I've given this some more thought. You're saying that two guns is probably ok...but more than two is a problem.
Why is that third gun so dangerous? How does limiting (see infringing) a person to two guns solve the "problem" as you see it?
Surely if we're going to go after the Constitutional rights of Americans, there's a point to it, right? What's the point?
Note the emotional investment that
@GatorTheo has in this issue. That gives away he's not a moderate.
Moderates moderate their opinions. It's literally in the name. The pick a side, usually in the center of an issue, but are completely open to moving or changing their position. The main point is they have no elevated level of emotional investment in their stances.
That's the exact opposite of theo. No poster here is more terrified of guns than he is. No poster here is more adamant about Trump being an asshole. Whenever election fraud is mentioned, theo immediately says 'when is this going to amount to something?' or 'Twitter isn't news, this isn't valid'.
Anyone that disagrees with him is in a cult. He says while exhibiting cultish behavior himself.
He checks off every box for being a derranged lib, and none of the boxes for being a moderate.
@armbar73 is a moderate, and he's nothing like theo. He rarely posts, and when he does he gets in, states his position (always in the middle of the issue), and then leaves the thread.
Theo adopts the extremist position and lives there for weeks. He will still be in this thread a month from now claiming that the Constitution says you can only buy 2 guns, and if you point out he said that, he claims he never said that and YOU are the one in a cult.
He's insane. Most derranged libs are.
"But I voted for Trump. TWICE! I say mean things about Biden! Doesn't that fool you into thinking I'm really a moderate?"
We truly have the worst.