Kamala must be scared to death of the antisemites in her party that

You're missing the point. IDC about the "bad case law". I care about winning elections. Roe was a non issue until the far right pushed it and caused alot of women to turn away from the GOP. Conservatives have to start facing reality and stop shooting themselves in the foot. Or abortion will be the least of their issues to worry about.
I think you are missing the point. I think that you and I probably agree on a lot of what’s wrong, whose right, and what we what should be done about it. Probably a large overlap there on Kamala s vinn diagram here. However, I am certainly a pro life , # 1 political issue for my whole life. While I am big on federalism, state power vs federal power on abortion along with many other issues it’s not the top reason I am pro life. I’m prolife because I have a Christian worldview. It would morally abhorrent to not prioritize this issue. Every one thought it was settled but it wasn’t. We fought for decades to chip away at our objectives. We gathered the political capital to achieve our priorities, and we took victory. We planted our flag in the lefts heart. Is there an understanding that achieving such an historic victory would have costs? Certainly. I understand that more moderate republicans and even elements of the more secular MAGA don’t like this. But I think they should take notes. They may not agree with on the priority that we used that political capital on, but should be humbled by the magnitude of the victory. We need more victories of this magnitude across the spectrum. Seems to me the prolife movement should be the blue print for MAGA.
They did and they all claimed that a president doesn't have immunity. That's why we need major SCOTUS reform. We can't have unelected individuals lying to the people to get a lifetime position. If we could vote them out, that would be one thing but we can't.
Your side keeps piushing this and we WILL have a your side full of little sissies will never win
Paying for abortions is a COMPLETELY different issue. Deeply against that unless it is for the life of the mother. Why? Don't use my tax dollars to fund another person's choice.

Do not like Texas' law, then my daughter, can come to Michigan and have the procedure done.

Agreed on RGB. I actually like bringing these things to the states. The more diverse we are as a country, the more having state by state rules make PERFECT sense.
I think the issue RIGHT NOW is as close as America will ever be by returning power to the states. Again...this is so far down the list to me. My COUNTRY is so much more important to me than the right to kill an unborn child. I do not impose that belief on others...but I also do not believe like democrats do that after birth you kill a baby. NEVER will both sides agree. And in my lifetime..I just do not see the left gaining power on the supreme court to overthrow where we are today. And the also will never be able to pass a bill for term limits. IT WILL NEVER, EVER happen. so it is unnecessary conversation to me.
I think black males will still happen but if he keep up with the racial attacks on Kamala, it will hurt him. He better straight up on that.
Trump never made a "racial attack" on Kamala.

He just pointed out she conveniently claims whatever race she thinks will pander the hardest. I've never heard her, at least while campaigning, refer to herself as biracial (which would probably be more compelling but she's too dumb to get that).

That's all he meant.
She asked him a tough question and that's being abusive? You're just use to his interviews on Newsmax and Hannity when they ask him "why is he so perfect".

Every time he goes on CNN, ABC, CBS, Axios or any place not in the right wing media, he complains about the questions.

Come on, pay attention.
It was abusive because it was full of false accusations and lies. The question was basically "why are you a big fat racist and why should black people vote for a big fat racist?".

It wasn't really even a question it was an unhinged rant. The fact she led with it tells you all you need to know.
She repeated what HE said and what HE did. She then asked how can black voters trust you with that history, is that not a question?
No she didn't, JFC. She echoed left wing spin/lies.

Here's her opening
1) Inappropriate for him to even be there
2) Rehashing the birther controversy (which isn't racist)
3) The "back to where they came from" tweets, which isn't what he even said
He tweeted "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." regarding Omar and Talib. This is true, the countries they came from could use good, strong leaders. They aren't doing well.
4) used words like "animal" and "rabid" to describe black district attorneys...DA's who were unfairly going after him, while ignoring he uses words like that against people who go after him of all races..
And he didn't refer to any one DA in particular, he said they were attacking like a "pack of rabid wolves". He also used the term "rabid" when going after Merchan's bundler daughter.
5) She claims he called black journalists "stupid"....I can't find that, I have no idea what she's talking about.

So yea, it was half truths, spin, and attacks that prove a false narrative that she was pushing. Trump isn't racist, never has been.

If I call you "rabid" and Ghost "rabid" - does that mean I'm racist? Or maybe just aggressive?
LOL no one paid all that $$$$$ and took all that time to get this before SCOTUS because "Oh I'm so worried about the case law of this issue". Serious is that what you think? RvW reversal was all done on the basis of far right religious types that had a hard on to get rid of abortion. How'd that 2022 mid-term "red wave" work out for conservatives right after the reversal? Let sleeping dogs lie. But nope, not the far right Reps. Took a big stick and jabbed it and it woke up quick and bit hard. They gained zero votes by reversing RvW. They lost thousands of independent women's votes. Those diamonds in the rough that both sides know they need to win. Great work. KMN.

Youre exactly the type of moron that lets "living documemt" garbage law thru.

You don't reverse a bad law to get votes, you reverse a bad law because it's bad law.
No she didn't, JFC. She echoed left wing spin/lies.

Here's her opening
1) Inappropriate for him to even be there
2) Rehashing the birther controversy (which isn't racist)
3) The "back to where they came from" tweets, which isn't what he even said
He tweeted "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." regarding Omar and Talib. This is true, the countries they came from could use good, strong leaders. They aren't doing well.
4) used words like "animal" and "rabid" to describe black district attorneys...DA's who were unfairly going after him, while ignoring he uses words like that against people who go after him of all races..
And he didn't refer to any one DA in particular, he said they were attacking like a "pack of rabid wolves". He also used the term "rabid" when going after Merchan's bundler daughter.
5) She claims he called black journalists "stupid"....I can't find that, I have no idea what she's talking about.

So yea, it was half truths, spin, and attacks that prove a false narrative that she was pushing. Trump isn't racist, never has been.

If I call you "rabid" and Ghost "rabid" - does that mean I'm racist? Or maybe just aggressive?
You know nothing about race. Sit this out.
Trump never made a "racial attack" on Kamala.

He just pointed out she conveniently claims whatever race she thinks will pander the hardest. I've never heard her, at least while campaigning, refer to herself as biracial (which would probably be more compelling but she's too dumb to get that).

That's all he meant.
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Your side keeps piushing this and we WILL have a your side full of little sissies will never win
From the whining 2020 crowd? Go enjoy being racist. Did you tell your black neighbors what you think about black people yet? Or are you still an internet racist?
It was abusive because it was full of false accusations and lies. The question was basically "why are you a big fat racist and why should black people vote for a big fat racist?".

It wasn't really even a question it was an unhinged rant. The fact she led with it tells you all you need to know.
Ok. It not even worth my time. Trump never dined with a white nationalist.
Good article. Implicit in it is that it was not properly reasoned.

My issue with it was that those three (at least 2) justices called it, in under oath hearings, "precedent upon precedent" from questions from Susan Collins and others.

It was the law of the land for 50 years. Nothing materially changed.

It is also interesting that Roe had, for the first 12 weeks, guaranteed access and that states could modify after 12 weeks. Assuming that was accurate, and also that most abortions happen in the first 12 weeks, what was the point?

What will happen is that in 20-30 years, with demographic change (illegal or organic) and the loss of religion in non-muslim states globally, the number of people who are pro-abortion will total 70-75% and it will be codified in most areas.

On to other issues....
The plan was to have a complete ban. The right didn't expect this major blow back. So now they are adjusting their stance. They essentially became pro-choice, which is hilarious in its own right.

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The fake propaganda would make Goebbels proud

Everyone look closely at that image. Zoom in on the phones people are holding up. You can clearly see what's on every phone.

NONE of the phones are showing a plane or anything in the hangar. Those are all FAKE PEOPLE.

The same people pushing this image out to try to trick you into believing that people love Kamala are the same people that tell you that everyone hates Trump.

But as long as we have people here believing The View when Whoopi tells them that everyone loves Kamala, nothing changes.

America loves Trump.
The plan was to have a complete ban. The right didn't expect this major blow back. So now they are adjusting their stance. They essentially became pro-choice, which is hilarious in its own right.
For those in the evangelical right - yes. Tudor Dixon campaigned on exactly this in Michigan and got blown out. My wife laughed at Tudor.

Actually, Republicans should be for LESSER government, more freedoms: no vaccine mandates, fewer regulations*, opportunity, and letting a woman choose (does NOT mean federal funding for abortion).

*is that actually, one person whom I really like from the Biden Administration is Lina Khan. JD Vance and Matt Gaetz have said exactly the same. Antitrust regulation creates more competition, and lowers pricing.
For those in the evangelical right - yes. Tudor Dixon campaigned on exactly this in Michigan and got blown out. My wife laughed at Tudor.

Actually, Republicans should be for LESSER government, more freedoms: no vaccine mandates, fewer regulations*, opportunity, and letting a woman choose (does NOT mean federal funding for abortion).

*is that actually, one person whom I really like from the Biden Administration is Lina Khan. JD Vance and Matt Gaetz have said exactly the same. Antitrust regulation creates more competition, and lowers pricing.
The lesser government republican party is long gone. It's all about forcing their views on people and owning the libs.
You don't get to tell me what to comment on or not. I am free to speak my mind about race in any way I see fit.

And you know I'm right on all of those - it was a BS gotcha question and none of it was true.
How bad is your headache from banging your head against the wall with that guy? I'm headache free these days but it took me a few years to realize the futility. I don't have to ask anymore "where did I say that" as I saw you recently asked of him who obviously doesn't write clearly nor read clearly either. I just sit back now and enjoy the comedy routine that you and Capt engage in with him.
All about forcing their views on people made me literally spit out my drink. This is exactly what the Democrats do ...
I had the same reaction. And that coming from someone whose hero, Joe Biden, tells black people that if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. Joe Biden owns him and he's either too stupid to realize it or too chicken to admit it.
All about forcing their views on people made me literally spit out my drink. This is exactly what the Democrats do ...
I bet you won't acknowledge this but which party is forcing their Abortion views? Religious views? (a republican state is forcing the commandments on people), food views? (DeSantis banned lab meat), school views (republican are controlling when and how things can be taught), etc.

I provided examples and I'm sure you'll ignore them and reply with something sarcastic to dismiss these facts.
You don't get to tell me what to comment on or not. I am free to speak my mind about race in any way I see fit.

And you know I'm right on all of those - it was a BS gotcha question and none of it was true.
I love when white person tells black people what is racist or not. Like we need your permission to say something is racist. That’s very white of you. White people used to tell black people that slavery wasn't racist. So...

You don't understand racism in this new era, and you never will. You still think racist people will walk up and call someone the N word. That's dead for the most part. The new way is dog whistles.

Nothing she asked Trump was inaccurate. It was his words and the views of the MAJORITY of black people. I know what the majority of black thinks is irrelevant to you because you don't respect us unless we agree with you. The white way. Smh.

Shit this out.
I love when white person tells black people what is racist or not. Like we need your permission to say something is racist. That’s very white of you. White people used to tell black people that slavery wasn't racist. So...

You don't understand racism in this new era, and you never will. You still think racist people will walk up and call someone the N word. That's dead for the most part. The new way is dog whistles.

Nothing she asked Trump was inaccurate. It was his words and the views of the MAJORITY of black people. I know what the majority of black thinks is irrelevant to you because you don't respect us unless we agree with you. The white way. Smh.

Shit this out.
WHAAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAA...all the same. Friggin cry baby
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He didn't know that guy was coming, and he didn't know who he was even if he had, that one was on Kanye.

Any more stupid liberal talking points that show Trump isn't racist?
So he dined with a white nationalist? I know you make excuses for him but you said she told lies and based on your 1st sentence, you acknowledged that he did dine with a white nationalist but he didn't know.

If you have sex with a trans but didn't know she was trans, it doesn't change the fact that you had sex with a man 🤔 😂.
I bet you won't acknowledge this but which party is forcing their Abortion views? Religious views? (a republican state is forcing the commandments on people), food views? (DeSantis banned lab meat), school views (republican are controlling when and how things can be taught), etc.

I provided examples and I'm sure you'll ignore them and reply with something sarcastic to dismiss these facts.
Well, they aren't facts, they are talking point opinions of your side. Abortion is up to the states which is where it should be, and by the way, I am not opposed to anything but late term abortion, it just doesn't move the needle for me. Religious views are being enforced on people? That's a good one. Laboratory meat has not been proven safe, so that is a good thing and there's a reason Bill Gates is pushing it, he is the epitome of evil. And you'll forgive me, but I am OK with keeping sex ed out of elementary schools and keeping pornography away from kids who are under 10. These are the views of pedophiles and they reside on your side of the equation. ...