators in the Owebama regimes silent coup.

Lock her up

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AG delivers summary of the Mueller witch hunt investigation.

thoughts boys


Mueller does not find Trump campaign knowingly conspired with Russia

BREAKING NEWS: Justice Department says Mueller report 'does not exonerate' President Trump even though special counsel didn't find he 'committed a crime' — as Democrats start new round of finger-pointing

Now start handing out the the real indictments for the co conspirators in the Owebama regimes silent coup.

Lock her up


To lock HER up, they'd have to lock up Owebama and all of his Cabal. Ain't ever going to happen.
Hillree wasn't a target.
Remember SunBurntIndian and i'll quote you.
"Two Tier Justice System"
Yes, she has been a target but she is like Teflon
Hillary wasn't a target in the Benghazi fiasco? Bullchit!
The Republican darling (Trey Gowdy) BLEW IT! By design of course.
That Benghazi hearing was nothing but a dawg and pony show.
When is it going to get through the thick skulls of people
that Pubes and Rats are one and the same?
Of all people on this forum i thought you would have that figured out by now.
They, Republicans and Democrats were both involved in trying to
over throw this country!
Here is you and others on this forum points to ponder.
Who is protecting Hillary? Email scandal, Whitewater, Uranium One, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, the Russian Dossier, Filegate, Cattle futures. and the list goes on and on. Now, you want to sit there and tell me she hasn't been a target. Mueller was what you would call
a clean up man. He cleaned up what would have been found out about Hillary. This wasn't about Trump. It was an investigation to lift Hillary's finger prints from the crime scene. Remember, he was the head of the same FBI who claimed and backed George Jr.'s assertion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Mueller is a clean up man.
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So what is your point ? They couldn't find nothing with Hillary either.
Could they?
How do you find something you don't intend to look for. But maybe I missed it. So who was the Special Counsel that was appointed to look into the Hillary email scandal?
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Mueller did not target Hillree. Hillree was targeted by hapless House commitees. No special council for Hillree. Loretta saw no need. Sessions became a part time AG by recusing himself paving the way for Rosenstein to appoint Mueller.

Lois Lerner at the IRS targeted conservative groups. No punishment because "she didn't mean to do it." No crime in being stupid.
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Bottom line gentlemen. We have lost our country! All this Trump
bullshit is, is a distraction. Keeps everyone running around in circles.
How come no one is in jail from the DOJ? or the FBI or the CIA or
the State Department. Answer: The wolf is at the door!
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Mueller did not target Hillree. Hillree was targeted by hapless House commitees. No special council for Hillree. Loretta saw no need. Sessions became a part time AG by recusing himself paving the way for Rosenstein to appoint Mueller.

Lois Lerner at the IRS targeted conservative groups. No punishment because "she didn't mean to do it." No crime in being stupid.

The spineless Repubs NEVER put Hildabitch under oath just in case someone decided to try her for Perjury.
Remember SunBurntIndian and i'll quote you.
"Two Tier Justice System"
Yes, she has been a target but she is like Teflon
Hillary wasn't a target in the Benghazi fiasco? Bullchit!
The Republican darling (Trey Gowdy) BLEW IT! By design of course.
That Benghazi hearing was nothing but a dawg and pony show.
When is it going to get through the thick skulls of people
that Pubes and Rats are one and the same?
Of all people on this forum i thought you would have that figured out by now.
They, Republicans and Democrats were both involved in trying to
over throw this country!
Here is you and others on this forum points to ponder.
Who is protecting Hillary? Email scandal, Whitewater, Uranium One, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, the Russian Dossier, Filegate, Cattle futures. and the list goes on and on. Now, you want to sit there and tell me she hasn't been a target. Mueller was what you would call
a clean up man. He cleaned up what would have been found out about Hillary. This wasn't about Trump. It was an investigation to lift Hillary's finger prints from the crime scene. Remember, he was the head of the same FBI who claimed and backed George Jr.'s assertion that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Mueller is a clean up man.

By Jove, I think you've got it!
Excellent summation, BTW.

Agent Orange
It could also be the fact that the dems and repubs actually look out for each other more than we suspect...after all, if all of the truth actually came pouring out...just who would be left (pardon the pun) to lead us into perpetual decline, moar and moar debt, moar and moar political and social division, and trying to be the world's policeman?...not to mention keeping us sucessfully divided and fighting amongst each other?...since common $en$e tells us the longer we stay divided...the le$$ attention we pay to our so-called leaders and the mega, numerous errors they make leading to their reelection...and that's the way (a ha, a ha) they like it.
And apparently we do, too.

Agent Orange
There are those never Trumper Pubs. Flake, McCain, Corker, et al. They obviously can't stand an outsider sticking his nose into the "boy's club". And we slimey deplorables who voted for the outsider? Woe be us.

An undeniable truth making it a no brainer for me? Trump is not a plantation cracker.
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There are those never Trumper Pubs. Flake, McCain, Corker, et al. They obviously can't stand an outsider sticking his nose into the "boy's club". And we slimey deplorables who voted for the outsider? Woe be us.

An undeniable truth making it a no brainer for me? Trump is not a plantation cracker.

Could very well be...but...we know like his predecessor (oh-bomba)...Trumpie fills his cabinet and other offices with Wall Street & banking folks...the same banks & folks who needed a TARP bailout.

Agent Orange
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All roads lead back to Owebama.

The greatest scandal in American history
It could also be the fact that the dems and repubs actually look out for each other more than we suspect...after all, if all of the truth actually came pouring out...just who would be left (pardon the pun) to lead us into perpetual decline, moar and moar debt, moar and moar political and social division, and trying to be the world's policeman?...not to mention keeping us sucessfully divided and fighting amongst each other?...since common $en$e tells us the longer we stay divided...the le$$ attention we pay to our so-called leaders and the mega, numerous errors they make leading to their reelection...and that's the way (a ha, a ha) they like it.
And apparently we do, too.

Agent Orange

This comment should be posted first on every political thread opened from here on out and then just close the thread.
The Repubs are gearing up for a counter investigation into the dossier origination and the connection between the FBI and their attempts to place informants into the Trump campaign. Spineless Lindsey Graham suddenly has became a rabid dog. I think Feds are f&cked. Comey, Brennan, McCabe are headed to prison, and Barry is going to be picking up their soap in the shower.
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The Repubs are gearing up for a counter investigation into the dossier origination and the connection between the FBI and their attempts to place informants into the Trump campaign. Spineless Lindsey Graham suddenly has became a rabid dog. I think Feds are f&cked. Comey, Brennan, McCabe are headed to prison, and Barry is going to be picking up their soap in the shower.
LMAO!, you must believe in unicorns and pixie dust as well.
Is there not someone/anyone that even the highest on the food chain have to answer to/towards?
The answer would be, "yes."

Even the ones who are in control are being controlled by someone else.

Agent Orange
Is there not someone/anyone that even the highest on the food chain have to answer to/towards?
The answer would be, "yes."

Even the ones who are in control are being controlled by someone else.

Agent Orange

I think the powerful *think* they are in control; but control is either elusive or a illusion.... the larger an area or group a man or entity tries to exert control over - the more chaos that is generated contrary to the control “loop”. It’s fundamental thermodynamics and chaos theory

..... that’s why when conspiracy theories tie up cause and effect for lots of events as all being pulled by one group of strings, I laugh..... no large umbrella entity has that kind of control and vision. The ‘fog of war’ affects all with impunity
All they have to do is flip one player in this coup attempt to take out Trump and there are a lot of players involved in this.

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