Every day that clown and his administration is running America it gets worse for us.it is getting worse for joey
Americans’ Inflation Worries Deepen Even as Biden Claims Economic Victory
“No amount of deflection, demagoguery, or gaslighting will alter the economic harm" Americans have suffered under Biden, one economist says.www.dailysignal.com
The TSA had a record volume weekend this past weekend.
Notice how, when a Dem is President, they put out a number and revise it down when no one is looking?![]()
US Economy in Worse Shape Than Economists Thought
First quarter GDP is revised from 1.6% to 1.3% year-over-year in a sign that the economy is not as strong as initial estimates indicated.www.dailysignal.com
You see any similarities?The economy is burning RED HOT @Mdfgator
We saw the same thing under the Kenyan Kommie always revised down
John Legend the singer songwriter? WTF do I care what he thinks, he's rich.John Legend actually said this:
"If you are informed about that, and you objectively are observing what's going on with the economy, you would say actually, Biden is really great for the economy. He's great for men in the economy because he’s bringing back these jobs that men often do"
WTF is he trying to say? He speaks English as well as his buddy joey boy. He sounds like kamala harris.
Notice how, when a Dem is President, they put out a number and revise it down when no one is looking?
Man how bad are you doing? You have to be a complete moron not to do well in a boom. It’s a boom. Stop avoiding reality. Jesus
@MdfgatorIf you want to see what our economy is doing, go look at credit card delinquency rates and late payment/default on mortgages. See if that squares with your concept of a healthy economy. Also, look at our federal debt, 3 trillion every three months. If our economy is so good, why are borrowing like it’s WW2, and why is the Fed continuing to buy bonds in bulk. We are spending $1 of US debt for every .60 of gdp. It’s like if my wife were president.
Wake up and smell the coffee and wipe Biden's jizz off your chin. He's drug deez nuts so long over your head that he's mushroom stamped your forehead. Your money is only worth 60% of what it was worth in 2020. 🤡Man how bad are you doing? You have to be a complete moron not to do well in a boom. It’s a boom. Stop avoiding reality. Jesus
you struggling too?? its a massive economy, debt as a percentage of disposable income is actually on the low side.. things are still good, too good, i think we need another rate hike. But i am a freedom loving american patriot that believes in work production savings and investment. what do i know. you stimi loving commies are everywhere nowadays...
I don’t know where you live but for those of us in the better part of town things are way too strong. Best restaurants packed best golf courses packed it’s insane. International travel booming…. No idea what world you’re living in but it’s hot where I am
So this is what a healthy economy looks like to you? Don’t you claim to be a former money manager in California? Your former clients probably are responsible for half of CA’s homeless problem.
you need to get off those scam sites, its costing you bigly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! economy and markets are snorting, i hope youre doing well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are likely getting left behind, dont let them beat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
Biden's Regulations Cost American Households Tens of Thousands, Report Says Biden's Regulations Cost American Households Tens of Thousands, Report Says
The Job Creators Network details Biden administration regulations costing over $1 trillion, straining U.S. households and manufacturers.www.dailysignal.com
Exactly what a pedo supporter like yourself will say.
Agreed. And if I had a gun to my head it would be Joe not Donald. That’s how bad I think Trump was for our national finances.