Pelosi Exposed

@FresnoGator 's wife just screamed AMEN!!!
Nah, his marriage wasn’t saved by Viagara.
When he put her in the following position …..


…. he had her on the ropes.

It’s when he did this to her …..


….. that he knew he had her and she was never ever going to leave him.

Why do you think she loves him so much ? Dental gas and his suctioning tool(s).
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Look I'm not fully buying into this whole argument about 'guns haven't changed people changed'.
Sure people have changed to some degree but according to the FBI website...Table 9...364 people were murdered with a rifle in 2019 (and not all of those are Assault Rifle-15's) while 600 people were murdered with hands, fists and feet.
I'll tell ya what has coverage!
I'm not condoning shootings and this comes from someone who lives 5 miles from Parkland and knows students who were there but every time there's a shooting it's wall to wall media coverage. The data suggests that these incidents are not as prevalent as the media coverage suggests. Imagine if the media covered child drunk driver deaths like they did Parkland and Texas.
I agree. That's why I mentioned not allowing the media to give a terrorist personal media face time or even mention their name. We live in the world of instant access of information and the media are like vultures. They crave a good crisis to cover, especially when it's right in their wheelhouse to promote their antigun narrative.

Immigration applies to the second question too. They don't want to solve that either. They want the issue. Same applies to making black lives a lot better. They don't want to solve that either.
We can say that about both parties. I feel like both parties say they will fix things, then get in power and don't.

One of the biggest reasons is a majority isn't always a majority. Remember democrats (red state Dems) ended the gun reform bill after Sandy Hook and the Republicans (McCain) ended repealing the ACA. Despite those parties having "majorities".

Now that I think about. There is merit to your original 2nd question. My apologies
We can say that about both parties. I feel like both parties say they will fix things, then get in power and don't.

One of the biggest reasons is a majority isn't always a majority. Remember democrats (red state Dems) ended the gun reform bill after Sandy Hook and the Republicans (McCain) ended repealing the ACA. Despite those parties having "majorities".

Now that I think about. There is merit to your original 2nd question. My apologies
Thanks for that. And your point about a majority isn't always a majority is a valid point in that every vote from your own party is not a guarantee as your examples show and as the democrats and Biden are seeing with Manchin and Sinema now.
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We can say that about both parties. I feel like both parties say they will fix things, then get in power and don't.

One of the biggest reasons is a majority isn't always a majority. Remember democrats (red state Dems) ended the gun reform bill after Sandy Hook and the Republicans (McCain) ended repealing the ACA. Despite those parties having "majorities".

Now that I think about. There is merit to your original 2nd question. My apologies

What another complete killingagoodman waste of time... 😴
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So sad that America got to point where we have to "harden" schools. 😔
Let me has happened because of the pussifcation of America. And GUESS which side has MOST of the puss@@@? Participation trophies, no discipline, broken homes, morals and ethics left the building, religion being banned in schools, pledge of allegiance removed. All these things and more has caused this. When I went to school, you could have a gun hanging from your truck rear window. We did not shoot people back then. It is the "progressive" society that has caused this. They should be named "REGRESSIVES"
Not a fan of making schools a police state. I don't know one teacher that wants to carry a gun. Some can if they want but we shouldn't make that a job requirement. Teachers want to teach, not shoot bad guys.
What do they want to do if someone enters the school w a gun...because THAT is what we are talking about. BTW...there were MANY AR 15's in my day...and NOONE shot up schools
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I agree about the perfect world. We are not in a perfect world and things should be changed accordingly but with reason.

However, that bad guy with a gun will be afraid or hesitate because of a good guy with a gun has been disproven in plenty of cases.
You just lied here. May I direct you to the shooter who chicken shatted on shooting Kavanaugh because he saw guards w guns?
It's always been about the right to defend one's self from tyrannical government. The hypocrisy of Democrats just screams when they just sent 40 billion to Ukraine for the same doesn't it?
I always tell the little sissy snowflakes that the Founding Fathers did not just get back from a hunting trip when they created the 2nd amendment...they just won a revolution from an oppressing government. That pretty much shuts that ridiculous argument down
For starters, a woman in West Virginia shot and killed a dumbass that showed up to a graduation party with an AR-15 last week. Last year, when a shooter engaged a church in Texas, congregants and security opened fire on him. And those are just two such incidents. If you really want to know, these incidents are neither rare nor out if the ordinary. Google is your friend.
He got you first on this one! You need to go outside and practice falling down, kalimgoodman
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Thanks for that. And your point about a majority isn't always a majority is a valid point in that every vote from your own party is not a guarantee as your examples show and as the democrats and Biden are seeing with Manchin and Sinema now.
Looks like you can put a W in for the good guys.

Instead of teaching teachers how to handle a gun how about we teach them how to teach the main core curriculum education was built upon? Instead of having teachers who try to FORCE their crt and sexual choice agendas on impressionable children, and canceling and outcasting those who don’t agree with them, how about they actually do the job they were hired to do?
Instead of teaching teachers how to handle a gun how about we teach them how to teach the main core curriculum education was built upon? Instead of having teachers who try to FORCE their crt and sexual choice agendas on impressionable children, and canceling and outcasting those who don’t agree with them, how about they actually do the job they were hired to do?
Funny you mention this. A family member is a teacher. The NEA and teacher's union is a hated foe with a majority of teachers. Like everything else in the media, it's more fake news, especially in the south.
How many massive shooting were stop because of a person with a gun?

The FBI has been vastly undercounting the times a mass shooting or active shooting event has been stopped by legally armed citizens, according to an independent report provided to Secrets.

In the new report, some undercounting has been “by an order of more than 10,” suggesting that the so-called “good guy with a gun” event is not rare and may be involved in a third or more of the attacks.

A study from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) released Monday shows the FBI undercounts the number of times an armed citizen stops an active shooting.

Very few break ins in the south. Why? You go into someone's house, more than a 50% shot that the person is packing and you will not end up the same way you entered the place.

Guns deter a lot of sillyness.

They do not stop, gang violence. That requires border control and the FBI.
Very few break ins in the south. Why? You go into someone's house, more than a 50% shot that the person is packing and you will not end up the same way you entered the place.

Guns deter a lot of sillyness.

They do not stop, gang violence. That requires border control and the FBI.
No...they borders are open, and the FBI is bust doing political work for the communists in power.
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Why didn't the first 2 years of the Obama administration not pass any gun control they wanted when they had the white house and house and a filibuster proof senate? Is the answer that they really don't want to solve anything and fear they would get blamed if their own legislation led to very little effect and that just having the issue is better politically for them?
Because they were chicken chits
Very few break ins in the south. Why? You go into someone's house, more than a 50% shot that the person is packing and you will not end up the same way you entered the place.

Guns deter a lot of sillyness.

They do not stop, gang violence. That requires border control and the FBI.
I agree with this. Great policing, and district attorneys that keep crooks in jail deter gang violence
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Very few break ins in the south. Why? You go into someone's house, more than a 50% shot that the person is packing and you will not end up the same way you entered the place.

Guns deter a lot of sillyness.

They do not stop, gang violence. That requires border control and the FBI.

Actually agree.

Guns will not necessarily stop a truly determined person (only the gun fight can do that) but the mere threat of their presence seems to halt the overwhelming majority of crimes of opportunity.
No...they borders are open, and the FBI is bust doing political work for the communists in power.
It's why the R need power. Borders are open and FBI is being increasingly politically motivated. Tom Holman did a very good job under K. Nielsen.

As you know Illegal Immigration is my #1 issue.
It's why the R need power.
America First candidates need power. I get what you are saying, but we can no longer assume that Republicans aren't really democrats. We thought Mittens, McCain, Collins, Murkowski, McConnell, Sasse were true conservative republicans too.

What we need is Republicans who will campaign on putting America First, then go to Washington and vote that way.
Very few break ins in the south. Why? You go into someone's house, more than a 50% shot that the person is packing and you will not end up the same way you entered the place.

Guns deter a lot of sillyness.

They do not stop, gang violence.
That requires border control and the FBI.
Oh but I beg to differ on that. In my rural NE FL community, out on the outskirts of town, a drug gang/family rented a large house and attempted to set up their 'drugs to kids' business. 😡

The local citizens made it known to the Sheriffs Dept, that if they didn't shut them down, then the sovereign citizens in the community would do so in a very loud and violent manner. 😠

Within a week, multiple law enforcement agencies combined and stormed the location, hauling away many and shutting down the house, which now stands vacant.

One of, if not the biggest problems with our country, is that the 'Sovereign Citizens' have forgotten what their own rights and responsibilities entail.
But there are still regions and communities in our state and in our country, where FREEDOM still rings....