More info on the steal

Newsmax pays $40M for their coverage of the 'steal'.

"Cable outlet Newsmax Media has paid $40 million to settle allegations it defamed Smartmatic by reporting false claims that the voting machine company helped rig the 2020 U.S. election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, according to a regulatory filing.

The companies settled privately last year, but the amount was disclosed in a Newsmax investor document dated March 7.

A Smartmatic representative said in a statement the company could not discuss details of the deal but that it is looking forward to taking Fox News to trial over similar claims about its election coverage."
Newsmax pays $40M for their coverage of the 'steal'.

"Cable outlet Newsmax Media has paid $40 million to settle allegations it defamed Smartmatic by reporting false claims that the voting machine company helped rig the 2020 U.S. election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, according to a regulatory filing.

The companies settled privately last year, but the amount was disclosed in a Newsmax investor document dated March 7.

A Smartmatic representative said in a statement the company could not discuss details of the deal but that it is looking forward to taking Fox News to trial over similar claims about its election coverage."
This makes all of you lefties happy!
Newsmax pays $40M for their coverage of the 'steal'.

"Cable outlet Newsmax Media has paid $40 million to settle allegations it defamed Smartmatic by reporting false claims that the voting machine company helped rig the 2020 U.S. election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, according to a regulatory filing.

The companies settled privately last year, but the amount was disclosed in a Newsmax investor document dated March 7.

A Smartmatic representative said in a statement the company could not discuss details of the deal but that it is looking forward to taking Fox News to trial over similar claims about its election coverage."
It's a good racket. Media needs evidence to back up fraud claims. Activist judges refuse to hear cases where evidence is presented. So companies then sue cause media can't back up claims. Same judges then sign off on settlements.

It's a good racket.
It's a good racket. Media needs evidence to back up fraud claims. Activist judges refuse to hear cases where evidence is presented. So companies then sue cause media can't back up claims. Same judges then sign off on settlements.

It's a good racket.
What about non-activist judges? Do they refuse to hear cases where evidence is presented?
It's a good racket. Media needs evidence to back up fraud claims. Activist judges refuse to hear cases where evidence is presented. So companies then sue cause media can't back up claims. Same judges then sign off on settlements.

It's a good racket.
Don't forget, the Judge probably also gets a kickback.
Newsmax pays $40M for their coverage of the 'steal'.

"Cable outlet Newsmax Media has paid $40 million to settle allegations it defamed Smartmatic by reporting false claims that the voting machine company helped rig the 2020 U.S. election for Joe Biden over Donald Trump, according to a regulatory filing.

The companies settled privately last year, but the amount was disclosed in a Newsmax investor document dated March 7.

A Smartmatic representative said in a statement the company could not discuss details of the deal but that it is looking forward to taking Fox News to trial over similar claims about its election coverage."
You do know that this is a defamation case, right?

IOW - all it means is NewsMax couldn't prove their claims, it doesn't mean their claims were not true.

Those claims were never formally investigated, and Smartmatic/Dominion never faced actual discovery because the case wasn't heard. It, like many other election fraud cases, was denied on standing prior to the election and latches afterward...which is literally insane.
You do know that this is a defamation case, right?

IOW - all it means is NewsMax couldn't prove their claims, it doesn't mean their claims were not true.

Those claims were never formally investigated, and Smartmatic/Dominion never faced actual discovery because the case wasn't heard. It, like many other election fraud cases, was denied on standing prior to the election and latches afterward...which is literally insane.
Well, when you're trying to pass yourself off as legitimate media, not being able to prove your claims is kind of a big thing.
Liberals seem to be able to arrange friendly judges all the time. Why can't conservatives do the same....particularly, if they have a strong case?
Because if you are involved in a fraud case in a dem-run state, it will be tried in a dem-run state.

And the dems running the state will appoint the judges that would hear the case. And those dem-appointed judges could decide which evidence to hear, and which to toss.

As I said, it's a great racket.
How many media outlets proved that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2020 Election?
And how do you beat the courts when many are not fair? He either mysteriously leaves that part out, or is to slow to realize that it happens. I mean...the FBI lied on a FISA warrant, and the DOJ was used to try to keep Trump from being elected. That is just a grain of sand on the beach to how our legal system is used. Pardon me if I do not believe our courts in ANY way are the final answer to truth. I choose to trust MY EYES...and I KNOW 100% that FJB did not in any way, shape or form get 81 million legal votes. It is ABSURD to think he did. ZERO chance. Couple that with how they used the Dept of Justice to do their bidding, and I CAN see how they would manipulate ILLEGALLY the voting systems to cheat...not to mention that the FBI had Hunters computer FOR OVER A YEAR by the time 51 "intelligence experts" signed that it was Russian disinformation. You think by then the FBI did not know the computer was Hunters? NO F'n way. So believe what you want....they are EVIL and crooked. I know WXACTLY who they are.
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And how do you beat the courts when many are not fair? He either mysteriously leaves that part out, or is to slow to realize that it happens. I mean...the FBI lied on a FISA warrant, and the DOJ was used to try to keep Trump from being elected. That is just a grain of sand on the beach to how our legal system is used. Pardon me if I do not believe our courts in ANY way are the final answer to truth. I choose to trust MY EYES...and I KNOW 100% that FJB did not in any way, shape or form get 81 million legal votes. It is ABSURD to think he did. ZERO chance. Couple that with how they used the Dept of Justice to do their bidding, and I CAN see how they would manipulate ILLEGALLY the voting systems to cheat...not to mention that the FBI had Hunters computer FOR OVER A YEAR by the time 51 "intelligence experts" signed that it was Russian disinformation. You think by then the FBI did not know the computer was Hunters? NO F'n way. So believe what you want....they are EVIL and crooked. I know WXACTLY who they are.

I put this on my traitors in Congress thread, but it needs to be spread far and wide imoho, so here ya go....

Right now, biased over politicized judges are in a duel with the Trump Administration attempting to side-rail any and all of his EO's to stop or slowdown and stall the process that the voters elected this President to accomplish.

Judge's decisions, over-ruled rates, and consequences for being over-ruled too often.

Several mechanisms exist to challenge or overturn a judges decision. Intermediate appellate courts review decisions made by lower courts to ensure the law is applied correctly. They do not conduct new trials but assess the lower court proceedings for legal errors.

Typically, about 10% of a judge's final orders, plus or minus, are appealed and about 30%-70% of them are overturned on appeal (so, 3-7% of their final orders are ultimately overturned on appeal). Appeal rates are higher for criminal cases, but success rates on appeal are lower.

Being overturned on appeal is not, by itself, seen as gross misconduct. There could be ways to assure an independent judiciary while penalizing lower judges when they are overruled by higher judges, but doing so would work towards enforcing conformity and make the individual hesitate to go against the perceived mainstream. However, if a judge is getting reversed all the time that’s something a chief judge may consider when it comes to assigning that judge to certain rooms or venues. There are actions that can be taken to when a judge “gets it wrong,” but the time limits are short so it is important to act swiftly. A judge can make an erroneous ruling in a divorce, child custody, child support, criminal defense, tort lawsuit, or any other type of case.

The most common recourse is to appeal the judge’s erroneous ruling to a higher court.

Appellate courts
can overturn lower court decisions that unfairly ignore or misapply the law. The appeals process provides a key check on judges who disregard the law.

Reprimand: Judges may be reprimanded publicly for their unethical behavior. Additional education: The just may have to complete additional education as a corrective measure.

Suspension: A judge may face suspension, either with or without pay, for a specified period of time.

Can a president get rid of a federal judge? Federal judges can only be removed through Impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction in the Senate. Judges and Justices serve no fixed term — they serve until their death, retirement, or conviction by the Senate.

The only conditions that can be grounds for their removal are proven misbehavior and incapacity to act as judge. Article 124 of the Constitution states that by an order of the President that even a Supreme Court justice can be removed from his or her office.

Some jurisdictions (as in Free Florida) have elected judges that are put there by the 'sovereign citizens of the Republic of Florida, who have to run for re-election. If they have "performance problems" (such as an inordinate number of cases being overturned), you can count on their opponents to trot them out prior to the election. (where they can become un-elected)
While in Demonrat run places like Boston, where judges are appointed, nothing happens.
Often, they get laterally promoted (or actually promoted!).

So, where does the fault/blame reside when politics and/or politicians go evil?
Or when judges sell out their required neutrality to any bias?
Or when entrenched teachers or life long bureaucrats begin to erode the freedoms of all.


So it's 'look in the mirror' time all around, because the attitude of 'Let George Do It' aint working well, and it never has.....

Civic engagement takes those responsibilities further by working on problems that affect everyone in the community. Citizenship is the common thread that connects all Americans. We are a nation bound by the shared values of freedom, liberty, and equality. Explore some of the rights and responsibilities you will gain as a citizen. It is the responsibility of American citizens to inform themselves, then vote, and engage in civil discourse at all levels: local, state, and national. At the local level, active participation probably has the most immediate effect, since it is local politics that has the most direct effect on everyday life of most Americans.

(so get up off your asses and 'giterdone')


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