nail, the Easter egg roll at the White House is off...

Sunburnt Indian

Bull Gator
Nov 7, 2001
Grandson's work schedule does not permit. Woman Called Wesley doesn't want to go without grandson.

There is a planned Trump rally for Louisiana upcoming. RNC event planner little grandson can get free tickets for any event. They may try that one.
Grandson's work schedule does not permit. Woman Called Wesley doesn't want to go without grandson.

There is a planned Trump rally for Louisiana upcoming. RNC event planner little grandson can get free tickets for any event. They may try that one.

Child called pony won’t get to meet President called MAGA
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14 year old Fort Collins granddaughter just left DC for Philly to see the Liberty Bell. She's been on a school trip since Thursday. She's to return to Fort Collins Thursday midnight.

We adopted granddaughter's mother at age 3. She's white. I told you my family's mixed up.

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