@kalimgoodman @Uniformed_ReRe
I'd like you guys to invest 5 minutes and watch this video and report. Please tell me how this wasn't the FBI (or another alphabet agency) planning, inciting and later using the riot for political purposes:
1) Ray Epps was almost immediately identified the night before as a fed plant by a crowd as he tried to plan actually going into the building - at least the group immediately surrounding him knew that was a terrible idea.
2) He was at the speech, then led a group to the Capitol (we have video on that too)
3) He led the initial breach, and immediately after someone whispered in his ear he gave the "go" signal. Remember barricades being removed and magnetic locks being disabled?
4) He initially appeared on the FBI most wanted list, but shortly after he was identified he was taken off of it.
5) Clearly having led the initial breach, he apparently still has not been charged and/or even arrested.
There's a ton more information and detail here, on the outside chance you guys care about facts over narratives.
Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the US Capitol - Revolver News
In order to protect the country from fictional right-wing "patriot" groups, did the FBI become an insurrectionist "patriot" movement?www.revolver.news
I watched the video and I agree with Tucker Carlson: we really don’t know if he is an FBI agent, but I agree that it is possible.
As I said before, there were clearly people on the inside involved in this. We have videos of them inviting people past barriers. We need an explanation for that.