Military chopper crashes into airliner....terrorism or crazy accident?

And you never fail to pass up an opportunity to trash Trump so you're just as guilty of your criticism of Trump. And your statement that "Any decent human being would have at least waited for a full understanding of what happened here" is hilarious. Do you mean like Biden immediately going before the cameras to tell the world that those border agents will "pay" for "whipping" those Haitians coming across, an absolute flat out lie that screwed those agents for which they never even got an apology. So save your sanctimony.
You're about one more post like this away from being put on Fake Ignore.
Do the black boxes of these military copters record their conversations even with all that noise? Curious if the crew chief or other pilot hollered at this pilot before the crash.
The idea that the helo pilot saw a different aircraft seems to be the most plausible theory at this point. It is easy to do, particularly in a crowded sky.

I did that once, fortunately ATC bailed me out:
ATC: Look for traffic turning base to final, they are No 2
Gray: Traffic in sight
ATC: Follow that traffic, No 3 cleared to land
Gray makes turn, except I had the one ahead of it in sight. Just as I saw the second plane, and before I could react...
ATC: Are you sure you are looking at No 2?
Gray: Just realized that and corrected my turn
ATC: Thought so, follow NUMBER TWO

Even though I said I had traffic in sight, ATC didn't take his eyes off the radar and picked up on it quickly. I would have been on a collision course with that plane.
Good info Gray. Do you think pilots using visual sighting is the best way to handle this with all the lights in the sky around busy airports?

Obviously we haven't had many mid air issues, so maybe this is just the best method and occasionally an event will occur?
Good info Gray. Do you think pilots using visual sighting is the best way to handle this with all the lights in the sky around busy airports?

Obviously we haven't had many mid air issues, so maybe this is just the best method and occasionally an event will occur?

I am not a pilot obviously but used night vision a lot in the Army in my younger days and it does seem like a really bad idea to be using that stuff at a busy airport like that. I heard one former copter pilot that flew that area saying if you are going to train that you should at least have a 2nd crew chief aboard so the other side would have been covered also. I guess that would have been their commander's decision.

As far as the ATCs not sure what they can do. I guess maybe have them mention the planes basic location to the aircraft when there is that much traffic going on and the pilot is saying visual. If the copter was too high and close like that maybe order it lower as standard procedure. Not sure how easy it would be to order a copter to do a sudden turn in time if they are visual.
This terrible disaster is EXACTLY what our government leaders have built!

Sow the wind & reap the whirlwind!!!!
Good info Gray. Do you think pilots using visual sighting is the best way to handle this with all the lights in the sky around busy airports?

Obviously we haven't had many mid air issues, so maybe this is just the best method and occasionally an event will occur?

Visual is one of the best and Most used methods. I fly exclusively VFR (visual flight rules). In a crowded airspace, even if ATC is vectorinf everyone around, visual is a critical component of safety.
The real problem is there are humans flying the planes/helos and humans are subject to error. We are not perfect no matter how much the personal injury lawyers tell you otherwise.
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I do not know what is up here...but it certainly has drawn a bunch of attention on trying to hide her identity while they scrubbed her social media. That clearly lets us know their are STILL many wolves in the hen house. We have a BUNCH of work to do to save America, and forst and foremost we HAVE to get Trumps choices for his cabinet picks ALL confirmed. If one does not get confirmed...I would pick even a MORE hawkish person to replace them.
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I do not know what is up here...but it certainly has drawn a bunch of attention on trying to hide her identity while they scrubbed her social media. That clearly lets us know their are STILL many wolves in the hen house. We have a BUNCH of work to do to save America, and forst and foremost we HAVE to get Trumps choices for his cabinet picks ALL confirmed. If one does not get confirmed...I would pick even a MORE hawkish person to replace them.

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We don't know the details of what happened and Trump is blaming DEI already. The guy NEVER passes up a chance to Divide and blame.
Any decent human being would have at least waited for a full understanding of what happened here.
And now Trump has been proven right. Trump HAD the full knowledge of the situation, that's why he made the claim.

But Trump knew if he presented the evidence, the media would bury the story. So instead, Trump made the 'wild' claim, and the media rushed in to PROVE HIM WRONG. Which is what they always do.

In doin so, Trump forced them to COVER THE ISSUE. Now the evidence is out that Trump was right.

Now the story has coverage. Trump outsmarted the media and the libs.

Again. It's only been happening for 9 years now. How do you guys keep fallin for it?
A response from a blog I read. Very telling as to why they hid this

Capt. Rebecca Lobach's tragic involvement in the Black Hawk helicopter crash invites scrutiny regarding her qualifications, especially given the military's push for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). With only 450 flight hours, her experience was significantly less than what's traditionally expected for a captain. Her ranking in the top 20% of her ROTC class, though an achievement, is not the elite performance one might expect for someone entrusted with such critical missions.

Her selection for the prestigious Commanding Officer of the Guard (COG) missions, which are typically reserved for the most accomplished officers, further suggests that her demographic - being a female and lesbian - might have played a role in her career advancement. The military's active efforts to diversify leadership could mean that her promotion was influenced by DEI rather than purely merit-based considerations.

This scenario raises concerns about whether her relatively low flight hours and non-top-tier ROTC performance were overlooked in favor of diversity goals. While no definitive evidence connects her specific actions to the crash, the possibility that her under-qualification due to DEI considerations contributed to the incident cannot be dismissed. This case underscores the potential dangers of prioritizing diversity over stringent merit standards in high-risk military roles like aviation.
Do the black boxes of these military copters record their conversations even with all that noise? Curious if the crew chief or other pilot hollered at this pilot before the crash.
They’re orange but yes. There’s an area mic in the cockpit that captures all sounds.
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Why was this "person's" identity hidden for several days while the Army scrubbed ALL of hers and her family's social media accounts?

I don't know if it's true but her family was scared of the hardcore right throwing her name in the mud for political reasons.

At the same time, you are proving my point.
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Flying with NVG’s sucks. Especially when you’re the only one in the stack with them. The taxi, landing and anti collision lights on other airframes will blind the shit out of you. Not saying that happened here but I lean more to tragic accident as opposed to something nefarious.
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I don't know if it's true but her family was scared of the hardcore right throwing her name in the mud for political reasons.

At the same time, you are proving my point.
No. Apparently if this ain't a guy, it's a lesbian. You should do better research before posting nonsense. Why would family members delete their own content? This person was an ass kissing Democrat fluffer. That information is out there, do your own research.
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It's been reported for days that the family wanted privacy before release. This isn't uncommon. I read it in Reuters, BBC, etc etc.

Also, was she the pilot? I didn't think she was the pilot. Serious question.
1.) Training mission
2.) Female trainee male instructor
3.) politically active and possible unqualified connection hire
4.) didn't maintain proper altitude.
5.) radar shows a right turn into the plane.

Now it seems common sense to me that a plane in front of you descending to your right to land at an airport also to your right, that you should maintain proper altitude and BANK LEFT. But I am not a pilot.
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