You sure do go to a lot of effort to try to paint law-abiding gun owners as being the bad guys here. You claim they are dumb, gullible, insecure, and easily manipulated.
I think you are really talking about yourself. I think you are simply projecting your own behavior onto others to keep from addressing it in yourself.
I think you really are terrified of guns. But I think deep down, you know they are simply inanimate objects, and your terror is completely irrational. You wish you could overcome your fear, but you aren't strong enough.
So that creates internal angst with you. You attempt to relieve that angst, by projecting it onto an external tormentor. You tell yourself that the law-abiding gun owner is the one that's terrified. He's the one that's gullible, he's the one that's easily manipulated.
Not you. But deep down, you know it's you.