What is funny/sad, Biden and the Dems keep saying they are cutting the deficit, BUT keep pushing to raise the debt ceiling, which means the Gov borrows and spend more $ which keeps increasing the deficit.Raising the debt ceiling? Forget it. Actually, the Washington Post needs to raise their Pinocchio ceiling many times over to cover Biden lie volume.
The democrats remind me of the husband and wife getting their credit card statement with a balance of $7,000 and seeing their minimum payment is just $36. Hey look, we can pay that. Now we borrow some more.What is funny/sad, Biden and the Dems keep saying they are cutting the deficit, BUT keep pushing to raise the debt ceiling, which means the Gov borrows and spend more $ which keeps increasing the deficit.
The NY Times take on it. 🤣
Why isn't the lamestream media covering any of this shit? Any of them? Including FOX News? Infuriating. If this were Trump, it would be wall to wall, non stop coverage. No place to hide on the computer or TV.