More info on the steal

Theo is coming around 😭

If it was just the lie and coverup from Hunters computer (that 51 liars, social media censored, and 95% of news channels SWORE was Russian disinformation)(which it was WAY, WAY, WAY worse than just that) it would be true. But 81 million votes for a guy who had about 25 people show up at his rallies...that shats his pants and cannot even speak a complete sentence? No...I am not that dumb.
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Help me here...are you saying the snowflakes KNOW they did not win without stealing, but do not care because it put them in power?
Stalin was a leftist.

Hitler was a leftist.

Mussolini was a leftist.

Mao, and modern China is a far left society.

Leftist ideology leaves a wake of suffering in its path everywhere it goes. Do you think for one second they care about our Republic?

Money, power, influence and control. This is all that matters to them. Liberty and freedom are a direct threat.
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Stalin was a leftist.

Hitler was a leftist.

Mussolini was a leftist.

Mao, and modern China is a far left society.

Leftist ideology leaves a wake of suffering in its path everywhere it goes. Do you think for one second they care about our Republic?

Money, power, influence and control. This is all that matters to them. Liberty and freedom are a direct threat.
Not even a millisecond
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I have no doubts that the dims will tey another steal
cmon Billy, give it a rest. that whole steal thing from the last election was orchestrated by Trump and his crew when he recognized he couldn't win. Biden wasn't sweating it so why did the Dems need to set up such an elaborate plot? And yes, I'm afraid we will probably have to go through a bunch of shenanigans on the up coming election.
cmon Billy, give it a rest. that whole steal thing from the last election was orchestrated by Trump and his crew when he recognized he couldn't win. Biden wasn't sweating it so why did the Dems need to set up such an elaborate plot? And yes, I'm afraid we will probably have to go through a bunch of shenanigans on the up coming election.
totally disagree- what happened around 3 am in those swing states with all those ballots coming in and a really really high percentage of them were joey votes was statistically impossible
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totally disagree- what happened around 3 am in those swing states with all those ballots coming in and a really really high percentage of them were joey votes was statistically impossible
Well my friend I can tell you are a Pub hard head who will always believe what he wants be true but probably is just Pub BS so We will just agree to disagree.
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cmon Billy, give it a rest. that whole steal thing from the last election was orchestrated by Trump and his crew when he recognized he couldn't win. Biden wasn't sweating it so why did the Dems need to set up such an elaborate plot? And yes, I'm afraid we will probably have to go through a bunch of shenanigans on the up coming election.
Wait, in one sentence you said it was made up BS and in the last you said we're going to face a bunch of shenanigans?

The election was rigged - and if you don't believe it was rigged procedurally (which is clear as day) the "51 intelligence officials" who claimed the laptop was Russian disinformation was probably enough. The President selling influence through his son and making tens of millions of dollars was all documented on that laptop.

We also now know that Covid was funded in part by the NIH. The leak was too coincidental to be anything but a tool to completely change our elections and rules (most of those changes were unConstitutionally enacted by Gov's and SOS). It enabled the elimination of signature verification, flooded the zone with ballots off of unmaintained voter rolls and Zuckerbucks $400MM funded illegally harvested and stuffed under the dead of night in all of the new shiny drop boxes he paid to install.
Well my friend I can tell you are a Pub hard head who will always believe what he wants be true but probably is just Pub BS so We will just agree to disagree.
If you think the country is in a better place and you and your friends and family are all better off than when Trump was President before NIH-funded Covid then by all mean, vote Biden.

Luckily most people are smarter and less brainwashed than that.
Wait, in one sentence you said it was made up BS and in the last you said we're going to face a bunch of shenanigans?

The election was rigged - and if you don't believe it was rigged procedurally (which is clear as day) the "51 intelligence officials" who claimed the laptop was Russian disinformation was probably enough. The President selling influence through his son and making tens of millions of dollars was all documented on that laptop.

We also now know that Covid was funded in part by the NIH. The leak was too coincidental to be anything but a tool to completely change our elections and rules (most of those changes were unConstitutionally enacted by Gov's and SOS). It enabled the elimination of signature verification, flooded the zone with ballots off of unmaintained voter rolls and Zuckerbucks $400MM funded illegally harvested and stuffed under the dead of night in all of the new shiny drop boxes he paid to install.
Come on Fatman, you know, there are facts and then there is the DEM Truths. They never let facts get in the way.
cmon Billy, give it a rest. that whole steal thing from the last election was orchestrated by Trump and his crew when he recognized he couldn't win. Biden wasn't sweating it so why did the Dems need to set up such an elaborate plot? And yes, I'm afraid we will probably have to go through a bunch of shenanigans on the up coming election.
I have figured out only the dumbest of the dumb believe FJB actually got 81 million legal votes. You would have to be one of the world’s biggest dummies to believe that.
I have figured out only the dumbest of the dumb believe FJB actually got 81 million legal votes. You would have to be one of the world’s biggest dummies to believe that.
Whatever happened, and whatever the truth is or isn't, you can believe it is probably going to happen again. JMO which is obviously what all of yours is.