In before the gun confiscation NUTS.....

OK, man. Just make up whatever numbers you want.
Youve admitted to doing the same. Not that you care to examine actual evidence when its presented to you.

Additionally, as this 88 page thread proves, you have no interest in debate, and as i dont give a loud fart in a hurricane about anything you or your buddy ghost think on the subject, ill leave you to your trolling.

I sincerely hope should you ever be the victim of an armed home invasion, the perpetrators are armed with melee weapons, so as an added bonus to the sound beating you're clearly in need of, youll have nothing to bitch about. Molon Labe.
POOR Theo is SO confused. This whole issue was decided WAY BACK in time with the human races FIRST murder. Cain killed Abel with a rock. God blamed Cain...not the rock. THE END.
Literally every suggestion he has made to address gun violence would make it WORSE.

Remember what happened the last time we tried to outlaw something on the grounds that more of it would lead to bad things for the public? Al Capone does.
But if your goal is protecting your family, how many guns do you need? One? Two? Is more than that even realistic? What real world scenario would require more guns? You think a gang is going to attack your house and stick around for a lengthy gun battle?
Where is the word family?

The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1791, states that "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."