I think you are caught up in the same stuff that democrats/RINOS have done EVERY election. Lets go back to 1980 and Reagan starting a nuclear war if he got elected. The polls SUPPOSEDLY showed a VERY tight race entering election day. I was 18 then and believe it or not VERY in tune politically. I even knew the news was wrong, that they were lying about how popular Reagan was. And it was one of the biggest blow outs in history. I do not question your love for America, or how conservative that you are. I do have questions about why you believe some of the stuff that the news and cabal are spreading to make people fear to vote for Trump. They did the same thing in 2016. Going in to election day NO ONE on earth was reporting Trump had ANY chance to win. I watched the election results that night drinking my Trump chardonnay, and called the race over for Trump an hour before he was announced he won Florida. To be honest...I think if things were fair last election he would have won by even a larger margin. They STOLE an election, and got away with it. Remember the 51 intelligence "experts" that said Hunters laptop was disinformation?? Do you know the FBI had that computer for OVER a year when those goons signed that letter? There is a MUCH, MUICH bigger effort to control us than about 99% of Americans are aware of. My wife is much smarter than I am...but not about politics. She has NO CLUE who the establishment is, and the lenghts they will go to control us. You would think after face mask mandates, 15 days to stop the spread, forced closings, etc that people would wake the F up. I still am amazed at how many people do not understand WHY the BY FAR best governor in Florida history could not even scratch 10% in the primaries. He sold himself to the devil, and too many people understood this. Just like Haley...he cannot even win his own state where WE LOVE the guy...and Halley will not win in SC. She is down THIRTY %. Name ANYONE in American history that has ran for the highest office who have been attacked like Trump has...and you choose to be mad at HIM. I just do not get this thinking, when it is SO OBVIOUS HE is NOT the problem...it is the people who want to remain in power that he threatens...because THE MOST important thing he has EVER done is that he has exposed them. For America's sake, and for her to survive...we CANNOLT let them win, and keep trying to control us. I HATE to be played as stupid...and I refuse to EVER support those people.