Wow. I remember back when a facebook post was put on here of a man saying he overheard Winston say to a publix seafood clerk "hey the store manager said I could get this free", you swore up and down that there was no way that was true. How funny your story changes when Winston himself says it. You're lucky the rivals forums have updated and that thread isn't here or I would link it.
I think the whole FSU fanbase has become Winston's mouth piece, he has a strange cult like following.
Wrong poster, man. I was in the camp that bought the whole, "He was used to paying at the Winn Dixie blind-sided by fans/auto-graphs...forgot to pay" group. That was the story posted by the WC staff (which is why I bought it), then posted shortly after, I won't be duped again. I've said it's plausible he forgot to pay only because the video shows him causally strolling out with the crabs in his hand like a ring-bearer. If it comes to light he was given the "hook up" then that's pretty believable too (based on the video).
I have no idea what FB post you're referring to, but you've got me curious.