Maybe these 'Infinite Universe' topics do need their own thread.

The Cherokee are "civilized" because they are easy for white man to sneak up on. The Comanche and Kiowa are uncivilized (losers).o_O

There were 100+ different tribes in America when the white men began arriving in force from across the Atlantic in the 15-16 hundreds. None of those Indians evolved here, they were all from somewhere else in the world to begin with. There is no such thing as a 'native' American, except for those that were born here, which includes me btw.... o_O
For centuries the Indians had been kidnapping, enslaving, raping, and killing each other as their way of life. Sorry, but I just don't see a big difference between them, except that the white men were better organized, had better technology,,, and just kept on coming in numbers...

Survival of the fittest has ruled humanity since the very beginning. We are ALL here now and under the same Constitution. Compete and survive, or bow to Darwinism... :cool:
IF your old loser 'culture' is forcing you to extinction, then change or die out.
And that goes for every single group that comes here, no matter the skin color or when they arrived. 10,000 years ago, 500 years ago, or last year. o_O

Skin color, white, red, black, olive, or yellow doesn't determine what someone does or accomplishes in this life. That would be the work and determination of each individual. There are many examples from every one of those groups/colors to prove it.

Why do you think that people of all skin colors continue to come here at great risk to themselves, to a country that was founded and settled by old white men with a Constitutional Republic form of government? o_Oo_Oo_O

And unlike many other places in the world, America has an open door for anyone that wants to go elsewhere for a better life, so why aren't people flooding out the door, instead of illegally overrunning our unguarded boarders trying to get in??? :rolleyes:

Welfare is a corrupt government scam to keep some unknowingly enslaved.
Indian Reservations are a corrupt government scam to keep some enslaved.
Corrupt 'straw-bosses' in both groups continue it enrich themselves while being traitors to their own.

While lazy Americans of all colors continue to let this happen, instead of putting a stop to it. The DC swamp indeed.... :cool:
instaGATOR gets it. I'm 12% Indigenous American or Cherokee. I'm 9% East Asian from the Cherokee, who were believed to be last to walk across the Bering Strait to North America. I was born in Haskell County, Oklahoma which lay in the Americas. That makes me a 100%, Grade A, 24 carat, gold plated Native American just like instataGATOR.

Oklahoma has no Indian reservations. 39 tracts of Indian owned lands but no reservations.

Yes, I know. Some Rand-McNally maps have Osage lands near Tulsa labeled Osage Reservation. They're wrong. Other R-M maps have Osage Tribe labels.

My ancestry flows from the so-called 'lost' tribe of Israel.
We were explorers from our beginnings.
My DNA traces back from Western Europe through the British Isles.
We have a 'Coat of Arms' listed in Burke's General Armory.
The first with my surname (tribe) arrived in American at Ipswich, Mass. in 1648.
Today we are over 20,000 strong and in all 50 states, Americans thru & thru....
(also in at least 37 countries the last I checked -- 'Adapt & Over-come")
"With Liberty & Justice For All"
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4-27-2020 -- 2 hours ago.... o_O (more nails in the ignorant twits coffin)

Pentagon formally releases 3 Navy videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena" UAP (formally UFO)

What I've personally known about (Top Secret) for the last 50+ years.... :cool:

AATIP -- Luis Elizondo, former Head of the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat ID Program, discusses the time he spent investigating the existence of aliens and UFOs on Earth.

Where are all the twits that claimed that the 'Laws of Physics' say that these things can't exist?

Probably in their usual 'circle of jerks' discussing how to avoid the reality of the 'unfinite universe' (or under their beds shivering).... :rolleyes: -- :p -- :D

The More You Research,,, The Crazier You Sound To Ignorant People... :cool:

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UAP's (UFO's), Bigfoots, Crop Circles, Ley Lines, and Psychics.
It really is an infinite universe, for those not blinded by prejudice and/or ignorant ridicule...

The American Society of Dowsers is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1961, by eleven men who hoped to promote the education and development of dowsing. Charles Richet, a Nobel Laureate once wrote:

“We must accept dowsing as fact. It is useless to work experiments to prove its existence. It exists. What is needed is its development.”

That was the idea behind creating the American Society of Dowsers. We started out with nearly 100 charter members who were mainly water dowsers, 60 years later we have hundreds of members that can dowse for almost anything.

Members of the ASD - American Society of Dowsers make up the largest organized body of dowsers in the world. ASD is also home to many of the United States’ most skilled dowsers, ranging from water dowsers to seekers of minerals and lost objects

Members of the American Society of Dowsers make up the largest organized body of dowsers in the world, with over 2,000 active members across the United States and worldwide.

While not a member myself, I located my own private well 30 years ago by using dowsing.
The old and well experienced well driller (of African heritage) that I hired to drill my well for me, after drilling and testing my water, asked me how I determined where to drill the well. I told him that I had dowsed it and he just smiled and said, "a man after my own heart" as he chugged a glass of my delicious crystal clear sweet water...

Although they never admit to it publicly, many U.S. Corporations and the U.S. Army employs dowsers. o_O
So much for there being no such thing as 'Psychic' abilities.... :cool:
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Bump to the chumps. It seems that the chumps aren't even opening their ignorant idiot mouths anymore on these topics. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Where are all the twits that claimed that the 'Laws of Physics' say that these things can't exist? (too stupid to realize that in an 'infinite universe' there is an infinite number of unknowns, (laws of physics) by definition... ) o_O


Probably in their usual 'circle of jerks' discussing how to avoid the reality of the 'unfinite universe' (or under their beds shivering).... :rolleyes: -- :p -- :D

The More You Research,,, The Crazier You Sound To Ignorant People... :cool:
(and not going away any time soon)

Bump to the chumps. It seems that the chumps aren't even opening their ignorant idiot mouths anymore on these topics. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Where are all the twits that claimed that the 'Laws of Physics' say that these things can't exist? (too stupid to realize that in an 'infinite universe' there is an infinite number of unknowns, (laws of physics) by definition... ) o_O


Probably in their usual 'circle of jerks' discussing how to avoid the reality of the 'unfinite universe' (or under their beds shivering).... :rolleyes: -- :p -- :D

The More You Research,,, The Crazier You Sound To Ignorant People... :cool:
(and not going away any time soon)



Zzzzz :D
Not every light seen in the night sky is an alien flying saucer.
Not every report of a UAP/UFO in broad daylight is a flying saucer.
That should be obvious, even to the village idiots posting here... :rolleyes:

That said, a mistake or an occasional hoax does not negate every report. o_O

Attempting to discredit professionals, especially military witnesses, is the worst kind of 'Fake News' that can be perpetuated on the general public. :cool:

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that three F-18 gun-camera videos first released by The New York Times and a UFO research organization show “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or UAPs—a more formal term for UFOs that doesn’t have all the little-green-men baggage.

The Times originally released two of the videos in a December 2017 article revealing that the Pentagon had operated a secret UFO investigatory project, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
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