It's the economy stupid

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One of the best shorts ever. Trumps a scam artist. Free money. I have been short since 50.

We are crushing people. The mighty greemback has been on a tear under big Joe. Did I say I am a fiscal nazi??? I despise free money. Despise stimi. Can’t have it, work for your shit you effing bums
We are crushing people. The mighty greemback has been on a tear under big Joe. Did I say I am a fiscal nazi??? I despise free money. Despise stimi. Can’t have it, work for your shit you effing bums

Ther is no bigger MDFer than you. The day you post regularly at The Swamp is the day we'll crush people.

Cuban is a woke idiot. Next question?
of course he is an idiot, youre the smart one nickel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cuban is very very far from an idiot. he is a bit of weasel though. Nothing like trump, who isnt an idiot either, fyi...