Neo Cons and Conservatives


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
What's the difference? There isn't any! Lol,
Vladimir Putin has made a career of intervening abroad and seeing if the world lets him get away with it. He did this in Georgia when George W. Bush was President, then in Crimea, eastern Ukraine and Syria in Barack Obama’s Presidency. Now he’s doing the same on Donald Trump’s watch—this time in America’s backyard in Venezuela. WSJ
I’ve been watching Venezuela degrade for over 2 years. Completely fascinating .... and horrible.... like watching a train wreck.

The 100 Russian trainees is a drop in the bucket; it’s the hundreds to thousands of Cuban operatives that is really helping to prop Maduro. But this is a more worrisome powder keg for Russia than us..... they are propping up a dictator who literally has less than 15% approval and can’t even keep the lights on. Literally a failed state and makes Syria look stable, LoL
Well Barry Obama told Deep State Mitt in the 2012 debates that Russia wasn’t a threat and it wasn’t the 80s anymore.
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