The guy is easy to dislike obviously. I personally didn't go to the Rose Bowl where we beat yet another SEC team because I was still not sure if he was a rapist or a victim of too much BS press. I am on the side of BS press now. I hope he breaks it off in Dallas this Sunday. Too soon?
What I always found interesting is prior to the accusations, fans, rivals and media commentators raved about JW's charismatic, energetic, demeanor as well as his leadership (which is still raved about in TB)...his Clemson locker-room speech went viral immediately. Once the allegations surfaced, his character didn't change, but the perception was that he was arrogant, obnoxious and he showed no signs of caring about the "victim". At that point you have to decide whether or not Jameis' actions were those of a sociopath (because the allegations were true) or of an innocent man (because the allegations were false).
What I also found interesting is
most (not all) were divided into two camps:
Camp 1: JW was innocent. Why? Because they thoroughly and time-consumingly read through every page of evidence.
Camp 2: JW was guilty. Why? Because they listened to media snippets (biased narrative) and believed the accuser because, after-all, why would she lie?
Those two camps were basically Noles (Camp 1) and Rivals/media (Camp 2). Why? Because who on earth, outside of Seminole Nation, would read through hundreds of pages of evidence? I wouldn't read through it for a rival player.
Anyway, I've pretty much stuck to my "narrative" since the beginning. TPD did a $hitty (LAZY) job and that incompetence led to constant speculation that could have been nullified from the onset had the officer done his job thoroughly. I fully believe that if the officer pulled the surveillance video, properly interviewed witnesses, to include the cab driver, the media circus would have never had a chance to perform. Hell, even a year later, Kinsman's friend's testimony didn't support her claims one iota...imagine if other evidence had been collected in a timely manner.
So, in short, the guilty parties are EK for lying (although, I'm convinced she wasn't treated like a princess that night), TPD for its incompetence, Cashier for being a creepy pervert, and FSU for slow rolling. Innocent party? Jameis Winston.
LINK 1: The Cinematic Railroading of Jameis Winston
LINK 2: Sexual Assault Accusations (pretty much every single detail in chronological order)