nole fans were correct: fsu handled Winston case perfectly

ZZ is right, JW's night of love making is costing the tax payers a pretty penny, and I suspect is going to cost him some big coin too...

Won't cost Winston anything but lawyer fees. They are chomping at the bit to get her under oath and question her about her multiple versions of events. They are also going to use her statements from the Hunting Ground because they are completely different from her statements at the COC hearing. And those statements are different from what she told the state attorney. And all of them are different from what she told the police. It's laughable to say Winston is going to have to pay her. He's filed a counter claim against her. Winston definitely ain't worried about Erica
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Yay! The off-season is back in full swing!

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Won't cost Winston anything but lawyer fees. They are chomping at the bit to get her under oath and question her about her multiple versions of events. They are also going to use her statements from the Hunting Ground because they are completely different from her statements at the COC hearing. And those statements are different from what she told the state attorney. And all of them are different from what she told the police. It's laughable to say Winston is going to have to pay her. He's filed a counter claim against her. Winston definitely ain't worried about Erica
Neither was FSU, but then did a sudden about face......
Neither was FSU, but then did a sudden about face......

There was nothing sudden about this. Erica Kinsman was scheduled to be deposed tomorrow by FSU's lawyers. Then all of a sudden they decide to accept this settlement that was extended a while ago. They didn't have to take it. They could have rejected it and went to trial and got millions. Why didn't they?? FSU was able to settle this and not admit any wrongdoing at the same time. They are very happy Kinsman took this settlement. Erica got her $250K and her lawyers got $700k. There's only one loser here and it's not FSU or the attorneys.
There was nothing sudden about this. Erica Kinsman was scheduled to be deposed tomorrow by FSU's lawyers. Then all of a sudden they decide to accept this settlement that was extended a while ago. They didn't have to take it. They could have rejected it and went to trial and got millions. Why didn't they?? FSU was able to settle this and not admit any wrongdoing at the same time. They are very happy Kinsman took this settlement. Erica got her $250K and her lawyers got $700k. There's only one loser here and it's not FSU or the attorneys.
Oh, my bad, the largest title 12 settlement in history and you are claiming victory along with some nole attorney.....the losers are the taxpayers of Florida that had to shell over $1m for this....Ghost said it best up top...nole attorneys realized they might lose and look bad in the process so they decided to offer this up,....your boy Thrasher was running his mouth a few weeks ago about how they did nothing wrong and would be proven to have done nothing wrong....oops
Oh, my bad, the largest title 12 settlement in history and you are claiming victory along with some nole attorney.....the losers are the taxpayers of Florida that had to shell over $1m for this....Ghost said it best up top...nole attorneys realized they might lose and look bad in the process so they decided to offer this up,....your boy Thrasher was running his mouth a few weeks ago about how they did nothing wrong and would be proven to have done nothing wrong....oops

So you think shaking FSU down for $250K is a victory for her?? They took what they could get the day before she was to be deposed under oath. FSU couldn't give two shits about paying this. Them being allowed to settle and not admit fault was more valuable.
Nobody that settles admits fault - that's the way settlements work.

That's why FSU wanted this settlement. A loss at trial would be a disaster and FSU is still being investigated by the federal government. The question is why would she agree to take such a small amount when a trial could have gotten her much more?? FSU wanted two things out of this. One, make this go away. Two, not admit any wrongdoing. They got both for under a million
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The question is why would she agree to take such a small amount when a trial could have gotten her much more??

The poor girl was probably more interested in a commitment from FSU to do more to protect coeds from football players. I just hope FSU follows thru.
That's why FSU wanted this settlement. A loss at trial would be a disaster and FSU is still being investigated by the federal government. The question is why would she agree to take such a small amount when a trial could have gotten her much more?? FSU wanted two things out of this. One, make this go away. Two, not admit any wrongdoing. They got both for under a million

She took a settlement for almost $1 milliion for the same reason FSU settled - there's always a chance you lose if you go to trial.

Btw you keep saying that FSU wanted 2 things - neither of which have anything to do with this process. Regardless of settlement/trial, FSU would never admit fault...period. So I'm not sure why you keep dragging out that argument as if it's some type of victory. Anytime someone loses in court - they still say they were correct and the jury got it wrong.

Secondly - Making it go away. I'm not sure what that means. Either by settling or by going to trial and winning/losing, this was "going away" in time. So again I'm not sure why you see this as something the University set out to accomplish and - shazaam - they won again! lol

Taking these 2 items off the table - they paid out $950k to someone. Writing a check that large shows they were really scared they'd lose at trial and this was the best optioin - tha'ts all. How many times do governments or business cut a check that large for fun?
Secondly - Making it go away. I'm not sure what that means. Either by settling or by going to trial and winning/losing, this was "going away" in time. So again I'm not sure why you see this as something the University set out to accomplish and - shazaam - they won again! lol
The settlement will not have an effect on the current ongoing Title IX investigation by the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Kinsman filed a complaint in early 2014 and it opened an investigation in April 2014. As part of the complaint, Kinsman alleged FSU was “deliberately indifferent” to her reported sexual assault and that its response was “clearly unreasonable.”
Then he's an idiot and he's going to lose his azz fighting that battle.

Well, we all know he is going to piss away his NFL fortunes one way or the other....we assumed more in a Pac Man Jones kinda of way, but I guess he is choosing legal fees.
Well, we all know he is going to piss away his NFL fortunes one way or the other....we assumed more in a Pac Man Jones kinda of way, but I guess he is choosing legal fees.

Well we all know you know absolutely nothing about matters concerning JW. I recall you saying he was a lock to be a bust, Jamarcus Russell level bust. How'd that work our for you?? Now after a Pro Bowl rookie season with 4,000yds and 28tds you're hoping he squander his NFL fortune. lol. Keep dreaming buddy.
Well we all know you know absolutely nothing about matters concerning JW. I recall you saying he was a lock to be a bust, Jamarcus Russell level bust. How'd that work our for you?? Now after a Pro Bowl rookie season with 4,000yds and 28tds you're hoping he squander his NFL fortune. lol. Keep dreaming buddy.

Why do you always lie??? I never said that, and of course I am not "hoping" for anything. But you would be nothing without straw man arguments and lies.
Well, we all know he is going to piss away his NFL fortunes one way or the other....we assumed more in a Pac Man Jones kinda of way, but I guess he is choosing legal fees.

We do?

Odd, It would appear that Winston hasn't made the media's "negative headlines" since leaving FSU. What happened? Most on here predicted that the "evil sexual predator" would just keep on raping and abusing women and the system. He'd fail in life as much as he'd fail on the field. Heck, after his first game the 5-page, celebratory thread here was filled with Winston hate.

Interesting Read
Why do you always lie??? I never said that, and of course I am not "hoping" for anything. But you would be nothing without straw man arguments and lies.

Dude you said that multiple times, including the thread after Winston first game when he performed horribly.
Dude you said that multiple times, including the thread after Winston first game when he performed horribly.

Never said it....I will repeat what I have been saying....I hope for the sake of the franchise he is a success, but I will never be a fan of him personally because he is a creep. I do not like him at all, that is true, but take your lies and shove them.
We do?

Odd, It would appear that Winston hasn't made the media's "negative headlines" since leaving FSU. What happened? Most on here predicted that the "evil sexual predator" would just keep on raping and abusing women and the system. He'd fail in life as much as he'd fail on the field. Heck, after his first game the 5-page, celebratory thread here was filled with Winston hate.

Interesting Read

I don't like him, I don't think he is a smart person, and I don't think he has good values. I think he is a narcissist and a creep, and despite him playing for my team, I will never cheer for him, ever. I am NOT a nole, I don't cheer for creeps just because they help my team win.
Never said it....I will repeat what I have been saying....I hope for the sake of the franchise he is a success, but I will never be a fan of him personally because he is a creep. I do not like him at all, that is true, but take your lies and shove them.

Of course you don't like someone you never met and have no clue about. You feel he is a creep because you think he is a rapist. If you really decided to look at the evidence in the case and read her multiple changing statements, the only conclusion you can come up with is a false claim. If you disagree, then tell me which one of her versions you believe to be true??
I don't like him, I don't think he is a smart person, and I don't think he has good values. I think he is a narcissist and a creep, and despite him playing for my team, I will never cheer for him, ever. I am NOT a nole, I don't cheer for creeps just because they help my team win.

Is it possible he can mature (change in values) and become the type of person you could no longer detest? It's the main reason I linked the Payton story and his sexual assault. He's seems to have matured and distanced himself from the type of 'alleged' behavior from his youth.
Of course you don't like someone you never met and have no clue about. You feel he is a creep because you think he is a rapist. If you really decided to look at the evidence in the case and read her multiple changing statements, the only conclusion you can come up with is a false claim. If you disagree, then tell me which one of her versions you believe to be true??

You are a creep too, because I am watching you lie about me. None of your "evidence" in the rape case has anything to do with your lies about what I said.
Is it possible he can mature (change in values) and become the type of person you could no longer detest? It's the main reason I linked the Payton story and his sexual assault. He's seems to have matured and distanced himself from the type of 'alleged' behavior from his youth.
FWIW, I don't like Peyton either :p
noles always think we should like him because they love him.

It's not about liking a person, it's that the continued vitriol over here that continues despite the reasons for the hate being based on behavior that was exhibited years ago and hasn't resurfaced.

I would hope we would want these young men to mature and become positive members of society.

As Ghost posted on here a while back, we need more David Nelson's and less Ray Rices. Personally, I'd like Winston to emulate the former.
ZZ is right, JW's night of love making is costing the tax payers a pretty penny, and I suspect is going to cost him some big coin too...
Yep. But for a Republic to function properly, public institutions MUST have accountability. This is one way to hold them accountable.
Won't cost Winston anything but lawyer fees.

Yet ostensibly, you use avoidance of lawyer fees as a sensible reason that FSU "settled." Why is that not a sensible reason for Winston to settle?

Winston, even though a wealthy citizen, has pockets that are a lot less deep than FSU. FSU settled because they would have lost in court. It remains to be seen if Winston takes the same tact, either to avoid lawyer fees or otherwise.

They are chomping at the bit to get her under oath and question her about her multiple versions of events.

She has already been questioned about all that. Multiple times.

He's filed a counter claim against her. Winston definitely ain't worried about Erica

He is "ain't worried" about her that he counter sued?

My goodness. What you use for reasoning.
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That's why FSU wanted this settlement. A loss at trial would be a disaster and FSU is still being investigated by the federal government.

Exactly. They would have lost in court.

The question is why would she agree to take such a small amount when a trial could have gotten her much more?? FSU wanted two things out of this. One, make this go away. Two, not admit any wrongdoing. They got both for under a million

Small amount? That word means something other than what you think.
Yet ostensibly, you use avoidance of lawyer fees as sensible reason that FSU "settled." Why is that not a sensible reason for Winston to settle?

Winston, even though a wealthy citizen, has pockets that are a lot less deep than FSU. FSU settled because they would have lost in court. It remains to be seen if Winston takes the same tact, either to avoid lawyer fees or otherwise.

She has already been questioned about all that. Multiple times.

She has not been deposed by his attorneys under oath
Lying to LE authorities in a criminal investigation is illegal?

Of course it is but they are not going to arrest her at this point for making false statements, although they know she did. She has a lot of explaining to do regarding her multiple statements and versions of events. Her appearance on the Hunting Ground was a PR disaster for FSU and Winston but it's going to end up costing her. She made many false and contradictory statements that she will have to answer to.