See, this is the problem when ever there is a discussion about abortion. People tend to group all Repubs and/or all Dems as thinking the same way. Sure there are ultraright pubs who want no abortion at all, no exceptions, and far left DEMS who want abortion on demand for any reason at any time, even up to and right after birth. But I would wager that most repubs and not all DEMS. I think many would agree that somewhere between 12 to 18 week range is acceptable time, with exceptions.Their view (which I agree with) is that until the baby is viable outside of the womb, the choice is the mothers. They should also have full access to the day after bill (which is getting restricted in many states, as well, which has nothing to do with abortion, per se).
They view six weeks as ridiculous. Many mothers do not know they are pregnant until 8 - 10 weeks.
Once they are pregnant and have had 2-4 weeks to process the information, they want to be able to abortion. That put you at about 14-15 weeks. Tops of 20 unless their a health issue, which is a joint decision between the mother (not "birthing person") and physician.
If the baby is viable after 20 weeks and if there is no health issue, then the baby needs to be brought to term. They agree with that.
They view adoption as something that indeed some mothers may choose to do and fully support it.
They also try to practice "safe sex" (my wife is getting close to menupause so her chances of getting pregnant are very low, and I have a vasectomy) but my daughters are in college which is not the epicenter of reasoned decision making. Things happen.
So, their view is pretty mainstream. The far left of the Democratic party wants abortion on demand.
Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wasn’t All That Fond of Roe v. Wade (Published 2020)
The late Supreme Court justice believed the landmark ruling was too sweeping and vulnerable to attacks, explains Professor Mary Hartnett, co-author of Justice Ginsburg’s authorized
BUT, what I would also assume most repubs do not like is women thinking abortion is a proper means of birth control or as DEMS like to say, a means of women's health. IT IS NOT. Having to get an abortion should be the exception, not the norm. Used when failed birth control, or rape caused unwanted pregnancy or the health of the mother, etc.