Mayor Pete is 3rd, Pocohantus is 4th.
Now if the dems were honest, this is what would happen....
Bernie would go on and win the dem nomination, then get blown out of the water by Trump. Dems would regroup and realize that socialism and communism is NOT the future of the party, and they would move back to center-left.
What likely will happen:
Bernie won't win nomination before convention, then dems will give it to Warren or Bloomberg. Bernie Bros go crazy, riot at convention, Bernie tries to run indy, still can't beat Warren, both finish a mile behind Trump. Dem party implodes.
Now if the dems were honest, this is what would happen....
Bernie would go on and win the dem nomination, then get blown out of the water by Trump. Dems would regroup and realize that socialism and communism is NOT the future of the party, and they would move back to center-left.
What likely will happen:
Bernie won't win nomination before convention, then dems will give it to Warren or Bloomberg. Bernie Bros go crazy, riot at convention, Bernie tries to run indy, still can't beat Warren, both finish a mile behind Trump. Dem party implodes.