nole fans were correct: fsu handled Winston case perfectly


Bull Gator
Apr 3, 2002
Which is why the "school" has agreed to pay the accuser ONE MILLION DOLLARS to settle out of court.

Smart move on their telling what dirty laundry would have been aired and how much it would have ultimately cost them. JW will more than likely ultimately do the same thing.
:eek: Shameous Jameous,,,
:confused: just another 'gud-chri-shan-boi' like many other criminoles... :p

friends, don't let friends,,,,, :cool:
Smart move on their telling what dirty laundry would have been aired and how much it would have ultimately cost them. JW will more than likely ultimately do the same thing.

They've been doing depositions for the last several months. Something came out during those depositions that caused the settlement. That's what happens.
There are some funny tweets. As well as some idiotic ones. I espaiclly like the one from FSU Mike that insists, INSISTS that if she was really "wronged" she would have never settled.

If she was wronged, she still can't initiate a criminal case, other to refile the complaint with any new evidence. And a $950k civil settlement is substantial. That is not a "nuisance" settlement.
The $950,000 lump sum payment is the largest ever Title IX discrimination settlement to a single plaintiff claiming a university's "indifference" to a sexual assault, according to to the the Boulder, Colorado-based law firm representing Kinsman, Hutchison Black and Cook.
Kinsman has filed a separate sexual assault lawsuit against Winston in Orlando. Her attorneys say she is "grateful" to reach a settlement.
Looks like she got two proper cockings. First by J5 and 2nd by her attorney's. I guess 250K is worth her settling over? Scam.
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How her civil suit against Winston will also be interesting to watch. If he settles quickly, it all but confirms there are several somethings uncovered in discovery that cast a bad light on not only FSU but for Winston too. It this is the case, then it is also a black eye for the DA that handled the whole thing. I gather that the two civil suits are for entirely different things.
So like I said... she got it good twice.
The lawsuit against FSU is entirely different than the one against Winston, I would imagine. The FSU lawsuit is about FSU's failure in adjudicating its Title IX responsibilities. Even the most ardent Winston supporter knew they screwed up badly.

Hell, Ghost is a good lawyer that wonders if something new came out in discovery that FSU did not want to be made public. That is an interesting and titillating possibility. However, from all the news reports, it looked to me like FSU botched up their Title IX responsibility so badly, I don't know if there needed to be anything new for Kinsman to win her case. Anyone know how much is the original suit?
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Football angle or not, from a purely legal perspective this interesting. A $1 million settlement is tantamount to an admission of guilt.
Football angle or not, from a purely legal perspective this interesting. A $1 million settlement is tantamount to an admission of guilt.

But they didn't admit guilt in the settlement. I hope she doesn't spend her 250K in one spot. FSU wanted this to go away without admitting guilt and they got exactly that.
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Jimbo will pay more to Candi for sleeping around on him and hair plugs. The total amount of money, while big apparently for Title IX, seems more like stfu and go away money. Is it a surprise to anyone that this happened?
But they didn't admit guilt in the settlement. I hope she doesn't spend her 250K in one spot. FSU wanted this to go away without admitting guilt and they got exactly that.

Ever hear "the medium is the message?"

This such a case. The amount is the admission. You don't settle for that kind of money unless you are trying very hard to hide what happened.
Jimbo will pay more to Candi for sleeping around on him and hair plugs. The total amount of money, while big apparently for Title IX, seems more like stfu and go away money. Is it a surprise to anyone that this happened?

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But they didn't admit guilt in the settlement. I hope she doesn't spend her 250K in one spot. FSU wanted this to go away without admitting guilt and they got exactly that.
I was wondering when you would show up and start the FSU apology tour again.

There are very few settlements where the person/institution settling admits to guilt. That is why it is called a settlement.

A RECORD settlement of $950k means FSU was very, very worried that it would be much, MUCH worse if it went to trial.

There is no way to tap your heels three times and make all this seem better than it is, sparky.
Jimbo will pay more to Candi for sleeping around on him and hair plugs. The total amount of money, while big apparently for Title IX, seems more like stfu and go away money. Is it a surprise to anyone that this happened?

Mr straw man, Mr straw man, your table at the red herring cafe is now available.
I was wondering when you would show up and start the FSU apology tour again.

There are very few settlements where the person/institution settling admits to guilt. That is why it is called a settlement.

A RECORD settlement of $950k means FSU was very, very worried that it would be much, MUCH worse if it went to trial.

There is no way to tap your heels three times and make all this seem better than it is, sparky.

Well they made it go away for less than a million so that's a bargain. Who knows how it would've turned out in court? I don't nor do you. The more litigation the more it costs. So FSU threw cash at them and they gladly took it and ran.
The biggest crime here is that public funds were used for this. No matter whether this was consented relations or not; the fact that two peoples actions cost the taxpayers 950,000.00 is abhorrent.

Actually, THIS SETTLEMENT was more about a cover up by MULTIPLE people within the University & Athletics Department...just to protect a football program. That is even MORE abhorrent.
Actually, THIS SETTLEMENT was more about a cover up by MULTIPLE people within the University & Athletics Department...just to protect a football program. That is even MORE abhorrent.

If you would like to move the goal posts from the point that I was making, you could at least give me a heads up. I am talking about public policy and government spending. Whilst you are still bemoaning some type of petty rivalry that probably defines your very existence.
The biggest crime here is that public funds were used for this. No matter whether this was consented relations or not; the fact that two peoples actions cost the taxpayers 950,000.00 is abhorrent.
And to think it all could have been avoided had FSU took their responsibilities more seriously. It would not have taken much. They just had to launch an investigation in a timely manner, interview all parties involved and file a report. Plus take seriously all the threats the young lady received from fellow FSU fans
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And to think it all could have been avoided had FSU took their responsibilities more seriously. It would not have taken much. They just had to launch an investigation in a timely manner, interview all parties involved and file a report. Plus take seriously all the threats the young lady received from fellow FSU fans

Don't be silly. ZZ isn't defending his school. If you weren't so determined to sling mud then you'd see that.
Don't be silly. ZZ isn't defending his school. If you weren't so determined to sling mud then you'd see that.
I was not implying that he was. I agreed with him and like you, upvoted his point.

I was just pointing out that FSU brought this on themselves.

If you weren't so determined to find fault in almost everyone you deal with then you'd see that.
ZZ is right, JW's night of love making is costing the tax payers a pretty penny, and I suspect is going to cost him some big coin too...
If you would like to move the goal posts from the point that I was making, you could at least give me a heads up. I am talking about public policy and government spending. Whilst you are still bemoaning some type of petty rivalry that probably defines your very existence.

Not moving them at all. Just pointing out that this settlement was not a result of what happened that night between Winston and the lady, but rather the actions of those afterwards. The suit was brought about under Title IX, which requires the school to properly investigate, among other things. This wasn't the result of young people, under the influence of alcohol, making bad decisions very late a night. This was the result of the "adults" not doing the job that they are paid to do, that is required of them by law, over a period of weeks and months. Hence "more abhorrent".
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