Will just leave this quote here. From the article I linked above. The Satanic Ritual Abortion.
“And that’s the game-changing twist here: Unlike other abortion-pill-by-mail providers like Hey Jane or Abuzz, TST is a religion. Meaning its patients, who don’t have to be Satanists themselves, are participating in a religious ritual."
The quiet part being said out loud. A satanic ritual.
If the TST was actually made up of Satanists, this might be true.
But it isn't, it's a bunch if fat blue haired basement dwellers trolling Christians and generally failing to do anything but annoy Christians AND Satanists.
No such ritual exists, they made it up. Their organization was literally formed as a joke by a former disgruntled Church of Satan member.
I'll just leave this right here:
Magus Anton LaVey on Satanism and Abortion
"The staggering number of illegal abortions would diminish overnight, if the antiquated approach to birth control were replaced with a strict, government-controlled program, which made it mandatory for each person to adopt a method of contraception that would preclude the possibility of births due to "forgetfulness," ignorance, or irresponsibility.
Abortion is unnatural and unnecessary. Man is the only animal who practices such wanton killing of its young. And yet man considers himself emancipated and more highly evolved than any other species. Legalized abortion would have a disastrously demoralizing affect on our society, for it would further instill the notion that human life is one of the cheapest commodities in the world.
To anyone who would presume to "play god," nonchalantly turning thumbs down on any tiny person whose only crime is existing (as nature dictated he must), I say: either accept the blame and bear your cross, or else reject the barbaric religion which has distorted your reason and robbed you of the right to choose! How can these murderous deeds be rationalized? Does it not occur to the proponents of legalized abortion that their actions may result in the destruction of embryos which could mature into mighty leaders or great teachers?
How can we even consider the senseless annihilation of our unborn children, when it is due to the stupidity and negligence of their parents that they were created. I would defy all logic to execute a child for a murder committed by one of his parents, but to me it seems equally illogical to punish an unborn child for the action of his parents. Society must reject any religious creed if it requires that its adherents produce unwanted human life only to have it destroyed."
Magus Anton LaVey, High Priest of the Church of Satan
Letters from the Devil, March 21, 1971
"For example, the science of eugenics provides solutions for the issue of abortion. Satanically speaking, I am against abortion. Yet I do consider a problem of overpopulation. Therefore, I advocate compulsory birth control. Unborn babies did not ask to be conceived. Once conceived, they should have loving, responsible parents, even if adoptive. A stupid, irresponsible woman should not have the right to "decide" what she does with her own body when in all other things, her mind is being controlled by impersonal vested interests. An unborn child's father should influence the outcome of a pregnancy if it can be determined that he is more responsible than the mother. If he is stupid, insensitive and irresponsible, he should be sterilized. Irresponsible parents, male or female, should simply be kept from conceiving children.
The most vocal anti-abortion crusaders are fundamentalist Christians. Their entire plan and purpose originated with the same motivation that propagates any ethnic or religious grouping: to fill the world with more people like themselves. The women's movement favors abortion on the grounds that a woman's body is hers alone, to control as she chooses. Neither advocates mandatory birth control and selective sterilization, which--as a third side--could eliminate most of the entire issue. Of course, whenever an issue becomes more important than a solution, don't expect to stumble over a third side.
I respect someone who simply admits that he or she doesn't like kids--or dogs, cats, monkeys, zebras or potato bugs--for reasons of their own. It's when they cloak their reasons in the cant populist causes, that I become truculent."
Magus Anton LaVey, High Priest of the Church of Satan
Satan Speaks! 1998