More Lying by the Left


Bull Gator
Gold Member
Oct 15, 2020
Caught the defense on YouTube. The craziest part of the Charlottesville lie they spread is that it is still going even years later and being debunked countless times. The fact Biden could say it on the campaign trail repeatedly and not be checked by the media speaks volumes to the lack of integrity within the media industry. And if you’re a person still pushing the racist narrative you’re either a naive fool or just a plain dishonest piece of shit.
I hope they pointed out ALL of the Dems lies and not just that twitter. The viedo of the viloent attack has been manipulated to add things that happened on other days and other cities. If this was a "real" Impeachment Trial, the case would be thrown out. It is against the Senates rules and policies to present edited/manipulated evidence.
Bill the Butcher?
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I hope they pointed out ALL of the Dems lies and not just that twitter. The viedo of the viloent attack has been manipulated to add things that happened on other days and other cities. If this was a "real" Impeachment Trial, the case would be thrown out. It is against the Senates rules and policies to present edited/manipulated evidence.
We’re not dealing with serious people since they’re lying about the entire thing.
Caught the defense on YouTube. The craziest part of the Charlottesville lie they spread is that it is still going even years later and being debunked countless times. The fact Biden could say it on the campaign trail repeatedly and not be checked by the media speaks volumes to the lack of integrity within the media industry. And if you’re a person still pushing the racist narrative you’re either a naive fool or just a plain dishonest piece of shit.
I just want one of our liberal dumb dumbs to comment

I hope you have better judgment in your day job. Trumps lawyers are comical at best. I have never seen such incompetence. Trump will be acquitted but the House Managers have destroyed him both personally and politically as Republican stalwarts like Nikki Haley have jumped off the Trump train.
I just want one of our liberal dumb dumbs to comment

Guess in your ignorance you just have to call names. The entire nation watched those " good people" in Charlottesville march with torches like the Nazi's they are up to a Synagogue screaming " The Jews will not replace us" but of course they weren't racists. The nation heard the Traitor Trump, Putin's poodle, tell us how there were good people on both sides. No in fact there weren't.
The nation heard the Traitor Trump, Putin's poodle, tell us how there were good people on both sides. No in fact there weren't.
^ Village idiot.

90% of the people in Charlottesville were there to either protest monuments or defend our nation's history. Some of them were just curiosity seekers. That does not make them bad people.

You saying so does not make that true. The other 10% were trouble makers, both nazis, BLM, and Antifa. You really do exude ignorance.
^ Village idiot.

90% of the people in Charlottesville were there to either protest monuments or defend our nation's history. Some of them were just curiosity seekers. That does not make them bad people.

You saying so does not make that true. The other 10% were trouble makers, both nazis, BLM, and Antifa. You really do exude ignorance.

People like gring believe that if you do not support tearing down statues, then you are a white supremacist. They don't know why, exactly, but their glowing rectangles tell them so, so it must be true.
I hope you have better judgment in your day job. Trumps lawyers are comical at best. I have never seen such incompetence. Trump will be acquitted but the House Managers have destroyed him both personally and politically as Republican stalwarts like Nikki Haley have jumped off the Trump train.
Just fess up to your party lying dude. Why do they have to lie to prove their point? If they’re lying to prove their point, then the point has no merit. Please tell me you understand this concept?

Here, let’s make it easy on you.

If I accuse you of murder but have to doctor evidence to show that you murdered someone, what did I just do? I framed you and lied. Do you get it? The original argument that I’m saying you murdered someone cannot stand by itself unless I lie.

Your party morons who are running this charade are very lucky that this is a political trial and not a court trial because if they brought doctored evidence to the trial, the charges would be dropped and if the judge found out it was deliberate, they’d be in some shit.

But let’s face it @gring, as long as the end result is to make sure Trump can never run for office again, you’re perfectly ok with doctoring evidence and throwing away the constitution. All in the name of winning and continuing to divide the country, right?

What would you want next? He can’t do business anymore, banks have closed his accounts. He can’t reach his followers online, big tech made sure of that. Should we allow your party to throw him in prison for no reason? Hell, might as well take it to the extreme and put him in a camp along with all of his supporters. When is that going to be enough? Kill him? Is that what you’re advocating for?

Just remember this @gring, it’s all fun and games to point the finger at someone else but the mob eventually comes for you because you won’t be woke enough for them either.

Then what are you going to do?
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Guess in your ignorance you just have to call names. The entire nation watched those " good people" in Charlottesville march with torches like the Nazi's they are up to a Synagogue screaming " The Jews will not replace us" but of course they weren't racists. The nation heard the Traitor Trump, Putin's poodle, tell us how there were good people on both sides. No in fact there weren't.
You might get yourself checked out by a neurologist because you may have had a stroke in the thinking and reasoning of facts part of your brain. Or, you are just stupid.
You might get yourself checked out by a neurologist because you may have had a stroke in the thinking and reasoning of facts part of your brain. Or, you are just stupid.
This is what happens when one becomes a victim of their own bull shit.
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Guess in your ignorance you just have to call names. The entire nation watched those " good people" in Charlottesville march with torches like the Nazi's they are up to a Synagogue screaming " The Jews will not replace us" but of course they weren't racists. The nation heard the Traitor Trump, Putin's poodle, tell us how there were good people on both sides. No in fact there weren't.

It's not ignorance, it's a symptom of cognitive dissonance. Stick around here and you will get to see it on a regular basis.
Guess in your ignorance you just have to call names. The entire nation watched those " good people" in Charlottesville march with torches like the Nazi's they are up to a Synagogue screaming " The Jews will not replace us" but of course they weren't racists. The nation heard the Traitor Trump, Putin's poodle, tell us how there were good people on both sides. No in fact there weren't.
Naive fool or dishonest piece of shit? I listened to two of my black friends argue about these statues. One arguing for removal and the other for keeping, the one for keeping the statue isn’t a good person? This is the problem, you have refused to listen to anything about Trump’s comments from any other source than doctored renditions of it or you have heard him condemn the Nazis and white nationalists but just want to continue spreading lies. This many years later naive fools are less and less, especially for people that engage in political discourse like this. Dishonest POS bucket it getting awfully crowded here.
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Caught the defense on YouTube. The craziest part of the Charlottesville lie they spread is that it is still going even years later and being debunked countless times. The fact Biden could say it on the campaign trail repeatedly and not be checked by the media speaks volumes to the lack of integrity within the media industry. And if you’re a person still pushing the racist narrative you’re either a naive fool or just a plain dishonest piece of shit.
It's definitely the dishonest POS narrative! Biden is the one who has spewed racist crap over and over again!!!
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Never forget!

"Poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids."
Joe Biden

The first dozen times the man said ish like this, maybe you can say, "slip of the tongue...that's not what he meant."

However Biden has made a career saying incredibly racist crap. As a younger man, they ignored him, called him stupid and then dismissed him in general.

As an old, senile bastard he gets even more latitude..."bless his heart."

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