Lettuce discuss racism and sex

Anyone seen the video of this dad? Pretty awesome stuff.

As the Father of two bi-racial children, (honestly don’t even believe in that term) here is a list of what we (my wife and myself) teach our children about racism today.

That’s it. We don’t even bring it up, and my kids won’t EVER have have a world view that limits them based on race. PERIOD!
I have grandchildren that are considered Bi-racial but to me they are my grandchildren. I dislike their father (not because of his race) but because he's a bum that happens to be a certain race.
This lady should be Mayor of Nashville if it were not eat up with democraps


Dr. Carol Swain PhD. former professor @ Vanderbilt.

She helped author the 1776 commissions report that rebutted the 1619 nonsense.

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I don't think it's being pushed, its just an historical way to look at things, I also think that CRT is being used for anything racial. It's easy that way.
Kudos on the proper grammar. No one gets that right.

But it is being pushed. I coach with a western Loudoun Co teacher. You can't imagine this away.
I'm not telling you how to feel but I don't personally believe that Dr. King would support CRT as I understand it. And no, I don't watch Fox or any other one-sided news like MSNBC. I get my news/information from reading many different sources.

I understand that you are saying that CRT was "derived" from ideas and beliefs of Dr. King's. Derived according to who?

Dr. King was a uniter. CRT is anything but.
Hey bamafan1137, pv me. I cant seem to figure out how that thing works. Thanks
Anyone seen the video of this dad? Pretty awesome stuff.

As the Father of two bi-racial children, (honestly don’t even believe in that term) here is a list of what we (my wife and myself) teach our children about racism today.

That’s it. We don’t even bring it up, and my kids won’t EVER have have a world view that limits them based on race. PERIOD!

Poor bastard libtards wearing out the race card, especially here.
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Democrat state rep pulls race card after getting pulled over. The dips**t also had a suspended license.
Oh, I forgot to mention that this POS is also a deadbeat dad that refuses to pay child support. What an effing Scumbag!

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It's literally in the school curriculum and they have been posted here before.

Honest question: Why are you so desperate to defend obviously racist teachings? Are you this brainwashed?

Or maybe you are just a racist and approve of CRT. That would actually make more sense but I just hate to think that we still have open racists in the dem party in 2022 but maybe I am too naive.
It's not racist when the democrats do it.
I tried when you messaged me above. No clue...guess I'm getting old.

1776 has PM'd me before and I was able to respond but I have no idea how to generate a PM.
I believe you have to be a premium member to start a PM. If a premium member PMs you, you can respond. At least that's how it's worked for me when members PM me laughing about what gator1776 PMed them.
I don't think it's being pushed, its just an historical way to look at things, I also think that CRT is being used for anything racial. It's easy that way.
This is what not being pushed looks like.

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This is what not being pushed looks like.

We are talking high school and lower. Everyone already knows it's in colleges, its a scholar course 😆 Nobody is fighting the collegiate level.
Well that is one man's interpretation of CRT. Have you read it yourself? Or did you just trust the word of someone?

CRT is derived from ideas and beliefs from the great Dr. King and other activists. In his letter from Birmingham and Sword that heals, he talks about racism and oppression in systems.

CRT does not tell black people that they are oppressed and the white kids are the oppressors. It talks about how the oppression played apart in the history of America. Something i don't think anyone will deny happened. It's based on the Civil Rights era. Montgomery busing protest, polling tax, board of education ruling, etc.

I advise you to read it YOURSELF. I read it myself, in addition to Dr. Kings book (still finishing it).

The problem is people like you don't actually take the time to educate themselves. I'm sure you just went on your conservative websites/channels and treated what they said as law.

But at the end of the day, you don't care about the truth. It's all political to you.
That is NOT what is being taught, and you know it.
@kalimgoodman is our own Frank Burns.

Trapper: "Do you think Frank knows?"

Hawkeye: "Frank knows so little, it's hard to keep up with what he doesn't know."
Politics is everything to him. That's why he cannot fathom there being any truth to anything counter to his own narrative. He will not answer questions even when you ask him point blank a second or third time. And constantly pulls wild inferences out of the air on things a poster didn't come close to saying. A waste of time to engage with.
We are talking high school and lower. Everyone already knows it's in colleges, its a scholar course 😆 Nobody is fighting the collegiate level.

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Let's cut to the chase.

America is exceptional because of our Declaration and our Constitution. We are not perfect. Where we fail is when we fail to live up to the ideas in those documents.

Conservatism is the best political philosophy for implementing those ideas. Any philosophy that discourages the ideas of American Exceptionalism and fealty to the Constitution/Declaration should be prohibited from being taught to children.

Neither document is systemically racist.

(the 3/5th compromise was an attempt to slowly and peacefully resolve slavery over time.
And the banning of imported slaves was allowed after a grace period and was banned in 1808 the first year allowed. It was signed by the slaveholder Jefferson. )

There has not been any systemic racism in law since the 60s.

Anything that promotes the idea that the USoA is systemically racist, that police are racist in general, our laws are white supremacist, and that our founding documents are a problem needs to be banned from education.
Politics is everything to him. That's why he cannot fathom there being any truth to anything counter to his own narrative. He will not answer questions even when you ask him point blank a second or third time. And constantly pulls wild inferences out of the air on things a poster didn't come close to saying. A waste of time to engage with.
He can't answer the questions because he hasn't informed himself on the topic.

Dems can repeat the talking points, they can't defend them. The best/worst at this was @bradleygator. He would post a link from a lefty site, we would poke holes in their logic, he would repeat the talking points from the article, we would make the case for why the article was wrong.

Then he would say Trump sucks. If we kept going then he would say we sucked. But he would never defend his talking points. Because he couldn't. No dem here can.
I don't think it's being pushed, its just an historical way to look at things, I also think that CRT is being used for anything racial. It's easy that way.
Sooooo he's removing programs that aren't being pushed and don't exist?

Seems weird.

Let's cut to the chase.

America is exceptional because of our Declaration and our Constitution. We are not perfect. Where we fail is when we fail to live up to the ideas in those documents.

Conservatism is the best political philosophy for implementing those ideas. Any philosophy that discourages the ideas of American Exceptionalism and fealty to the Constitution/Declaration should be prohibited from being taught to children.

Neither document is systemically racist.

(the 3/5th compromise was an attempt to slowly and peacefully resolve slavery over time.
And the banning of imported slaves was allowed after a grace period and was banned in 1808 the first year allowed. It was signed by the slaveholder Jefferson. )

There has not been any systemic racism in law since the 60s.

Anything that promotes the idea that the USoA is systemically racist, that police are racist in general, our laws are white supremacist, and that our founding documents are a problem needs to be banned from education.
VERY well said!

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