
I feel sorry for you to be honest. In 7 months you have posted 1/2 of what I have in 22 years.

2000 x 4 minutes a post = 8,000 minutes / 60 minutes in an hour = 133 hours / 24 hours = 5.55 COMPLETE DAYS on here. But, all in the FREE side of things? You and Sad share that.
What happened to YOUR gold membership, homie? 😎
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MD 20/20 or Mogen David 20% ABV/20oz is a kosher fortified wine.
Mogen David is the Ashkenazic pronunciation of Magan David, shield of David in Hebrew, it's also a reference to the star of David. It is the main competitor of Manschevitz.

Drink it proudly, MAZELTOV and ה' יברך את ישראל.
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Gosh, I actually found someone I gotta tell you about because they are so funny. First I have a family and friends and we get together be it for dinner parties, to go to Bucs or Rays games or to play some Golf, Tennis or Pickleball. That or some event or Birthday party with one of our many children. That is why I’m hardly ever posting on here. Well this guy has multiple names he goes by but, I decided to look at his posts from just one and he is on here everyday but, not only that but, I’m talking like every hour and he thinks he’s funny and a political genius but, he is absolutely clueless. I’d call him a nerd but, I’d be insulting real Nerds. So, while we’re out on dates or at events on the weekend he or she is on The Locker Room or The Parking Lot posting until 1 or 2am only to do it first thing in the morning. Hilarious don’t you think? Of course unlike guys like us who do the Premium pay part of Rivals this guy hasn’t ever paid Rivals a Dime. And although I absolutely school him with my comments he thinks he’s tough hiding behind the keyboard. Probably never been in a fight in his life and by his comments he’s never played a down of football.

Funny isn’t it? I’m not going to say his name but, he’ll be reading this shortly as like I said he lives on this site. ( One day this past weekend he was on at 8am, 9am, 10:30am, Noon, 2,3and 4pm, 8pm, 9pm, 10 and 11:30pm and a couple around 1am-1:30am ). WOW, I’m sorry but, I about fall over laughing when I see that. My wife showed her hot single friend ( kinda looks like a 30ish Meg Ryan ) and she read his posts, laughed and said “I’d really love to meet him, he sounds really dreamy.” She paused for about ten seconds and real loudly said, “NOT!!!!” We all busted out laughing.

Later buddy. How’s that little dog of yours? My 90lbs. girl got into it with a Pitbull the other day. She isn’t afraid of anything luckily we broke it up quickly."

---Shime aka Lakergator aka nycapple etc

#HOESMAD #rentfree #hypocrisy
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